School Science Lessons

Biology, IP
| I. | J. | K. | L. | M. | N. | O. | P. |

Biology I
Genus names, I, (Iberis to Ixora)
Illusions, optical illusions
Imbibition, Imbibition in seeds and dried fruit, bean, pea
Immersion oil, Prepare immersion oil
Immunity, vaccinations
In vitro culture, Grow African violet, with in vitro culture
Incubators, brooders, chickens
Incubators, Microbiology
Infections, Bacterial infections, germ theory, Pasteur, Koch
Infections, contact tracing recommended, STIs, HIV, TB
Inflorescence, Types of inflorescence
Inoculate with a Pasteur pipette, Microbiology
Insects Class Insecta
Insulin, C257H383N65O77S6, hormone.
Interplanting, (Agriculture)
Intra-uterine devices, (IUDs) (contraception)
Invertase, invert sugar
Investigations, Experimental investigations
Iodine, Tincture of iodine, antiseptic solution

Biology J
Jasmine, (Jasmium officinale), Oleaceae
Jojoba oil
Juniper, Juniperus species, Cupressaceae, conifers

Biology K
Kaffir lime, (Citrus hystrix), Rutaceae
Kelps Ecklonia, Sargassum, Phaeophyta Division, (brown algae)
Kidney, Water in blood
Kingdom Animalia, (animals)
Kingdom Chromista
Kingdom Protista
Kitchen, Household, home, kitchen
Knop's solution, (Hydroponics)
Koch, Robert Koch, Bacterial infections, germ theory
Krebs cycle, Citric acid cycle

Biology L
Laboratory safety and hazardous chemicals
Lactase, (Microbiology)
Lactic acid, Prepare lactic acid with sourdough
Lactose, Prepare lactose from milk or whey using immobilized lactase.
Lady's mantle, (Alchemilla vulgaris), Rosaceae
Laminaria japonica, MSG, monosodium glutamate
Latex, Rubber, caoutchouc
Latin Square, Factors affecting plant growth
Lavender, (Lavendula angustifolia), Lamiaceae
Lavender oil
Lawn plate technique, Microbiology
Layering, (vegetative reproduction)
Leavening agents, (cooking)
Leaves, (Experiments)
Legumes, peas and beans
Lemon balm, (Melissa officinalis), Lamiaceae
Lemon grass, (Cymbopogon citratus), Poaceae
Lemon verbena, (Aloysia triphylla), Verbenaceae
Lenski's experiments with Escherichia coli, (Experiments)
Leucaena leucocephala
Levels of organization, Biosphere to atomic particle
LGV, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Chlamydia trachomatis
Lichens, Ascomycota
Licorice, (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Fabaceae
Light is necessary for photosynthesis
Lignotuber, Banksia, Eucalyptus
Lily, Lilium flower
Lime balm, (Melissa officinalis), Lamiaceae
Limewater Tests for carbon dioxide in the breath with limewater
Linagliptin, C25H28N8O2, hormone
Linden tree, (Tilia vulgaris), Tiliaceae
Linseed oil
Liver, Hydrogen peroxide with catalase enzyme in raw liver
Liverworts, Marchantiophyta Division
Lomentum, dry dehiscent fruit, clover
Louse, Pediculosis, Phthirus pubis
Lovage, (Levisticum officinale), Apiaceae
LSD, (Lysergic acid diethylamide) (drug abuse)
Lumbricus, earthworm, Phylum Annelida (annelids)
Lungs, Aerobic respiration
Lungs, Lung simulator
Luteinising hormone, (LH), hormone
Lycopodiophyta, Division, clubmoss

Biology M
Magnoliophyta, Division Magnoliophyta, flowering plants
Marshmallow, (Althaea officinalis), Malvaceae
Maize, (Zea mays, Indian corn)
Maize, Popcorn, pericarp of maize
Male reproduction system, (humans)
Malt, (maltose)
Mammalia, mammals
Mango, (Agriculture)
Mangroves, Apogeotropic roots
Marchantiophyta, Liverworts
Marcotting, air layering, (Agriculture)
Measurement, (Physics)
Media, Prepare Biology media
Media, Prepare culture media to identify fungi
Melanin Tyrosine derivatives
Melatonin, C13H16N2O2, hormone
Mendel's laws, Drosophila experiments
Meristematic tissues, (Plant tissue types)
Metabolism, Human body, growth
Methoprene, C19H34O3, hormone
Prepare microbiology cultures: 4.1.0
Prepare microscopy stains and adhesives: 7.0
Microscopes, care, use, staining techniques, wet mounts
Prepare fresh material for microscope work (wet mount): 2.5.7
Microsporum, Phylum Ascomycota, (tinea)
Mifepristone, C29H35NO2, hormone
Milk, cheese, dairy products
Mineral, Mineral deficiency experiment, hydroponics, EDTA
Mineral, Plants need mineral salts, maize
Mints, (Mentha aquatica), Lamiaceae
Molluscs Phylum Mollusca
Monocotyledons and dicotyledons
Monoecious, dioecious and hermaphrodite plants
Mother of herbs, (Plectranthus amboinicus), Lamiaceae
"Morning after pill", Emergency contraceptive pills, ECPs
Morphine, and derivatives, (drug abuse)
Mosquito, Order Diptera (life cycle, sprays, repellents)
Mosses, Division Bryophyta
Mountain sickness and hyperventilation
Mould, Bathroom and kitchen mould
Mouldy bread, Rhizopus, bread mould
MSG, Monosodium glutamate, sodium hydrogen glutamate
Mucor mucedo, (cheese-making), (fungus)
Mugwort, (Artemisia vulgaris), Asteraceae
Mulching soil, (Agriculture)
Mullein black, (Verbascum nigrum), Scrophulariaceae
Mung bean, green gram (Vigna radiata)
Muscles, use the muscles
Mushroom plant, (Rungia klossii), (Acanthaceae)
Mustard, (spice)
Mycoplasma, Mycoplasma genitalium, (STI)
Mycorrhizal plants, Eucalyptus, Dipodium
Mycosphaerella, sigatoka, (fungus)
Myrtle, (Myrtus communis), Myrtaceae

Biology N
Nacre, CaCO3, (mother of pearl)
Nastic movements, Thermonastic responses
Natural products, Chemistry of natural products
Natural selection, (Evolution)
Neatsfoot oil
Nematodes Phylum Nematoda, (roundworms)
Nervous system, human senses
Nettle, (Urtica dioica), Urticaceae
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, (Experiment)
Nitrogen cycle, (Agriculture)
Nodules and galls, Rhizobium
Not-flowering plants
NSU, Non-specific urethritis, Chlamydia
Nose and smelling, taste, flavour, odour
Nostoc, Division Cyanophyta,"blue-green algae"
Nitrogen cycle
Nitrogenous bases (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine or Uracil)
Norepinephrine, C8H11NO3, hormone
Nut, single hardened achene, dry indehiscent fruit
Nutrient agar, Microbiological base ingredients

Biology O
Oils, (edible, essential, fixed, vegetable)
Olive tea tree, (Leptospermum liversidgei), Myrtaceae
Olives, (Agriculture)
Onion, (Allium cepa)
Onion leaf scale cells, onion leaf epidermis, bulb
Optical illusions
Oral contraceptives
Oregon grape, (Berberis aquifolium), Berberidaceae
ORS special drink, (oral rehydration salts), Children with diarrhoea
Osmosis, osmotic pressure, reverse osmosis
Osmotic pressure and suction potential in dandelion
Ovules, Carpels and ovules, lily
Oxygen, Oxygen content of inhaled and exhaled air
Oxygen gas is formed during photosynthesis, Elodea
Oxytocin, C43H66N12O12S2, hormone

Biology P
Pandan, (Pandanus amaryllifolius), Pandanaceae
Papaya, Papaya Project
Papyrus, Cyperaceae
Panama disease, fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum), bananas
Parasitic diseases, Arthropod parasitic diseases
Parenchyma, Plant tissue types
Parsley, (Petroselinium crispum), Apiaceae
Passionflower, (Passiflora caerulea). Passifloraceae
Pasteur, Bacterial infections, germ theory
Pasteur, Pasteur's spontaneous generation experiment
Pasteur, Pasteurization of milk
Pasteur, Pasteurized milk test
Pasture tropical grasses
Patchouli, (Pogostemon patchouli), Lamiaceae
Pea pod, dry dehiscent fruit
Peas, Legumes, peas, beans
Peanut, (Arachis hypogaea), Groundnut, Fabaceae
Peanuts Separate by solvent extraction of oil from peanuts.
Pediculosis, louse, Phthirus pubis
PID, Pelvic inflammatory disease
Penicillium, penicillin
Penis, male latex condom
Pepo, gourd, succulent fruit, fleshy fruit
Pepper, black pepper, spice, Piper nigrum
Pepper, (Capsicum annuum var. annuum), Solanaceae
Pepper, (Piper nigrum), Piperaceae
Perennial basil, (Ocimum basilicum 'African Blue'), Lamiaceae
Perennial coriander, (Eryngium foetidum), Apiaceae
Pericarp, Popcorn, pericarp of maize
Periderm, Plant tissue types (Table)
Periderm, Stem with secondary thickening
Perilla, (Perilla frutescens), Lamiaceae
Peronospora, downy mildew, Phylum Oomycota
Persistence of vision, Spinning picture illusion, Thaumatrope
Pesticides, (Agriculture)
Petri dish
Petrol-sniffing, (drug abuse)
pH tests
Phaeophyceae, brown algae
Phanerogams and Cryptogams
Phellem, Plant tissue types (Table), cork
Phloem, (plant tissue)
Phycobiliproteins, (nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria), Anabaena
Phycocolloids, Polysaccharide gums, Gums
Phycomycetes, (algae-like fungi)
Phylloclades, (butcher's broom Ruscus aculeatus)
Phyllodes, Acacia
Physiology, Human Physiology and Health
Phytophthora, (potato blight)
Pigs, Pig Project
Pineapple, Pineapple Project
Pinus, species, conifers
Pinus, Dispersal of pine seed by swelling movements
Plant anatomy
Plant classification, Telopea speciosissima
Plant diseases
Plant family names
Plant fertilizers, organic farming, chemical-free farming
Plant growth
Plant Kingdom
Plant names, (common names)
(Index includes plant scientific names.)
Plant embryos Development of plant embryos
Plant nutrients, (Soils)
Plant oils
Plant body, angiosperms
Plant pests
Plant physiology, Colloids, Osmosis, Plasmolysis, Tests for reducing sugars, Vitamins
Plant physiology, Hydroponics, Plant growth, Seed germination, Tropisms
Plant protection, insect pests and diseases, (Agriculture)
Plants, (Websites)
Plants, Division Magnoliophyta, flowering plants
Plants, Genus names, Scientific names
Plants, Monoecious, dioecious and hermaphrodite plants
Plants, Mycorrhizal plants, Eucalyptus, Dipodium
Plants, Mycorrhizal roots, birch, pine, heather, bird's nest orchid
Plants growing in the dark, phototropism
Plants, Plants in dry environments, Acacia, Opuntia
Plants, Plants need mineral salts, maize
Plants, (Primary)
Plants, Common names of plants, A to Z
Plants, Scientific names of plants, A to Z (Genus names)
Plasmids, recombinant DNA
Plastic bag over leaves, Transpiration into plastic bag
Platyhelminthes Phylum Platyhelminthes, (flatworms, flukes and tapeworms)
Pleodorina, Chlorophyta Division
Pleurococcus, (Protococcus), Chlorophyta Division
Poaceae, Grass family
Pod, Legume, dry dehiscent fruit
Pollution, Environmental chemistry
Pome, Succulent fruit, fleshy fruit
Pond community
Pooter, ant sucker, (gif)
Popcorn, pericarp of maize
Population, Human population growth
Porifera Phylum Porifera (sponges)
Post-fertilization, ovule, embryo sac, endosperm
Potato, Solanum tuberosum, (Experiments)
Potometer, Transpiration rates using a potometer
Potting mix, (Agriculture)
Prednisolone, C21H28O5, hormone
Pregnancy, (human)
Prickly pear, (Opuntia ficus-indica), Cactaceae.
Prions, "Mad cow disease"
Probiotic, Yoghurt and lactic acid bacteria "Yakult"
Progestin, Emergency contraceptive pills, ECPs
Progesterone, C21H30O2, hormone
Prokaryotes, bacteria
Prolactin, hormone
Protease, (Microbiology)
Protect coral reefs, (Primary)
Protect mangroves, (Primary)
Protective clothing and equipment
Protists, Kingdom Protista
Protozoa Phylum Protozoa (protozoans)
Psilotopsida, Division, whisk ferns
Pteridophyta, Ferns, Horsetails
Puberty and adolescence
Puccinia, wheat rust, (fungus)
Pulse, Feel your pulse, electrocardiogram
Pulse, Human pulse rate, recording and averaging
Pulses, Edibel seed of leguminous crops
Pumpkin, (Cucurbita pepo), Cucurbitaceae
Pumpkin, Phloem cells of pumpkin, Cucurbita
Pumpkin, Pumpkin seed oil, Dichromatism
Punnet square, ("checkerboard"), Mendel's experiments
Purple coneflower, (Echinacea purpurea), Asteraceae

Potato Solanum tuberosum
Potato, (Solanum tuberosum), Irish potato, Solanaceae
Experiments Hydrogen peroxide on cut potato
Chaconine (glycoalkaloid poison, in green potato skins)
Phytophthora (potato blight)
33.3.7 Potato cell, noisy potato cell
9.188 Control of evaporation by potato skin, apple peel Potato stem tuber
12.3.6 Potato puncture, push drinking straw through a potato
9.4.9 Sprouting potato tuber
9.175 Turgor pressure in a potato
9.132a Tests for amylose and amylopectin
9.133 Tests for starch in potato tuber cells

Phanerogams and Cryptogams
(Greek phanerós 'visible', gaméō 'to marry' ), so visible reproduction and have seed
Phanerogams, plants with visible sex organs, 52 families proposed by Michael Adamson, 1727-1806, France
Phanerogams are now called spermatophytes, for plants that produce seeds, i.e. the seed plants.
A plant or plant-like organism that reproduces by spores, without flowers or seeds.
(Greek kruptós 'hidden', gaméō 'to marry' ), so hidden reproduction and no seed
Cryptogams include algae, lichens, mosses, and ferns
Revealing the world of cryptogams, CSIRO