School Science Lessons

Chemistry, P
Please send comments to:
Packaging gases
Paint Lead paint
Paint Red lead
Paint, (Safety)
Palladium, Pd
Palm oil, Palm kernal oil, (Table)
Palmitic acid
Palmitoleic acid
Pampl's insect fixing solution, Prepare
Pantothenic acid
Papanicolaou stain, Prepare
Paper chromatography, Separate, (Experiments)
Paper clips, rusting, (Experiment)
Para-cresol, (See: 3.)
Paradichlorbenzene, C6H4Cl2
Paraffin, Paraffin oil, Alkanes CnH2n+2
Paramethyl red, acid-base indicator
Paranitrophenol, acid-base indicator
Paraquat, (Agriculture)
Paris Green, Copper (II) acetoarsenite
Particles of matter, Diffusion
Particles, Suspensions
Particles, Size, (Experiments)
Particles, Surface / volume ratio
Parts per million, (Measurement)
Pascal, See: 5. Pressure (stress), SI derived units
Pasteurization of milk
Pasteurized milk test, (Experiment)
PBDE, Pentabromodiphenyl ether
PCBs, Dioxins, Agent orange
Pectin, (Experiments)
Pegmatite, (Geology)
Peltier effect, (Experiments)
Pencil, "Lead pencils", (Chemistry, Geology)
Pencil sharpener, Mg, (Experiment)
Penicillium, penicillin
Pentane, C5H12
Pentobarbital, Barbiturates
Pentose, 5 C
Pepper, (Experiments)
Pepsin, (Experiments)
Peptides, (Experiments)
Percentage solutions
Perchloric acid
Perfluoroalkyls, PFAS
Perfluorooctanoic, PFOA
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, PFOS
Perfume, Volatility of different liquids
Perfume, Perfumes and smells, (Experiments)
Periclase, MgO, (Experiments)
Perilla ketone
Perillyl alcohol
Periodic acid
Periodic table
Perlolyrine alkaloid
Perlon plastic, Nylon polyamide
Permalloy bar
Prepare chemicals
Permanent crease solution, (Experiments)
Permanganate ion
Permanganates, hazards
Permeate (cheese), (Experiments)
Permitted in schools
Peroxides, Hazards
Persistence, (Agriculture)
Peru balsam, Prepare
Plagioclase feldspars, (Geology)
Pesticides, (Agriculture)
PET, Birefringent clear plastics, (Experiments)
PETE, Plastics recycling code
Petrol sniffing
Petrolatum, "Vaseline", (TN)
Petroleum, (Experiments)
Petroselenic acid
PFAS chemicals
PFOA, Perfluorooctanoic acid
PFOS, Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid
pH tests, (Experiments)
Phaseolic acid
Phenethyl alcohol
Phenethyl isothiocyanate
Phenobarbital, Barbiturates
Phenol red, acid-base indicator
Phenolic compounds, by name
Phenolphthalein, acid-base indicator
Phenols, by number of Carbon atoms
Phenothiazine, PTZ
Phenyl group, (C6H5)
Phenylalanine, C9H11NO2
Phenylamine, Aniline, C6H5NH2
Phenylamine, Prepare
Phosgene, carbonyl chloride
Phosphates, (Experiments)
Phosphatidylcholine group, Lecithins
Phospholipids, phosphoglycerides, (Experiment)
Phosphoric acid
Phosphorus, P
Phosphorus compounds, (Experiments)
Phosphorylation, (Experiments)
Photochemical reactions, (Experiments)
Photography, (Experiments)
Phthalic acid, Phthalates
Phthaleins, Fluorescein
Phytochemicals, by trivial names
Physics, Laboratory safety for physics teaching
Physics, Physical changes and chemical changes, (Experiments)
Physical hazards, (Safety)
Physcion 8-glucoside
Picric acid
PIDCP, Tests for vitamin C, (Experiments)
Piezoelectric, (Experiments)
Pig iron, cast iron
Pigment names
Pigments, (Experiments)
Plant dyes, Prepare, (Primary)
Plant extracts acid-base indicators
Ping-pong ball, Ignite, (Experiment)
Pinitol, Cyclitol
Piped gas, "lab gas"
Piperonyl butoxide
Pitch, (Chemistry)
Pitchblende, Uraninite, (Geology)
pKa, Strong and weak acids
Placer deposits, (Geology)
Plagioclase feldspar, (See: Group 2.)
Plant extracts
Plant gall ink
Plant oils
Perlon plastic, Nylon polyamide
Plaster of Paris, (Experiments)
Plasticine, modelling clay
Plating, Electroplating
Platinum, Pt
Plutonium, Pu
Polymethyl methacrylate
Poisons and First Aid, (Table)
Poisons, Chemical Pesticides
Poisson's ratio, v, (rubber hose), (Experiment)
Polarization, Polaroid film
Pollution, Environmental chemistry, (Air, Water)
Polonium, Po
Polymers and plastics
Pools, Swimming pool chemistry
Porcelain, laboratory items
Porphyrins, haemoglobin
Porphyry, (Geology)
Portland cement
Potash, K2O
Potassium, K
Potential energy, Chemical potential energy, enthalpy
Poultices, Prepare
Pozzolana, (Geology)
PP, Plastics recycling code
Parts per million
Practical work, student learning
Praseodymium, Pr
Precious metals
Precipitates, (Experiments)
Prefixes and suffixes, Chemistry
Prefixes, SI prefixes
Prepare chemicals
Preservatives, food additives
Preserving food, Food preservation
Pressure, (Physics)
Proactinium, Pa
Producer gas
Prohibited High Risk Chemicals
Proline, (Table of amino acids)
Proline, DNA codons
Promethium, Pm
Proof spirit, Degrees proof
Prop-2-enal, acrolein
Propan-1,2-diol, propylene glycol
Propanal, propionaldehyde
Propane C3H8
Propanethiol, Propane-1-thiol
Propane-1,2,3-triol, Glycerol, glycerin, glycerine
Propanedioic acid, malonic acid, C3H4O4
Propanoic acid, propionic acid, C3H6O2
Propanone, acetone
Propellants, packaging gases, food additives
Propyl bromide, 1-bromopropane
Propyl gallate
Propylamine, amine
Propylene glycol, antifreeze
Proscillaridin A
Protease, (Microbiology)
Protective clothing, equipment, (Safety)
Proteins, (Experiments)
Protocatechuic acid
Prussian blue, iron (III) ferrocyanide, (Experiments)
PS, Plastics recycling code
PTC, phenylthiocarbamide, (Experiment)
Phenylthiourea solution, Prepare
PTFE, Polytetrafluoroetheylene, "Teflon"
Pumice, (Geology)
Pumpkin seed oil, Dichromatism
Pure substances, Separate pure substances from mixtures, (Experiments)
7.2.0 Pure substances and impure substances
Putty, Prepare
Pyrene, Reactions of benzene, (Experiments)
Pyrethrin, (Agriculture)
Pyrex, Borosilicate glass
Pyridine-3-carboxylic acid, nicotinic acid, niacin
Pyrimidine, Nucleosides, nucleic acids, DNA, RNA
Pyrite, iron (II) sulfide, (Experiments)
Pyrite, (Geology)
Pyroelectricity, ferroelectricity, (Geology)
Pyrocatochuic acid
Pyrogallol, (Experiments)
Pyrolusite, manganese (IV) oxide
Pyromorphite, (Geology)
Pyrophoric liquids
Pyrophoric solids
Pyroxylin, Collodion, cellulose nitrate
Pyrrhotite, iron sulfide, (Geology)
Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloids
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Pyruvic acid

Pachypodol, C18H16O7, a trimethoxyflavone, anti-emetic
It occurs in Korean mint, (Agastache rugosa), Combretum quadrangulare, and in Euodia elleryana.

Palladium, Pd
Palladium Table of the Elements
Palladium, RSC
Palladium, Pd (Greek Pallas (Athene) goddess), white metal, hard, ductile, transition metal, free element, similar to silver. was called "new silver".
It was used for contact points for flintlock pistols, boiling vessels and crucibles.
Now used as foil, powder and wire, in low voltage electrical contacts, and as catalysts for organic chemical synthesis and carbon bond forming reactions, e.g. C-C.
It is a lustrous silver-white metal.
It is resistant to corrosion in air and acids, but is attacked by hot acids, and dissolves in aqua regia.
It can absorb up to 900 times its own volume of hydrogen.
Iy is used in jewellery as "white gold" alloys with platinum.
It is now the main ingredient of catalytic converters to reduce emissions from car exhausts, replacing platinum.
Also, it is used in wide screen televisions, computers and mobile phones, as tiny multi-layer ceramic capacitors.
Atomic number 46, Atomic mass 106.42 g. mol-1, Density 11.9 at 20C
M. P, 1560 oC, 9 isotopes, Standard electrode potential + 0.85 V (Pd2+/ Pd )
Palladium (II) acetate, Palladium (II) chloride, Palladium AAS Solution

Palmitic acid
Palmitic acid, CH3(CH2)14COOH, saturated fatty acid, hexadecanoic acid, cetylic acid
It occurs in olive oil, coconut oil and palm oil.
Palmitic alcohol, hexadecanoic, cetyl alcohol, 1-hexadecanol, CH3(CH2)15OH
Palmityl alcohol, CH3(CH2)14CH2OH, hexadecanol

Palmitoleic acid
Palmitoleic acid, C16H30O2, CH3(CH2)5CH=CH(CH 2)7COOH, irritant, unsaturated fatty acid, carboxylesterase inhibitor
It occurs in glycerides of human adipose tissue, and in human blood serum.
It is possibly anti-thrombotic to prevent stroke.
It occurs in Macadamia integrifolia.

Pancreatin (commercial product), is an alcohol extract of hog pancreas used as enzyme replacement therapy.
Pancreatin contains pancreatic enzymes, trypsin, amylase, and lipase, and is used as a digestive aid.
Pancreatin is used to replace digestive enzymes when the body does not have enough of its own.
9.2.5 Digestion in the intestines, pancreatin suspension

Pancracine, C16H17NO4 an isoquinoline alkaloid , occurs in Pancratium maritimum, and Amaryllis belladonna

Pantothenic acid
Pantothenic acid, C9H17NO5, vitamin B5, the D-isomer is a water-soluble essential nutrient in most food, especially egg yolks, sunflower seeds, blueberries, mulberries, cherry tomatoes.
Pantothenic acid, an antioxidant, is a component of coenzyme A (CoA) and a part of the vitamin B2 complex, growth factor essential for many metabolic functions and synthesis of cholesterol, steroid hormones, and other biochemicals.
Calcium pantothenate, C18H32CaN2O10, is used as a stable dietary supplement.
19.2.5 Freezing, thawing and cold storage of meat
13.12 Nutritional value of eggs

Paracetamol, C8H9NO2, CH3CONHC6H4OH, acetaminophen, 4-Acetamidophenol, Tylenol, odourless, white crystalline solid, bitter taste. aqueous solution pH 6
It is a non-narcotic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, the most commonly taken analgesic, and helps to reduce> It occurs in varios forms including effervescent tablets and in other medications where dosage may vary.
The suggested dose of paracetamol for adults and children 12 years and over is: no more than 1g every 4 to 6 hours, a total of 4g daily
Paraldehyde, C6H12O3, colourless liquid, hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant, but seldom used, because administration difficult, so now a former sedative.

Parchment, treated animal skin, (French parchemin, pergumin, writing material)

Patuletin, C16H12O8, (6-Methoxyquercetin), Quercetagetin 6-methyl ether, Trimethoxyflavone, antioxidant, analgesic, lipoxygenase inhibitor,
It occurs in German camomile, pigment from flowers of French marigold, Tagetes patul.

Pectin is a heteropolysaccharide from the cell wall of higher plants.
It is composed of linked methylated polygalacturonic acid units.
Pectin qualifies as a generally recognized as safe food substance, which allows it be used with no food limitations.
16.1.9 Pectin
4.3.2 Pectins and pectinases
Pectins, E440, Emulsifiers, food additives
16.5.8, Tests for pectin in jelly and jam

Pedalitin, C16H12O7, flavone, tetrahydroxyflavone, monomethoxyflavone, xanthine oxidase inhibitor, inhibits lipogenase
It occurs in Eremosparton songoricum, Rabdosia japonica, Ruellia tuberosa, sesame Sesamum indicum, and in Sullivantia.

Pelargonidin, C15H11O5, an anthocyanin, (produced from flavylium,C15H11O+, grape skin extract), orange pigment
It occurs in human gut microbiota, berries, kidney beans, Philodendron, snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus)

Pelargonin, C27H31O15, pelargonidin, (3,5-di-beta-D-glucoside), anthocyanin
It occurs in Mukul myrrh tree, (Comiphora mukul).

Pentan-1-ol, colourless liquid, bad smell
Pentan-1-ol, C5H12O, 1-pentanol, n-amyl alcohol, n-amyl alcohol, normal amyl alcohol, toxic, Flammable
Pentan-1-ol, Solution < 25%, Not hazardous
Pentan-2-ol, C5H12O, 2-pentanol, sec-amyl alcohol, n-pentyl alcohol, toxic by all routes, Flammable
Pentan-2-one, methyl propyl ketone, toxic by all routes, Highly flammable
Pentan-3-one, diethyl ketone, toxic by all routes, Highly flammable

Pentyl -(C5H11)
Pentyl alcohol, C5H11OH, pentan-1-ol (amyl alcohol, n-pentyl alcohol)
Pentyl butyrate, n-amyl butyrate (apricot odour), moderate flammability
Pentyl ethanoate, C5H12O, n-amyl acetate, normal amyl acetate, pentyl acetate, 1-pentanol
Pentyl propanoate, n-amyl propionate, Highly flammable
Prepare amyl acetate, (pear oil): 16.3.7, n-pentyl acetate

Peonidin, C16H13O6, anthocyanin
It occurs in Lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium).
Peonidin chloride, C16H13ClO6, anthocyanidin chloride, antineoplastic, apoptosis induce, antioxidant

Pepper, black pepper, spice, Piper nigrum
Black pepper, (Piper nigrum), "pepper", commercial pepper
Separate pepper from salt and pepper: 31.2.7, jumping pepper
Sprinkle salt on water, surface contracts momentarily towards crystals, opposite with pepper.
Use pepper, black pepper, around skirting boards before carpeting to deter silverfish.
Chilli Project
Chilli pepper, Capsicum annuum, Solanaceae
In the U.S. the Capsicum species are called "peppers".

Peptides have amino acids linked in a linear sequence, where the carboxyl group of a amino acid is linked to the amino group of the next amino acid.
A covalent bond forms between the carbonyl carbon of a amino acid with the nitrogen atom of the next amino acid, with the loss of water.
Peptides include structures formed from α-amino acids and from any amino carboxylic acid.
Natural peptides include oxytocin (uterus contraction hormone and stimulates lactation), and insulin (pancreatic hormone).
ATP, adenosine triphosphate: 16.2.4
Blood constituents (humans): 9.1.2
Construct molecular models: 11.2.3
Glycoproteins and glycolipids: 16.2.2
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide): 5.5.18
Tests for proteins, biuret test: 9.4.2
Tests for proteins, heat test for proteins: 9.4.4

Peptone is a soluble protein formed during protein breakdown in the digestive tract
Peptone is a water-soluble mixture of polypeptides and amino acids from partial hydrolysis of protein, e.g. beef peptone

Perchloric acid
Perchloric acid, HClO4, ClHO4, chloric (VII) acid, 70% W/W (strong acid), clear, colourless, odourless aqueous solution, toxic by all routes.
Perchloric acid, strong oxidizing agent if hot, spontaneous explosion of soaked wood, explosive mixture with combustibles or organic compounds
It is corrosive to metals and tissues, closed containers may rupture. violently if heated.
Perchloric acid should not be used or stored in a school science laboratory.
Perchlorates, (ClO4-)
Storing oxidizing agents: 3.7.8.

Periodic acid
Periodic acid, HIO4 and H5IO6, toxic by all routes, explosive mixture with combustibles or organic compounds.
ACS reagent, 100 g in glass bottle

Periodic Table
See Periodic Table (Modern Teaching Aids)
Introduction to the periodic table: 1.10.1
Oxides and the periodic table: 12.13.5
Patterns in the periodic table: 1.10.2
Periodic table: Table 1
Periods: 1.11.0

Permanganate ion
Permanganate ion, manganate (VII) ion, (MnO4-)
Permanganates have purple colour and are soluble in water, noncombustible.
They accelerate burning of combustible material, especially finely divided material when permanganates may spontaneously ignite.
Contact of permanganates with sulfuric acid may cause fire or explosion.

Permethrin, C21H20Cl2O3, ester, pale brown liquid. Relatively water insoluble, sold as: "Nix, Ambush, Pounce, Transpermethrin"
Pyrethrins occur in pyrethruµm extract from chrysantheµmuµm flowers.
The pyrethrins are used in household insecticides and products to control insects on pets or livestock.
Pyrethroids are similar manufactured chemicals, which are ore toxic and last longer in the environment.

Permitted in schools
Quantity of chemical to be used in experiments: 3.4.11, (5 mL of solution, or ...)
Chemical residues: 3.3.0
Chemical hazzards
Chemical Standards National Formulary, NF
Chemical vapours and smelling chemicals3.4.4
Prohibited High Risk Chemicals, Department of Education, Queensland Government

Petroleum, petrol, gasoline, "gas", Highly flammable, toxic by all routes.
Do not inhale vapour and do not use petrol as a paint "thinner".
Distil crude oil and collect the fractions: : 10.3.9
Fractional distillation of crude oil: 16.8.1
Petrol, "gas", gasoline, motor fuel: 16.8.9
Petroleum (crude oil and gas): 35.3.10, (Geology)
Petrol-sniffing (Abuse of volatile substances): 5.5.2
Petroleum-based spray oils, + emulsifying agent, horticultural oils, block insect spiracles, e.g. "PestOil"
Petroleum ether, Cleaning agents, solvents: 2.3.7, (See: 4.5)
Petroleum gas; 16.8.10
Petroleum fraction: 7.4.45
Petroleum spirit: 7.4.46
Petroleum jelly, "Vaseline", petrolatum
Separate by fractional distillation: 10.3.6

Petroselenic acid
Petroselenic acid, C18H34O2, (6-Octadecenoic acid), irritant, and is used as a major seed oil constituent.
It occurs in parsley Petroselenium crispum seed, Agaricus blazei, and Angelica ternata.

Petunidin, C16H13O7+ , Petunidol anion, an O-methylated anthocyanidin
It occurs in Aronia, Amelanchier alnifolia, Vitis vinifera, Vitis rotundifolia, Vicia faba, petal colours, and in sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus).
Petunidol chloride, C16H13ClO7, anthocyanidin chloride, petunidin is the cationic component.

Pewter, malleable, alloy of mostly Sn, + some Cu, Sb, and Bi, previously used for cheap mugs and dishes.

pH tests
Acid-base indicators
Adjusting the pH of swimming pool water
Change in pH near the equivalence point: 12.2.2
pH: 12.3.6
pH of salt solutions: 12.10.7
pH of solid acids: 19.1.11
pH of swimming pools: 18.3.0
pH soil test: 6.10.7
Prepare acid-base indicators:
Prepare acid-base plant extract indicators: 5.6.3
Soil acidity: 6.1.0
Tests for pH of the environment: 18.6.7
Tests with multiple reagent strips: 19.5.6, (See: pH tests)

7.9.15 Phase, Continuous phase / outer phase
24.10.0 Phase changes, liquid / solid, M P, and F P
24.11.0 Phase changes, liquid / gas, boiling point, B P

Phaseolic acid
Phaseolic acid, C13H12O8, phenylpropanoid, an oxybutanedioic acid, hydroxycinnamic acid
It occurs in Phaseolus vulgaris leaves, in Trifolium pratense, in Raphanus sativus.
Phaseolin, C20H10O4, phytoalexin, occurs in Phaseolus vulgaris, French bean, Fabaceae, and in the stems of Erythrina species.

Phenyl group, (C6H5)
1-phenylazo-2-naphthol, sudan I, C.I. Solvent Yellow 14, toxic. skin irritant, purchase solution
3-phenylpropenoate, C11H12O2, (Ethyl cinnamate, 3-phenylpropenoate, toxic, Flammable)
3-phenyl propenoic acid, C9H8O2, C9H10O2, C6H5CH:CHCOOH, cinnamic acid, toxic if ingested
Phenyl benzoate, C13H10O2 (recrystallization experiments, ethanol solvent), benzene substitute, toxic, Irritant, Flammable
Phenyl bromide, Bromobenzene: 12.6.3

Phenylalanine, C9H11NO2
Phenylalanine, C9H11NO2, L-phenylalanine, a phenylpropanoic acid, odourless white crystalline powder, slightly bitter taste
Phenylalanine is an essential aromatic amino acid and is a precursor of melanin, C18H10N2O4.
Phenylalanine, DNA codons
Phenylalanine, sweetener: 19.2.6
Phenylalanine (Table of amino acids)
Phenylalanine, DNA codons
Aniline, C6H5NH2, phenylamine
Phenylethene, (C6H5CH,CH2), vinyl benzene, styrene
Phenylhydrazine, C6H8N2, Highly toxic by all routes
Phenylhydrazine, C6H8N2, Solution / mixture < 1%, Not hazardous
Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride, phenylhydrazinium chloride, Highly toxic by all routes
Phenylthiocarbamide, C7H8N2S, PTC, phenylthiourea, (PTU), tasters: 9.9.5
Phenylthiocarbamide, C7H8N2S, PTC: 3.19
Phenylthiourea, C7H8N2S, phenylthiocarbamide, 1-phenyl-2-thiourea (rat poison), Highly toxic if ingested, asthmatics may be allergic
Phenylthiourea, C7H8N2S, 0.1% solution soaked in paper used for taster / non-taster genetic test, Experiment Not permitted in schools
Phenylurea, C6H5NHCONH2, phenylcarbamate, toxic if ingested

Phytoalexins are toxic substances, usually isoflavonoids or terpenoids, produced in plants only after stimulation by pathogenic fung, bacteria, and nematodes.
The phytoalexins are produced by healthy cells near damaged cells in response to substances diffusing from the damaged cells.
Phytoalexins include: | Phaseollin, C20H10O4 in bean | Pisatin, C17H14O6 in pea | Glyceollin, C20H18O5, in soybean | Rishitin, C14H22O2 in potato | Gossypol, C30H30O8 in cotton | Capsidiol, C15H24O2 in pepper |.

1,10-phenanthroline monohydrate, use in fume cupboard or < 10 g in cross ventilation (redox indicator), toxic
1,10-phenanthroline iron complex, ferroin solution (redox indicator), toxic if ingested
1,10-phenanthroline iron complex, [10-phenanthroline with iron (II) salt], purchase already diluted solution

Phenethyl alcohol
Phenethyl alcohol, C8H10O or C6H5CH2CH2OH, benzeneethanol, benzyl carbinol, phenol, benzene, primary alcohol, irritant
It is used as a fragrance in rose perfume, plant growth retardant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, disinfectant, aromatic essence and preservative in pharmaceutics.
It occurs in almond flavouring ingredient, in ylang-ylang oil, in citrus essential oils, in Zanthoxylum, in Rosa rugosa, in Pinus, in Piper longum, in Populus.

Perovskite, calcium titanate mineral, CaTiO3, used in newer solar cells, (Geology)

Phenylpropanolamine, (PPA). Norephedrine, β-hydroxyamphetamine, C9H13NO, irritant, stimulates release of norepinephrine.
It acts in the mucosa of the respiratory tract causing vasoconstriction and reduction in swelling of nasal mucous membranes.
It is used as a decongestant and appetite suppressant, formerly in commercial cough and cold medicine, but no longer used in USA and Canada.
β-hydroxyamphetamine has 4 isomers,d- and l-norephedrine and d- and l-norpseudoephedrine.
d-Norpseudoephedrine is Cathine, and it occurs in Catha edulis (khat).

Phenyl salicylate
Phenyl salicylate, C13H10O3, phenyl-2-hydroxybenzoate, salol, toxic if ingested, flammable.
Phenyl salicylate is prepared by heating salicylic acid with phenol It is used in experiments to show cooling rates affect crystal size.
It was formerly in sunscreens.

Phenoxyethanol, C8H10O2, ethylene glycol monophenyl ether, colorless oily liquid. faint aromatic pleasant odour
It is used as a perfume fixative, insect repellent, antiseptic, solvent, preservative, to inactivate bacteria, and yeast, and a fish anesthetic!
It is the most commonly used preservative in personal care formulations. sunscreens, and cosmetics.
It occurs in green tea and it is produced chemically by: phenol + ethylene oxide (EU)
Phloroglucinol, C6H6O3, (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene), harmful if ingested, corrosive to skin
It is used as wood stain.
It occurs in Cytospora ceratosperma, and Humulus lupulus.
Prepare phloroglucinol solution: 7.35

Phosphine, PH3, gas, colourless, flammable, high toxic, rotten fish garlic smell, silicon solid state device doping agent, grain insecticide "QuickPhos"
It occurs in marsh lights, (will-o'-the-wisp), from decayed organic matter.
Diphosphane, P2H4

"Glow in Dark Sheet and Pen", UV light pen on GID phosphorescent sheet, (toy product)
"Glow Jumping Putty", phosphorescence (toy product)
Phosphorescence is the green glow from the slow oxidation of white phosphorus, an example of chemiluminescence.
However, the term phosphorescence is also used to describe a situation when the luminescence persists although the exciting cause has been removed.
A phosphorescent material irradiated with UV light will emit light of a lower energy for an appreciable interval of time.
If a phosphorescent powder is irradiated with another fluorescent material, when radiation source is removed the phosphorescent powder emits light.
Marine phosphorescence is not caused by phosphorus, but by chemical reactions in bioluminescent bacteria.
However, rotting herring glows, caused by combustion of rotting products, Diphosphane, P2H4.
Phosphorescent minerals continue to emit light after the ultraviolet light ceases.
Europium, Eu
Yttrium, Y
Terbium, Tb
14.3.2 Fluorophores

Phosphorus, P
Phosphorus Table of Elements
Phosphorus, RSC
Phosphorus, P, (Greek phōsphoros, light-bringing), non-metal, allotropes, white waxy solid, in minerals and organisms.
It occurs mainly as phosphates and in many minerals, e.g. apatite.
Phosphorus has 2 main allotropes:
1. White phosphorus, yellow phosphorus, translucent, white-yellow, very reactive, poisonous, not permitted in schools.
2. Red phosphorus, high mp. low reactivity, low toxicity.
Phosphorus-32, reactor-produced medical radioisotope, half-life 14.28 days, used to treat excess red blood cells.
Phosphates are important agricultural fertilizers, e.g. the P in NPK fertilizer.
Phosphorus occurs as inorganic calcium phosphate in bones and teeth, in tissue and in the ATP molecule, and in urine.
The recommended daily allowance, RDA, is 1200 mg.
Phosphoric acid, H3PO4, behaves as a tribasic acid, although the normal salts are much hydrolysed in solution.
Phosphorescence is the green glow from the slow oxidation of white phosphorus and is an example of chemiluminescence.
Phosphorus deficiency in soils: 6.12.4
Phosphorus deficiency: 1.11.0
Phosphorus soil tests, Bray test and Colwell test: 6.10.8
DEA list of chemicals: 3.9.5 (See: phosphorus)
Red phosphorus, P4
Red phosphorus: Safety matches
White phosphorus, P4, yellow phosphorus

Phosphorus compounds
Reactions of phosphorus compounds: 12.9.0
Decomposition of phosphates: 3.7.16
Detergent phosphates: 12.5.4
Diphosphane, P2H4
Matches, safety matches
Organophosphates and carbamate insecticides: 4.5b
Phosphine, PH3
Phosphoric acid
Phosphorous compounds, organophosphorus insecticides: 16.7.14
Phosphorus oxychloride, phosphoryl chloride, Highly toxic by all routes
Phosphorus oxychloride, Solution / mixture < 5%, Not hazardous
Phosphorus pentachloride with water:
Phosphorus sesquisulfide, P4S3, yellow solid, in "strike anywhere" matches
Phosphorus tribromide, phosphorus (III) bromide, Highly toxic by all routes, Highly corrosive
Phosphorus tribromide, reacts with moisture to form toxic fumes and heat, so use in fume cupboard or small quantities in cross-ventilation
Phosphorus tribromide, Solution / mixture <5%, Not hazardous
Phosphorus trichloride with water: 12.9.8
Phosphorus (V) chloride
Phosphonates, Ethephon: 4.4.8
Phosphonates, Glyphosate: 4.4.9
Prepare microcosmic salt: 12.9.1
Reactions of phosphorus compounds: 12.9.0
Phosphorus (III) chloride
Phosphorus pentoxide
Superphosphate production: 20.4.16
Tests for phosphate ions in water: 18.4.1
Tests for phosphates: 12.11.15

Phosphate ion, PO43-
Ammonium phosphate, (NH4)3PO4, triammonium phosphate (V)-3-water, ammonium phosphate tribasic, nitrogen and phosphorus garden fertilizer, flame retardant, added to baking powders to promote yeast growth.
Ammonium sodium hydrogen phosphate (V)-4-water, Na(NH4)HPO4.4H2O, ammonium sodium hydrogen orthophosphate, microsmic salt (from urine).
Ammonium sodium hydrogen orthophosphate, Na(NH4)HPO4.4H2O, microsmic salt (from urine)
ATP, adenosine triphosphate: 16.2.4
Bone phosphate: E542
Calcium phosphate
Chromium (III) phosphate, CrH8O8P, Chromium (III) phosphate tetrahydrate
Decomposition of phosphates: 3.30.13
Detergent phosphates: 12.5.4
Detergents use polyphosphates or zeolite to make calcium inactive in the system
Diammonium phosphate, diammonium hydrogen phosphate (DAP) (NH4)2HPO4
Food additives: 19.4.4 (Search,phosphate, e.g. Potassium phosphates: E340)
Group tests for phosphorus and phosphates: 12.13.0
Inorganic builders in washing powders: 12.6.8
Monoammonium phosphate (MAP)
Monopotassium phosphate (MKP)
4.3.4 "Yates Anti Rot Phosacid", (Agriculture)
Phosphate buffer reagent: 9.2.25
Phosphate ions in water: 18.4.1
Phosphates, essential for development of bones and teeth, genetic material
Phosphates hazards: 3.7.14
Phospholipids (phosphoglycerides):
Phosphorylation means adding a phosphate group to a molecule
Phosphorous compounds, organophosphorus insecticides: 16.2.6
Prepare solutions: 3.0
Reactions of phosphorus and phosphates: 12.13.1
Remove water hardness: 12.2.5
Soaps and synthetic detergents, "syndets": 12.5.1
Sodium acid pyrophosphate food grade
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate (V)
Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP)
Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP), Na5P3O10
Soil-less culture, Knop's, hydroponics,
Struvite mineral, (NH4)MgPO4.6H2O, ammonium magnesium phosphate
Superphosphate production: 12.14.5
Teeth and toothpaste, calcium hydroxyapatite: 9.226
Tests for phosphate ions in water: 18.4.1
Tests for phosphates: 12.11.15
Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP )
Trisodium orthophosphate
Na3PO4 (TSP), "sodium phosphate": E339
Urea phosphate, UP, CH7N2O5P, urea phosphoric acid

Phosphoric acid
Phosphoric acid, H3PO4, orthophosphoric acid, phosphoric (V) acid, crystalline, as solution is colourless, odourless liquid, conc. 14.7.M, RD 1.71 to 1.75
It is miscible with water and ethanol, "Kill-rust", E33, weak acid, or, white rhombic solid, 85% W /W, 90% W / W, toilet bowl cleaner.
Phosphoric acid is prepared in industry by heating calcium phosphate rock with sulfuric acid, prepare by red phosphorus with nitric acid.
Low cost from hardware stores, rust remover, e.g. "Naval Jelly", "Killrust", or, for cleaning concrete, from brewing suppliers, from hydroponics suppliers.
Phosphoric acid sequestering agent binds divalent cations, including Fe++, Cu++, Ca++, and Mg++.
Phosphoric acid, concentrated, 16 M, 95%, Phosphoric acid 85% min food grade 130 mL of concentrated solution for 1 litre of 2 M solution
Phosphoric acid, > 4 M (72%) (may be supplied as 85%) (used in rust converters), toxic. Highly corrosive to skin
Phosphoric acid, < 4 M (72%), > 2 M (36%), toxic. Highly corrosive to skin
Phosphoric acid, < 2 M (36%), > 0.5 M (10%), toxic. skin irritant
Phosphoric acid, < 0.5 M (10%), Not hazardous, but do not ingest
Phosphoric acid, ionization reaction: 12.3.7
Ionization reaction:
H3PO4 + H2O < --> H3O+ + H2PO4-
H2PO4- + H2O < --> H3O+ + HPO42-
HPO42-+ H2O < --> H3O+ + PO43-

Phosphorus (III) chloride
Phosphorus (III) chloride, PCl3, phosphorus trichloride, + water --> phosphorous acid, H3PO3
Phosphorus (V) chloride PCl5, garlic-like odour, very soluble in water
Prepare phosphorus trichloride, PCl3: 12.9.2

Phosphorus pentoxide
Phosphorus pentoxide, P2O5, phosphoric anhydride, P4O10, phosphorus (V) oxide, phosphoric oxide, white powder, hexagonal crystals, deliquescent, thermoluminescent, toxic by ingestion, highly corrosive.
Prepare nitrogen gas: 3.46
It reacts violently with water to form phosphoric acid, liberating a large amount of heat, reacts violently with iodides.
With sodium and potassium metals ignition on contact.
With formic acid forms highly toxic carbon monoxide gas.
It is used as a dehydrating agent.
The crust on the surface of old samples is mostly phosphoric acid, but remove it before using the phosphorus pentoxide beneath.
Prepare phosphorus pentoxide: 12.9.4

Phosphorylation is when a phosphate molecule is added to an organic compound.
For example: adenosine diphosphate (ADP) + Phosphate --> adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Phosphorylation means adding a phosphate group to a molecule.
ATP, adenosine triphosphate: 16.2.4
Tests for glucose, urine test: 19.1.31
Tetrapyrroles, bilin, bilirubin, biliverdin, haeme: Tetrapyrroles

Phosphorus (V) chloride
Phosphorus (V) chloride, PCl5, phosphorus pentachloride, light yellow colour, + hot water --> ortho-phosphoric acid, H3PO4
Phosphorus (V) chloride, PCl5, phosphorus pentachloride
Phosphorus (V) chloride, phosphorus pentachloride, Highly toxic by all routes, highly corrosive
Phosphorus (V) chloride, Solution / mixture < 5%, Not hazardous:
Prepare phosphorus pentachloride, PCl5: 12.13.3

Photochemical reactions
"Sun Blueprint Paper", photochemical reactions (toy product)
Chloramines in swimming pools: 18.1.5
Chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs, "Freons":
Ozone and photochemical smog: 13.5.1
Photolysis: 7.4.47

Disposal of photography wastes:
Reactions of silver halides:
Silver chloride precipitate in photography: 7.8.13, Prepare

Phyllanthin, C24H34O6, lignan, bitter taste, in Phyllanthus niruri leaves

Phyllanthostatin A
Phyllanthostatin A, C29H30O13, phyllanthocide, lignan, cytostatic, in Phyllanthus acuminatus

Phloxine B
Phloxine B, antibacterial fluorescent dye, (2,4,5,7-Tetrabromo-4,5,6,7-tetrachlorofluorescein disodium salt)

Phytolaccoside B
Phytolaccoside B, C36H56O11, esculentoside B, , triterpenoid saponin, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory
It occurs in pokeweed, Phytolacca americana.

Picric acid
Picric acid, C6H3N3O7, C6H2(NO2)3OH, (2,4,6-trinitrophenol), trinitrophenol, carbazotic acid, toxic. skin irritant.
It is Not permitted in schools.
Picric acid, yellow crystals stain skin yellow.
Explosive when dry and compacted.
Do not open bottles, because crust may explode.
Picric acid, (stains yellow, unstable explosive. used in Gram stain and Bouin's picro-formol preservative solution.
Picrates, salts of picric acid (2,4,6-trinitrophenol)

Piceid, C20H22O8, Polydatin, a stilbenoid glucoside, a natural precursor and glycoside form of resveratrol, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective.
It occurs in the bark of | Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis, Pinaceae | Japanese knotweed, Polygonum cuspidatum, Polygonaceae | Hops, Humulus lupulus, Cannabaceae | False hellebore, Veratrum dahuricum, Melanthiaceae | also, red wines and cocoa
It is used to treat colorectal cancer.

Picrocrocin, C16H26O7, monoterpene glucoside (Saffron-bitter), bitter taste, hay-like fragrance, an ester.
Picrocrocin is a beta-D-glucoside most responsible for the bitter taste of saffron.
See diagram, Picrocrocin

Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, monobasic ammonium phosphate (piezoelectric crystal in microphones and transducers)
Earphones, crystal microphones: 38.2.1
Piezoelectricity with red lead and sulfur: 35.33.0
Transducer, carbon microphone: 26.4.8

Pimpinellin, C13H10O5, chromen-2-one, furanocoumarin, tuberculostatic
It occurs in Pimpinella saxifraga roots, in Heracleum species, in Angelica, in Cyperus, in Artemisia.

Pinocembrin, C15H12O4, dihydrochrysin, dihydroxyflavanone, antioxidant, antineoplastic, vasodilator, neuroprotective
It occurs in human gut microbiota, in Piper sarmentosum.

Piperonal, C8H6O3, piperonyl aldehyde, heliotropine, (3,4-Methylenedioxybenzaldehyde), arenecarbaldehyde, benzodioxole, colourless lustrous crystals, irritant, fragrance, insect repellent, flavouring agent
It occurs in cherry, and in highbush blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum.

Pipettes, Handling and transferring chemicals: 3.4.9 (Safety)
Pipettes, Danger of using pipettes in the laboratory: 2.4.15 (Safety)
Pipettes, Microbiology: 4.2.10 (Safety)
Inoculate with a Pasteur pipette: 4.2.6 (Safety)

Pitch, (Chemistry), resinous semi-liquid distillate from wood tar, for caulking wooden ships, link torches were used in dark streets.

Plantamajoside, C29H36O16, phenylpropanoid, hydroxycinnamic acid, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, against plant pathogenic bacteria.
It occurs in Plantago, in Rehmania glutinosa.

Planteose, C18H32O16, (6F-alpha-D-Galactosylsucrose), trisaccharide
It occurs in Sesamum indicum.

Plaster of Paris
Calcination: 3.6.5, plaster of Paris
Make casts of bird footprints: 9.4.6
Make objects and moulds with plaster of Paris: 3.6.4
Plaster of Paris, calcium sulfate hemihydrate, hygroscopic, CaSO4.H2O, Harmful, very hot when water added to dry sulfate.
Plaster of Paris, Gypsum, calcium sulfate: 35.4.11
(Geology) Separate by melting points, tin from a tin and carbon mixture: 10.19.0
Tests for strength of plaster of Paris bricks: 34.2.11
Use cornstarch + plaster of Paris to kill cockroaches when they eat the mixture.

Pleuran, Β–Glucans, insoluble polysaccharide, C6H10O5)x, C18H32O16, anti-tumour drug.
It occurs in cell walls of oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium and oats Avena sativa.

Plutonium, Pu
See Plutonium, Table of the Elements
See Plutonium, RSC
Plutonium, Pu, (Greek Ploutōn underworld god), alloyed with Gallium in nuclear weapons core
Said to be "the most complex element in the periodic table", isolated from uranium by Glen Seaborg in Chicago, 1942 in the Manhattan Project.
It was later used in the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.

PMMA, para-Methoxymethamphetamine, dangerous stimulant drug, "Dr Death"

Polonium, Po
Polonium, Table of the Elements
Polonium, RSC
(Latin Polonia Poland, native country of Marie Curie), radioactive poison used to treat lung cancer

3.7.24 Polymethyl methacrylate
Polymethyl methacrylate, poly(methyl methacrylate), C17H23NO6, CH2C(CH3)CO2CH3)n
Methyl methacrylate, C5H8O2 or CH2C(CH3)COOH3. methyl ester of methylacrylic acid, CH2=C(CH3)COOH
Trade names: "Lucite", "Perspex". "Plexiglass", C5O2H8)n, PMMA, acrylic glass, e.g., acrylic resin, thermoplastic transparent polymer
See diagram 3.4.2: Methyl methacrylate, polymethyl methacrylate
Polymethyl methacrylate, PMMA, is a rigid, transparent material that transmits light better than glass.
It is used for acrylic "glass" glazing, optical devices, perspex chips, perspex stirring rod, plexiglass, reflectors, domes, safety glass, baby baths, traffic signs.
Perspex is made by the polymerization of the monomer methyl methacrylate with lauroyl peroxide as a catalyst.
This reaction is highly exothermic if the concentration of the organic peroxide < 1% by weight.
It has very high molecular mass when in sheet form.
Breakdown polymers into small molecules:
Cut window glass: 2.3.3, [See 1. Perspex (Lucite)]
Metal on Perspex, Volta's experiment, voltaic pile: 31.1.41
van de Graaff generator: 31.4.1
Electrophorus: 31.1.6

Poncirin, C28H34O14, flavanone glycoside, monomethoxyflavanone, disaccharide derivative, neohesperidoside.
It occurs in Poncirus trifoliata fruit, and in Rock thyme (Acinos alpinus).

Praseodymium, Pr
Praseodymium, Table of the Elements
Praseodymium, RSC
Praseodymium, Pr (Greek prasios green, didumos twin, didymium mineral), green compounds, used in ceramics, glass

Precipitates, Precipitation
Precipitates,substances deposited as a solid from a solution
Precipitation,as above, and rainfall
Precipitation reactions: 12.2.7
Coloured precipitates, double decomposition reactions:
Moisture leaves the air, precipitation: 37.8.0, (Weather)
Precipitates with ammonium carbonate: 12.12.4
Precipitates with sodium bicarbonate: 12.1.19
Precipitates with sodium carbonate: 12.1.26
Precipitation, decanting, filtration: 10.11.01
Precipitation reactions (double decomposition, double exchange, metathesis)
Precipitation, Moisture leaves the air: 37.8.0, (Weather)
Silver chloride precipitate in photography:
Suspensions and precipitates: 7.6.0, (Experiments)
Particles, Suspensions and precipitates

Prednisolone, C21H28O5, metacortandralone, hydroretrocortine, predonine, corticosteroid, synthetic glucocorticosteroid, irritant, health hazard, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, decreases the number of circulating lymphocytes, induces cell differentiation, stimulates apoptosis in tumour cells, environmental hazard, a corticosteroid hormone receptor agonist, adrenergic, anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic, immunosuppressive, environmental contaminant, xenobiotic.

Prenylnaringenin, C20H20O5, 8-PN, flavaprenin, dimethylallylnaringenin, hopein, sophoraflavanone B, "minor flavonoid", prenylflavonoid, phytoestrogen, similar effects to estradiol, antifungal.
It occurs in hops (Humulus lupulus) resin, in beer, in Wyethia species.
It is produced from isoxanthohumol in fungal cells culture.

Proactinium, Pa
See Proactinium, Table of the Elements
See Protactinium, RSC
Pa, 91Pa, (proactinium "parent of actinium", because radioactive decay to Actinium), radioactive, toxic, no uses, most stable isotope is Protactinium-231.

Producer gas
Producer gas, air gas, similar to water gas, formed by passing air and steam over hot carbon

Progoitrin, C11H19NO10S2, Glucorapiferin, a glucosinolate
It occurs in | Cabbage, Brassica oleracea var. capitata, Brassicaceae | Peanut, Arachis hypogaea, Fabaceae | Horseradish, (Armoracia rusticana), Brassicaceae |.
After digestion, it is processed to | Goitrin, C5H7NOS | which decreases production of thyroid hormone, flavour component + breakdown hydrolysis products.
This precursor of goitrin causing bitter taste in Brassica vegetables and epigoitrin which affects thyroxin secretion.
Epigoitrin, C5H7NOS, D-Goitrin, is a constituent of a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, as an antiviral agent
Phenethyl glucosinolate potassium salt, C15H20NO9S2K, occurs in Brassica species, including red cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and in savoy cabbage.

Promethazine, C17H20N2S, phenothiazine derivative drug, sedative, antiallergic
See diagram,14.05
It is used to treat motion sickness, allergic reactions, nausea, and vomiting.

Promethium, Pm
Promethium, Table of the Elements
Promethium, RSC
Promethium, Pm (Greek Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods), synthesized in radiation laboratory

Propanethiol, C3H8S, CH3(CH2)2SH, propane-1-thiol, n-propylthiol, propyl mercaptan,
Propanethiol is an alkanethiol, colourless to pale yellow liquid, offensive smell like cabbage, moderately toxic, less dense than water, slightly soluble in water, flammable, irritant.
It is used as insecticide, feedstock and herbicide, toxic fumes in a fire.
It occurs in onion Allium cepa and other Allium species, cooked chicken, beef, beer, American potato chips, and in durian Durio zibethinus.

Propionaldehyde, C3H6O, CH3CH2CHO, propanal, propyl aldehyde, toxic by all routes, less dense than water, clear colorless liquid.
Highly flammable, suffocating fruity-like odour, occurs in Escherichia coli.
Propionaldehyde, Solution <20%, Not hazardous, but should not be ingested.

Propionic acid
Propionic acid, CH3CH2COOH, propanoic acid, Corrosive by all routes, Highly irritant vapour, skin irritant
Propionic acid, Solution / mixture <10%, Not hazardous (stored grains preservative)
Propionates, Food preservation Food

Prenylation: adding hydrophobic molecule to a protein so as to attach it to cell membrane
Protein breakdown by micro-organisms: 4.3.7
Burn carbohydrates, fats and proteins: 9.1.1
Casein, thermoset plastics: 3.5.6
Milk proteins: 16.3.0
Proteins, Multiple reagent strips
Tests for proteins: 9.4.0

Protocatechuic acid
Protocatechuic acid (PCA), C2H6O4, dihydroxybenzoic acid, phenolic acid, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, protects liver, apoptosis of human leukemia cells.
It occurs in green tea, Hibiscus sabdariffa roselle, Boswellia dalzielii stem bark, Diospyros melanoxylon leaves, Euterpe oleracea açaí palm oil, and onion skins.

Protonated is an organic chemistry term for when H+ ion is bonded to something.

Prunetin, Prunusetin, C16H12O5, flavone, hydroxyisoflavone, dehydrogenase inhibitor, anti-inflammatory
It occurs in Prunus species, in liquorice Glycyrrhiza glabra.

Psicose, D-Psicose, D-allulose, C6H12O6, rare monosaccharide sugar
It occurs in wheat and Polytrichum commune.

Puerarin, C21H20O9, isoflavone, occurs in Bupleurum chinense and Pueraria calycina.
It has been used to treat alcohol withdrawal anxiety symptoms during treatment of alcohol abuse.

See diagram 16.21.10, Purines.
Two of the bases in nucleic acids, adenine and guanine, are purines.

Purines and Pyrimidines
(Purine-like compounds not from amino acids, so are called "pseudoalkaloids".) (Purine derivatives).
1. Purines, Five bases of nucleic acids,| Adenine | Guanine | Cytosine | Thymine | Uracil |
2. Pyrimidine glycosides,| 5-Methylcytosine wheat germ, Vicine C10H16N4O7 | Convicine C10H15N3 O8, in Vicia, in Pisum |
3. Methylated purines,| Caffeine | Theobromine | Theophylline | (Only Caffeine, Theobromine and Theophylline are regarded as "alkaloids".)
See diagram 16.3.22 Purine derivatives
DNA and RNA:
4. Purines, Cytokinins,| Zeatin C10H13N3O in Maize |

Pyrrole, C4H5N, (CH)4NH, imidole, aromatic, organic compound, colourless, volatile liquid, darkens on exposure to air.
Paludolactone, sesquiterpene lactone, eudesmanolide lactone
It occurs in creeping ox-eye Wedelia paludosa.

Parthenolide, C15H20O3, sesquiterpenoid lactone, germacranolide, insoluble, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, febrifuge, release of | Serotonin | from blood platelets, used to treat migraine headaches, possibly anticancer
It occurs in flowers, fruit, and leaves of | Feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium, Asteraceae | and Sweetbay, Magnolia virginiana, Magnoliaceae |.

Patachoulol, C15H26O, patchouli alcohol, patchouli camphor, tricyclic sesquiterpenoid tertiary alcohol, carbotricyclic compound
It occurs in essential oil of | Patchouli, Pogostemon patchouli, Lamiaceae |.
It is used to scent cosmetics.

Peppermint oil
Peppermint oil, terpene, Mentha piperita oil, C62H108O7 It occurs in the essential oil extracted from the leaves of | Peppermint, Mentha x piperita, Lamiaceae |.
It is used for aromatic properties, flavouring, treat disorders of digestive and respiratory system, pain relief.

Peridinin, C39H50O7, carotenoid pigment, light sensitive, associated with chlorophyll
It is used as a photosynthesis pigment by some dinoflagellates.

Perindopril, C19H32N2O5
Perindopril, "Coversyl", ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme), blood pressure inhibitor
Pederindopril erbumine, C23H43N3O5, Perindopril tert-butylamine
An antihypertensive agent and a peptidyl-dipeptidase A) inhibitor, used in patients with hypertension and heart failure.

Perilla ketone
Perilla ketone, C10H14O2, lung toxin affecting cattle and horses
It occurs in | Perilla, (Perilla frutescens), Lamiaceae |.

Perillaldehyde, C10H14O, sushi flavour, terpene aroma, perilla sugar
It occurs in | Perilla, (Perilla frutescens), Lamiaceae |.

Perillartine, C10H15NO, perillartin, perilla sugar, X 2000 as sweet as sucrose
It is used in chewing gum,
It occurs in | Perilla, (Perilla frutescens), Lamiaceae |.

Perillene C10H14O, may be anti-inflammatory
It occurs in |Perilla, (Perilla frutescens), Lamiaceae |.

Perillyl alcohol
Perillyl alcohol, C10H16O, Perillol, monoterpene alcohol, woody odour, may be anticancer
It occurs in essential oils of lavender, bergamot, caraway, citrus oils, mints.

Petasin, C20H28O3, sesquiterpene, is ester of petasol (sencathenone), C15H22O2, and angelic acid, C5H8O2.
It occurs in | Butterbur, Petasites hybridus, Asteraceae |.
It may be anti-inflammatory.

Phellandrene, alpha-Phellandrene, Menthadiene, C10H16, monocyclic monoterpene, fragrance and flavouring agent with peppermint / citrus taste, in allspice
Cyclic monoterpene double bond isomers, having a similar molecular structure and similar chemical properties, are used in fragrances:
* alpha-Phellandrene: α-phellandrene occurs in | Narrow-leaved peppermint, Eucalyptus radiata, Myrtaceae |.
* beta-phellandrene: β-phellandrene occurs in oil of | Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare, Apiaceae | and Perilla, (Perilla frutescens), Lamiaceae |.
See diagram: Phellandrene

Phytoene, C40H64, carotene, carotenoid precursor, colourless, in most fruit and vegetables, tomato, carrot, oranges, absorb light in the UV range, may protect human skin, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
(Phytoene/phytofluene are the first step in synthesis of all carotenoids in plants: phytoene --> neurosporene --> lycopene)

Phytofluene, C40H62, carotene, carotenoid precursor, colourless, in most fruit and vegetables, orange colour of tomato, carrot, oranges, absorb light in the UV range, may protect human skin, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory (phytoene --> phytofluene)

Picrotoxins, C30H34O13, sesquiterpene lactone

Pinene, C10H16, bicyclic monoterpene, alkene, pine needles aroma It occurs in | Canarium species, Burseraceae
Pinene is the terpene in natural turpentine from conifers and in essential oil of Rosemary
α-Pinene, C10H16, 2-Pinene, clear colourless liquid, turpentine odour, less dense than water, insoluble in water, vapours heavier than air, used as a solvent
It occurs in | Pinus species, Pinaceae | Savory, Satureja repandra, Lamiaceae |.
A terpenoid, called a crystalline hydrate, C6H10(CH3)3(OH)2), is formed from acidification of α-Pinene
β-Pinene, C10H16, in pine forests, occurs in | Pinus species | Cumin, Cuminum cyminum, Apiaceae |.
Alpha-pinene is more common in European pines, but beta-pinene is more common in North American pines

Pinocamphone, C10H16O, monoterpene ketone, dark yellow liquid, aromatic, pleasant odour, in the alcoholic drink absinthe
Drinking absinthe may lead to disorders of the nervous system
It occurs in | Hyssop, (Hyssopus officinalis), Lamiaceae |.

Piperitone, C10H16O, monoterpene ketone, cyclic terpene ketone, irritant, volatile oil component
D-piperitone occurs in | Mint, (Mentha species), and L-piperitone occurs in Picea sitchensis

Prenol, C5H10O, 3-Methyl-2-buten-1-ol, has a fruit-like odour, and occurs in citrus, tomato, passionfruit

Prilled, pelletized, for machine-handled agricultural chemicals, e.g. prilled urea

Pulegone, C10H16O, monoterpene, natural pesticide, irritant, spearmint, fragrance and flavour ingredient, volatile oil component, mint taste biomarker
It occurs in Schizonepeta tenuifalia, Nepita species, Mentha species, Hedeoma pulegioides, cornmint, orange mint, peppermint, and blackcurrant.
It is in essential oil of catnip, Nepeta cataria

Prepare putty
Prepare putty (glazier's putty, painter's putty), with calcium carbonate paste (whiting), + linseed oil (+ white lead).
Putty is used as a, filler in glazing, to seal glass into frames.

Pyrazine, C4H4N2, N2(C4H4), 1,4-diazine, heterocyclic aromatic organic compound
It occurs in | Nicotiana tabacum | and Coffea arabica |.
The nutty tastes of roasted coconut is caused by pyrazines.

Pyrocatechuic acid
Pyrocatechuic acid, C7H4Br2O4, 4,5-Dibromo-o-pyrocatechuic acid
It occurs in plasma after consumption of cranberry juice or aspirin, and it causes facial pain due to stress.
It occurs in Phyllanthus acidus, in Salvinia molesta (aquatic fern).

Platinum, Pt
See Platinum Table of Elements
Platinum, Table of the Elements
See Platinum, RSC
Platinum, Pt (Spanish plata silver, because platinum has silvery colour)
Platinum is a soft, ductile transition metal, resists most chemical agents, does not oxidize at high temperature, available as foil and has weak magnetism.
It occurs in free elemental form placer deposits or in alloys, and is used for electrical contacts electrodes and jewellery.
Platinum has no reaction with dilute HCl or H2SO4, air, water or concentrated oxidizing acids, e.g. HNO3 or H2SO4
Platinum reacts with aqua regia, (concentrated HNO3 + HCl) to form H2PtCl6.
Platinum is malleable, ductile and can be cut into slices.
It has a slightly grey lustre.
It is harder than gold and silver, so it is mixed with those metals when making rings and other jewellery.
Platinum vessels can hold acids, because they do not react with them.
Platinum was used for decorative objects and jewellery settings, but now used in scientific apparatus, electrical equipment, and industrial processes as a catalyst.
Platinum black is used as a catalyst in chemical reactions.
Platinum can absorb hydrogen and is used in catalytic converters to treat exhaust gases of motor vehicles.
The melting point of platinum is 1768 oC, higher than gold, bronze and iron.
It was used to cast the platinum-iridium cylinder, the International Prototype Kilogram (IPK), in France, because of its high density and resistance to corrosion.
A "platinum" record has sold one million copies.
Atomic number,78, Relative atomic mass,195.08, r.d. 21.4, MP = 1769 oC, b.p. = 4530 oC
Platinum wire, 0.375 mm diameter, loop for inoculation of microbial cultures, possibly sensitizes skin, powder Platinum Group of Metals (PGMs), jewellery plating industry term for "4 PGM's,platinum, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium, iridium".
Platinum (IV) chloride. Platinum (IV) oxide
Platinum (IV) oxide, platinum dioxide, P2O2
Adams's catalyst, platinum oxide hydrate, PtO2.H2O, organic hydrogenation catalyst
Platinum, Pt, (Spanish plata silver, platinum has silvery colour), platinum wire, 0.375 mm diameter, powder.
A plateium loop is used for for inoculation of microbial cultures, but it possibly sensitizes skin.
Platinum Group of Metals (PGMs), is the jewellery plating industry term for "4 PGM's, platinum, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium, iridium".
Chloroplatinic acid, H2PtCl6: Chloroplatinic acid
Platinic chloride, chloroplatinic acid, Platinum (IV) chloride, Platinum (IV) oxide
Platinum, natural platinum: 35.2.54, (Geology)
Catalytic converter in a motor vehicle:
Catalytic oxidation of ammonia, with red-hot platinum wire: 3.3.4

Pyrogallol, C6H3(OH)3, (1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene), highly toxic if ingested, corrosive to skin: 16.6.14
Germination and air, germination and the need for oxygen: 9.4.9
Tests for gases collected in a respirometer: 9.1.19
Toxicity, Poisons and First Aid: 1.0

Pyrrolines, C4H7N, Cyclic Amines, dihydropyrroles, isomers differ in position of double bond 1-Pyrroline (3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole), cyclic imine.
It is colourless, less dense than water, soluble in water and alcohol, strong ammonia smell like shrimp seafood.
2-Pyrroline, cyclic amine, 3-Pyrroline, cyclic amine

Red phosphorus, P4
(Greek phosphoros Morning star) (Found by Henning Brand, Germany, 1669)
Lght from phosphorus is caused by combustion of oxides on its surface when exposed to air.
Red phosphorus, brown phosphorus, P4, is not poisonous, ignites above 300 oC.
It has phosphorus atoms bound in a covalent network, so is less reactive than white phosphorus and can be stored in air.
It is used in "safety match" striking surfaces that contain red phosphorus, powdered glass, carbon black, a binder and a neutralizer, e.g. calcium carbonate.
It is used for "doping" semiconductors.
Red phosphorus is relatively harmless compared with the white phosphorus allotrope.
However, some school systems do not allow red phosphorus to be used in school science experiments.
It is not poisonous when pure.
It is deliquescent, so keep it in a sealed container.
Do not heat red phosphorus in a test-tube, because it produces phosphorus vapour that condenses to form white phosphorus.
Red phosphorus forms violently explosive mixtures with oxidizing agents.
For example: metal nitrates (potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate, potassium permanganate), nitric acid, chlorates, perchlorates, peroxides, peroxy salts.
Do not heat red phosphorus on a platinum wire, because it corrodes the platinum.
P (red) Atomic number,15, Relative atomic mass,30.9738, RD 2.34, MP 590 oC, BP = 280 oC, Specific heat capacity,670 J kg-1 K-1

White phosphorus, P4
White phosphorus (yellow phosphorus), P4, is too reactive to be used in school science teaching, so it is not permitted in schools.
In 1943, tonnes of white phosphorus in incendiary bombs were dropped by Allies' air forces on Hamburg, Germany.
White phosphorus is waxy, poisonous, spontaneously flammable, reacts with oxygen gas in the air to form P2O5, so it is stored under water.
White phosphorus is extremely toxic.
On contact with iodine it ignites, with bromine it explodes, and it can be ignited with a hot glass rod.
Cover spilt white phosphorus with 0.2 M copper sulfate solution that converts it to harmless copper sulfide.
P (white) Atomic number,15, Relative atomic mass,30.9738, RD. 1.82, MP = 44.2 oC, BP = 44 oC, Specific heat capacity,757 J kg-1 K-1

Purpureacin-1, Bullatanocin, Bullatalicin, Squamostatin C, C37H66O8, a polyketide, antifungal, insecticidal
It occurs in Annona purpurea leaves.

Pyridoxine, vitamin B6, Pyridoxol, Adermine, Gravidox, C8H11NO3, a hydroxymethylpyridine, converted to a co-enzyme, pyridoxine is the 4-methanol form of vitamin B6, animals must obtain it through their diet.
Vitamin B6 is the term for pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine and their three phosphorylated derivatives, but "vitamin B6" is commonly used for only pyridoxine.
Pyridoxine is used to treat vitamin B6 deficiency and commercial product Diclectin used to treat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.
Commercial medicines may contain "pyridoxine hydrochloride equivalent to pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)".
Pyrolysis is decomposition caused by heat.
It usually involves a chemical change caused by the application of heat.
Charcoal production is by cutting naturally growing trees and undergoing a process called pyrolysis, which involves heating wood in absence of oxygen.
A mixture of liquid, gas and charcoal is produced.
The process takes about 7 to 12 days in traditional kilns, where 8 to 12 kg of wood are used to produce 1 kg of charcoal.
The growing usage of charcoal suggests that greenhouse gas emissions associated with charcoal could reach 15 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide by 2050, which will be released into the atmosphere leading to climate change.