School Science Lessons
(topicIndexE) 2025-02-19

Chemistry, E
Please send comments to:
E0, Reduction potential, Standard electrode potential of metals
EAR, Expired air resuscitation, (Adult), (Safety)
EAR, Expired air resuscitation, (Children), (Safety)
Ear and hearing, balance, (Biology)
Earth smell, Geosmin
Earth science, (Geology)
Ebullioscopic, boiling point
"Ecstasy", (drug abuse)
Edible oils
EDTA, ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid
EEC, food additives
Effervescence test, HCl, (Geology)
Eggs, Prepare for food
Ehrlich's haematoxylin, Prepare
Einsteinium, Es
Elastic, mechanics, (Experiments)
Elastomer polymers
Electrical safety
Elements, (Experiments)
Elemolic acid
Elephant's toothpaste, (Experiment)
Elevation of boiling points, k
Ellagic acid
Emerald, green beryl, (Geology)
Emerald, (Geology)
ECPs, Emergency contraceptive pills
Empirical formula, MgO
Emulsions, (Experiments)
Enamel, teeth
14.2.0 Endothermic reactions, Experiments
Energy, (Experiments)
Enthalpy of reaction, (Experiments)
Entropy, rubber, (Experiments)
Entropy, thermodynamics
Environmental chemistry
Eosin, (Experiments)
Epicatechin, (EC)
Epicatechin gallate, (ECG)
Epigallocatechin, (EGC)
Epigallocatechin gallate, (EGCG)
EPS, Expanded polystyrene
Epsom salts, (Experiments)
Epsomite, (Geology)
Equipment safety, Safety equipment
EQUAL, E951, Aspartame, in Coca Cola
Equipment care, (Experiments)
Equipment lists
Erbium, Er
Eriochrome Black T indicator, water hardness test
Erucic acid
Erythema, Sunscreens, (See: 4.)
Erythrosin, acid-base indicator
Essential oils
Esters, (Experiments)
Ethanal, (Experiments)
Ethanamide, (Experiments)
Ethane C2H6
Ethanedioic acid, oxalic acid, (Experiments)
Ethanediol, anti-freeze
Ethanoates, Acetates
Ethanoic acid, Prepare
Ethanoic acid, acetic acid
Ethanoic anhydride
Ethanol, ethyl alcohol
Ethanone, C10H13NO
Ethanoyl, CH3CO- acetyls
Ethanoyl chloride
Ethene Prepare
Ethene. Experiments
Ethephon phosphonate
Ethers, (Experiments)
Ethoxyethane, Diethyl ether
Ethoxyethanol acetate
Ethyl, group, (Experiments)
Ethyl acetate, Prepare
Ethyl acetoacetonate
Ethyl butyrate, Pineapple oil, Prepare
Ethyl cellulose
Ethyl chloride, Prepare
Ethyl cyanoacrylate, "Superglue", BE CAREFUL! Do not squirt in the eye! Toxic by all routes
Ethyl isothiocyanate
Ethyl mercaptan
Ethylene, (Experiments)
Ethyne, (acetylene), C2H2, (Experiments)
Eucalyptol, Cineole
Eucalyptus oil, (Experiments)
Eugenol, clove oil
Eugenol acetate
Europium, Eu
Eutectic and dystectic mixtures
Evening primrose. Oenothera sp.
Excipients, Prepare
Exothermic and endothermic reactions
EXP: can explode due to flame, shock or friction, Hazard Classification, (Safety)
Experimental investigations, (Science)
Experimental procedures, (Science)
Experiments, (Science)
Expired air resuscitation, (EAR), Adult
Expired air resuscitation, (EAR), Infant
Explosives, (Safety)
Expose different salts to the air
Extraction of oil from peanuts
Eye washing, safety showers

Ecdysone, 20-Hydroxyecdysone, 20E, C27H44O7
Ecdysone is a steroid hormone that regulates the processes of moulting or ecdysis in insects.
Increasing numbers of human dietary supplements containing ecdysteroids, in Ajuga turkestanica, are marketed as "natural anabolic agents".
Ecdysone occurs in Ajuga turkestanica, Cyanotis vaga, Rhaponticum carthamoides, Asparagus filicinus, Trichobilharzia ocellata and in many ferns.
It may provide a defence against insects by interfering with insect moulting.
Rhaponticum carthamoides, maral root, Asteraceae

Efflorescent substances have crystals containing water of crystallization.
However, it may lose some of that water by evaporation when exposed to the air and begin to form a powder.
In the underground cellar of a house, "efflorescence" refers to when dissolved salts rise to the surface and crystallize out of the ground or on the walls.
Efflorescent chemicals include the following:
Copper (II) sulfate CuSO4.5H2O) (in dry air)
Iron ammonium sulfate Fe(NH4)2(SO4).6H2O
Lead acetate CH3COO)2Pb.3H2O (slow)
Magnesium sulfate MgSO4.7H2O
di-sodium orthophosphate Na2HPO4.12H2O
Sodium sulfate decahydrate Na2SO4.10H2O
Sodium tetraborate decahydrate (borax) | Na2B4O7.10H2O (in dry air)
Zinc sulfate ZnSO4.7H2O
Sodium carbonate effflorescence: 12.1.23

Einsteinium, Es
Einsteinium, Es, radioactive actinide element
Einsteinium, Table of the Elements
Einsteinium, RSC

Elements, Table of the Elements
Periodic table RSC
Elements experiment: 7.49
Assay value of precious metals: 6.5.3
Direct union of elements to form compounds: 8.0.0
Elements: 7.4.21
Elements combine with oxygen gas when heated in air: 7.4.22
Elements in food: 19.4.3, (Experiments)
Elements in the Earth's crust: 34.5.1
Elements in the Sun: 36.5.3
Free element metals: 2.6.0,Table of the Elements
Periodic table: Table 1
Pure substances and impure substances, elements and compounds: 7.2.0
Transition elements: 1.12.0

Elements experiment
Describe each example.
1. Note the state of matter at room temperature, solid, liquid or gas.
2. Note whether the solid has a shiny surface or has a lustre when the surface is clean.
3. Note whether the metal can be bent or twisted with pliers, or whether it fractures.
4. Note whether the element conducts electricity when held between two alligator clips as electrical contacts.
5. Put a piece of the element on a combustion spoon and set it alight with a burner flame.
Observe the burning element.
6. Shake the products of the combustion in a test-tube containing water.

Emulsifiers, food additives
Emulsifying agents, (Agriculture)
Emulsifying agents, (Cooking)

Enantiomers, pair of optical isomers, e.g. D-ribulose and L-ribulose
Phenylalanine sweetener
Pinene, C10H16
Ribulose, C5H10O5
Tartaric acid

Endosulfan, C9H6Cl6O3S, insecticide
Aromatic halogen compounds: 16.2.96
Cyclodiene pesticides: 4.4.01

Ergosterol, Ergosterin, C28H44O, phytosterol, in yeast, in wood-rotting fungi, forms vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) in UV light
Ergosterol endoperoxide
Ergosterol-5,8-peroxide, Peroxyergosterol, C28H44O3, anti-malarial, in Ajuga bracteosa, Kenya folk medicine, in Ajuga remota, in fungus Eurotium chevalieri

Prepare eosin solution, tetrabromofluorescein: 7.18
Prepare Giemsa stain: 7.19
Prepare Scott's blueing solution: 3.22
Prepare Wright's stain: 7.29
Reactions of bromine, Br2:

Epicatechin (EC), Flavonoid, Epicatechol, C15H14O6, is a catechin, a tannin, flavan-3-ol, antioxidant
It occurs in green tea, in cocoa, in black grapes, in kola nut, in peach, in fava bean, in woody plants, in cacao bean, in green tea

Epoxymurin-A, C35H62O3, a polyketide, antitumour, in soursop Annona muricata bark

Epicatechin gallate
Epicatechin gallate, (ECG), Flavonoid, C22H18O10, occurs in green tea, in buckwheat, in grapes, in rhubarb

Epigallocatechin, (EGC), Bioflavonoid, Epigallocatechol, C15H14O7, flavan-3-ol, a catechin, antioxidant, food component It occurs in almond, broad beans, and green and black tea.
It occurs in St John's wort, (Hypericum perforatum).

Epigallocatechin gallate
Epigallocatechin gallate, (EGCG), bioflavonoid, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, (EGCG), C22H18O11.
It is ester of epigallocatechin and gallic acid, flavan-3-ol, gallate ester, polyphenol, phenolic antioxidant.
It inhibits cellular oxidation, prevents free radical damage to cells potential cancer chemopreventive, antineoplastic, antioxidant, neuroprotective.
It occurs in green and black tea, most abundant catechin in green tea, in Green tea, (Camellia sinensis), Theaceae

Epoxy embedding medium, (for electron microscopy)
'Araldite' polymer, epoxy resin, C13H18O2: 3.8.7
Epoxy resin, fibreglass, ,Adhesives: 1.3
Epoxy resin polymers, thermoset plastics:
Epoxy compounds
Epoxy compounds, (O atoms in CCO ring, -C-O-C- in epoxides), Epoxy resin polymers, thermoset plastics
Oxygen directly linked to two adjacent bonded carbon atoms forming a triangle.
Epoxides contain an oxygen atom linked to two carbon atoms as part of a three-member cyclic ring, e.g. the cyclic ether ethylene oxide, C2H4O, also called oxirane.
Epoxy hardener, e.g. diethylenetriamine / methyl isobutyl ketone ketamine mixture, fumes may be toxic if heated.
Epoxy resins are the uncured resins used for fibreglass and may contain isocyanate residues that are strong irritants to the eye nose and respiratory organs.
Epoxy resins are easy to ignite, orange yellow smoky flame, burns after removing flame, acrid smell.
"Araldite" polymer is an epoxy resin
(Epoxy hardener, H180 FAST, H180 SLOW, Epoxy resin DER353)

Equilibrium occurs in reactions with matched forward and reverse rates, so the mixture composition appears unchanging
Equilibrium symbol in this website is <--> or <=>.

Erbium, Er
See: Erbium, Table of the Elements
See: Erbium, RSC
Erbium, Er, (Ytterbi, Sweden), erbium oxide, Er2O3, pink powder It is used in optical fibre walls, occurs with yttrium, television screen red colour, in ink of European Union banknotes (Euro), for anti-counterfeiting

Eriocitrin, eriodictioside, eriodictyol glycoside, C27H32O15, a flavanone-7-O-glycoside, called "lemon flavonoid" or "citrus flavonoid", plant pigment, bitter taste
It is used in lipid-lowering, dietary. supplement
It occurs in Citrus species and Myoporium

Eriodictyol 7-O-rutinoside, (a disaccharide derivative), antioxidant, trihydroxyflavanone, flavanone glycoside, rutinoside

Erythrose, D-Erythrose, trihydroxybutanal, C4H8O4, irritant, enantiomer (mirror image) of a L-erythrose
Erythrose, Erythrulose, Aldoses and ketoses: Table
Erythrosin, acid-base indicator

Erythrulose, Tetrulose, glycero-tetrulose, trihydroxybutan-2-one, C4H8O4, is a ketotetrose, a primary and secondary alpha-hydroxy ketone.

Esomeprazole, C17H19N3O3S, Nexium, is a medication to treat excess HCl in stomach, heartburn, inhibitor of gastric acid secretion, histamine
antagonist, used as its sodium or magnesium salt for treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, available without a prescription, widespread use.

Esters, e.g. propane C3H8, ethanoic acid CH3COOH, ester = propyl ethanoate CH3COO(C3H7
Esters, derivatives of fatty acids: 16.5.0
Esters, List of esters: 1.12
Glycerides, esterification of glycerol: 16.1.4
Prepare ethyl acetate: 16.4.2
Prepare esters: 16.3.9
Reactions of esters: 16.5.0

Forming an ester, reaction of organic acid with an alcohol
Carboxylic acid (acid catalyst), ester + water
R: O: OH --> (R-OH) R: O: OR + H2O (Fischer esterification)
The reverse process is ester hydrolysis, e.g. saponification, the making of soap from fat.
Glycerides, esterification of glycerol: 16.1.4

Ethanal, C2H4O, acetaldehyde, ethyl aldehyde, acetic aldehyde, ethyl aldehyde, acetic aldehyde, UN 1089
Acetaldehyde, ethanal, toxic if ingested, highly flammable
Acetaldehyde, Solution < 1%, Not hazardous
It is used in the manufacture of perfumes, aniline dyes, plastics, synthetic rubber, phenolic and urea resins, air deodorizers, flavouring and food preservative.
Clear colourless fuming liquid, pungent, fruity odour.
Vapours are heavier than air can travel distances and cause flash back from combustion sources.
Heated to decomposition emits acrid smoke and toxic fumes of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
Metaldehyde, ethanal tetramer
Prepare ethanal with potassium dichromate:
Prepare ethanal with potassium manganate (VII):
Tests for aldehydes, Tollens' test: 9.3.3

Ethanol, "alcohol", ethyl alcohol
Alcohol abuse: 5.5.3H
Alcohol alizarin test: 16.1.4
Alcohol lamp
Alcohol test: 16.1.3
Alcoholic fermentation: 9.1.1
Alcohols, List of alcohols: Alcohols
Breath test for alcohol: 15.2.11
Burn fake money: 8.3.4
Carbon dioxide and fermentation for brewing: 3.8.0
Cleaning agents, solvents: 2.20.4
Degrees proof: 6.2.4
Ethanol, C2H5OH: 16.5.0
Ethanol safety:
Polyhydric alcohols: 19.1.7
Prepare absolute alcohol: 32
Prepare alcohol using immobilized yeast cells: 4.3.8
Prepare ethanol solution for molecular biology: 2.7
Methylated spirits:
Reaction of ethyl alcohol with bleaching powder: 16.1.10
Separate a mixture of ethanol and water: 10.6.1
Tests for alcohols:
Absolute alcohol, pure ethanol fixative, 800 px alcohol
Ethanol, ACS reagent, 99.5% (200 proof), absolute, Ethyl alcohol, CH3CH2OH
Ethanol (Alcohol) Sensor, measure ethanol during fermentation or in sample
Ethanol, ethyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, methyl carbinol, methyl carbinol, spirit vini meth, alcohol, grain alcohol, fermentation alcohol
Ethanol, rectified spirit (4.43% water, BP 78 oC), constant boiling mixture = 95.6% ethanol and 4.4% water, 95% rectified spirits

Ethoxyphenylurea, C9H12N2O2, 4-Ethoxyphenylurea, Dulcine, Sucrol, Valzine, is an artificial sweetener, X 250 times sweeter than sugar.
It was an important sweetener of the early 20th century, unlike saccharin so no bitter aftertaste, not a natural product.
It was formerly believed safe for human consumption and used for diabetics, but it was removed from the market in 1954.

Ethylene, (ethene), C2H4
Ethylene oxide, a cyclic ether, Epoxy, epoxy resin: 16.9.8
Ethylene, (ethene), Prepare
Birefringent clear plastics, polyethylene terephthalate (PET): 27.189
Plant growth regulators:, (ethylene generators)
Stain removal, tetrachloroethylene, 19.4.5, (Treatment 2.)
Synthetic fatty alcohol ethoxylate, ethylene oxide: 12.6.12
Vinyl ethylene, Butadiene

Ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol, C2H6O2, CH2OH)2, CH2OHCH2OH, ethanediol, ethane-1,2-diol, (monoethylene glycol, MEG), EG
"EG", "glycol", glycol alcohol, ethylene dihydrate, is the most common antifreeze, and is used in motor car and small aeroplane cooling systems.
Ethylene glycol, Solution < 25%, Not hazardous colourless, odourless, viscous, syrup-like liquid, dihydroxy alcohol, dissolves in water, flash point 111-121 oC.
Short term exposure from oral intake can cause vomiting, relative sweetness 1.3, poisonous.
Permittivity, dielectric constant, ethylene glycol 37
Ethylene glycol is widely manufactured as an antifreeze, coolant, hydraulic fluid, and for manufacture of dynamite and resins.
Potassium permanganate is spontaneously flammable on contact with ethylene glycol.
An antifreeze depresses freezing point and raises boiling point.
Ethylene glycol is toxic, so use other antifreezes, e.g. propylene glycol C3H8O2, a non-toxic antifreeze, or glycerol C3H8O3, or methanol CH3OH.
Propylene glycol, propane-1,2-diol, C3H8O3, is a "Non-toxic antifreeze", but it should not be ingested.
Dihydric alcohols, "glycol": 16.6.5

Ethers group: (-O-), in organic compound
Ethers: 16.1.6
Diethyl ether, C2H5OC2H5, anaesthetic "ether"
16.1.7, Ethyl cellulose
Polyethers: 3.7.15

Ethoxyethanol, 2-ethoxyethanol, C4H10O2, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, ethyl cellosolve
It is a colourless liquid, organic solvent, sweet odour, which dissolves in water and organic solvents.
It is used as a solvent, in surface coatings, varnish removers, printing inks, duplicating fluids, wood stains, and epoxies, colourless liquid.
It is an irritant when breathed in or by passing through the skin, possible teratogen, (cause birth defects)
Ethoxyethanol acetate, 2-ethoxyethanol acetate, C6H12O3, ethylene glycol monoethylether acetate, ethyl cellosolve acetate
Clear, colourless, volatile liquid, mild sweet odour
Used in automobile lacquers to retard evaporation and impart high gloss, solvent for oils, resins, wood stains, leather and cosmetic ingredients.
Used in the semiconductor industry, irritant when breathed in or by passing through the skin.

Ethyl acetate, C4H8O2, CH3COOC2H5, ethyl ethanoate
Ethyl acetoactonate, C6H10O3, CH3COCH2COOC2H5, (ethyl 3-oxobutanoate): 16.5.01
Ethyl alcohol, C2H5OH, Ethanol, "alcohol", ethyl alcohol
Ethyl amine, CH3CH2NH2, Ethylamine, ethanamine, aminoethane, monomethyamine
Ethyl ammonium chloride,   C2H8ClN,  Ethylammonium chloride, Ethyl benzene, C8H10
Ethyl benzoate, C9H10O2, toxic if ingested, Flammable
Prepare ethyl butyrate (pineapple oil): 16.4.3
Ethyl carbamate ester, CO(NH2)O(C2H5
Ethyl cellosolve, C4H10O2, (2-ethoxyethanol), "Cellosolve", primary alcohol, solvent cleaner that dissolves many substances
Ethyl cellulose, C20H38O11:
Prepare ethyl chloride, chloroethane: 16.4.1
Ethyl cinnamate, C11H12O2
Ethyl cyanoacrylate, "Superglue":
Ethyl ether, C2H5O(C2H5, diethyl ether
Ethyl iodide, C2H5I, iodoethane, toxic by all routes, highly flammable
Ethyl isobutyl ketone, C7H14O
Ethyl ethanoate, CH3COO(C2H5, ethyl acetate
Ethyl lactate, C5H10O3
Ethyl mercaptan, CH3CH2SH, Ethanethiol: 16.9.2
Ethyl propionate, C5H10O2, ethyl propanoate, used in fruity rum flavours, in apple, pineapple-like odour
Ethylamine, CH3CH2NH2
Ethylbenzene, C8H10
Ethene, (ethylene), C2H4
Ethylene dibromide
Ethylhexylglycerin, C11H24O3, skin care, deodorizer
Ethyloctanal, C10H20O, 4-ethyloctanal, aldehyde, food additive, male goat smell, pheromone

Ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate, C8H16O3, ethyl beta-hydroxycaproate, ethyl ester of 3-hydroxyhexanoic acid It is used as a food flavourant, in alcoholic beverages cognac and Scotch whisky, in orange juice, orange peel, grapefruit, pineapple, purple passion fruit

Ethyl cinnamate
Ethyl cinnamate, C11H12O2, 3-phenylpropenoate, cinnamic acid ethyl ester, toxic, Flammable, in oil of cinnamon, fruity odour

Ethyl ethanoate,
Acetates, Ethanoates
12.3.9 Acids with salts
Dancing mothballs
17.3.5 Ethyl acetate with sodium hydroxide:
16.4.2 Prepare ethyl acetate:
Ethyl acetate
Ethyl ethanoate, CH3COO(C2H5), ethyl acetate, ethanoic acid ethyl ester, flammable, toxic, irritant, colourless flammable liquid, explosion hazard.
It is slightly soluble in water, but soluble in most organic solvents, and has a pleasant fruity odour.
It is used in solvents for varnishes, lacquers, dry cleaning, stains, nitrocellulose nail polish, nail polish remover, wines and naturally-fermented products
Ethyl acetate, colourless liquid, fruity odour, BP 77 oC, (medicine, lacquer solvent)

Ethyl lactate
Ethyl lactate, C5H10O3, L-ethyl lactate, ethyl L-lactate, ethyl-2-hydroxypropionate, 2-hydroxypropionic acid ethyl ester, C5H10O3, lactic acid ethyl ester,
It is a monobasic ester from lactic acid and ethanol, colourless liquid, mild smell, butter-like taste, water soluble, biodegradable "green" solvent.
It is used as a water rinsable degreaser, in alcoholic beverages, vinegar, bread, roasted chicken, cabbage, peas.

Ethylamine, CH3CH2NH2, ethanamine, aminoethane, monomethyamine, simple aliphatic amine, colourless,
liquid, B.P. 17 oC, ammonia smell, toxic if ingested, irritant, corrosive to skin and eyes, vapour heavier than air, heated closed container may rupture violently
Ethyl amine, Solution < 20%, Not hazardous

Ethylbenzene, C8H10, EB, ethylbenzol, phenylethane, colourless liquid solvent, petrol odour, flammable, combustible,
It forms irritant vapours heavier than air
Used to produce styrene and other chemicals, e.g. cellulose acetate.
Used in asphalt, naphtha, synthetic rubber, fuels, paints, inks, carpet glues, varnishes, tobacco, insecticides, automotive and aviation fuels.

Ethylene oxide
Ethylene oxide, C2H4O, toxic by all routes, Not permitted in schools
Ethylene oxide, 1,2-epoxyethane, ETO, ethene oxide, dimethylene oxide, oxacyclopropane, oxane, oxiran, oxyfume, amprolene
It is used to produce ethylene glycol (automotive antifreeze coolant), sterilize hospital equipment.
C2H4O + water --> ethylene glycol, C2H4O)nH2O, (n = about 140), HOCH2CH2OH, HO(C2H4O)nH, CH2OHCH2OH, C2H6O2
Ethane-1,2-diol, 1,2-ethanediol, colourless, flammable gas, irritating, sweet ether-like odour, highly reactive, dissolves in water, carcinogen, toxicity to aquatic life.

Ethylenediamine, C2H4(NH2)2, C2H8N2, H2NCH2CH2NH2, (1,2-diaminoethane), ligand, chelating agent, toxic by all routes, corrosive
Ethylenediamine, 1,2-diaminoethane, Solution < 1% Not hazardous
It is a clear colourless liquid, smells like ammonia, corrosive to tissue and produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion.
It is used in large quantities to make many other chemicals and pharmacological excipients

Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus Myrtaceae, (Botany)
Eucalyptus oil comes mainly from Eucalyptus globulus
Steam distillation of eucalyptus leaves: 10.3.10
Cineole, C10H18O, eucalyptol
Eucalyptol, C10H18O, 1,8-cineole, cyclic ether, monoterpene, paint stripper, adhesive solvent, sticky spot remover, flavouring, fragrance, mouth wash, anti-inflammatory, and releases vapours for medical use.
Eucalyptus oil, flammable liquid, inhalation harmful, pharmaceutical grade contains at least 70% cineole.
Use eucalyptus oil to remove chewing gum from child's hair, to remove grease stains from suede shoes, to turn stuck nuts and bolts.
Use eucalyptus oil + methylated spirits + soap flakes solution to prevent woollen garments shrinking.
Use eucalyptus oil, rubbed in before washing, to remove lipstick stains.

Europium, Eu
Europium, Table of the Elements
Europium, RSC
Europium, Eu, (GreekEurōpē), lanthanide element, future supply shortfall, used for blue and red phosphorescence in LEDs
Europium (with Terbium and Yttrium in television screens)

Eugeniin, C41H30O26, a lactone, a beta-D-glucoside, antiviraly, antifungal, antineoplastic
It occurs in clove, Eugenia caryophyllata dried flower buds
Clove essential oil has antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties

Ecgonine, (C9H15NO3), Tropane Alkaloid
Ecgonine, tropaine derivative, cocaine group, 2-hydroxy monocarboxylic acid, metabolite of cocaine and precursor to cocaine, controlled substance.
It occurs in Cocaine leaves (Erythroxylum coca).
See diagram: Ecgonine.

Echimidine, (C20H31NO7), Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid
Echimidine, 2-Butenoic acid, pyrrolizine, acute toxic, heptatonic.
It occurs in honeys produced in Australia and New Zealand, in Echium plantagineum, Echium pininanam, in Symphytum officinale.
See diagram: Echimidine compound.

Echinopsine, (C10H9NO), Quinoline lkaloid
Echinopsine, (1-Methyl-4-quinolone), simple quinoline structure.
It occurs in Echinops niveus, Echinops ritro, Echinops echinatus
See diagram: Echinopsine.

Elaeocarpine, (C16H19NO2), Unclassified Alkaloid
Elaeocarpine, Isoelaeocarpine, [11-methyl-1,2,3,5,6,6a,12a,12b-octahydrochromeno[2,3-g]indolizin-12-one], indolizidine alkaloid
It occurs in Elaeocarpus polydactylus leaves.
See diagram: Elaeocarpine.

Elatine, (C38H50N2O10), Diterpenoid Alkaloid
Elatine, Elatin, dicarboximide, pyrrolidinone, benzoate ester, folk medicine for neurological disorders, similar effects to Methyllycaconitine.
It occurs in Delphinium shawurense.
See diagram: Elatine.

Emetine, (C29H40N2O4), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Emetine, Emetin, Cephaeline methyl ether, Methyl cephaeline, isoquinoline derivative, ipecacuanha alkaloid
It is used as amoebicide (antiprotozoal), emetic, inhibits protein synthesis by blocking ribosome movement along the mRNA, strand and may cause cardiac, hepatic, or renal damage, violent diarrhea, vomiting.
The principal alkaloid of ipecac, from the ground roots of Uragoga (or Cephaelis) ipecacuanha or U. acuminata, of the Rubiaceae.
It occurs in Ipecacuanda, Carapichea ipecacuanha, Ipecac, in Hedera helix, Alangium longiflorumEmetine.

Ephedrine, (C10H15NO), Protoalkaloid
Ephedrine, alkaloid with nitrogen in the side chain (protoalkaloid), beta-phenylethylamine derivative alkaloid, hydroxylated form of phenethylamine, sympathomimetic, bronchodilatory and anti-hypertensive, activates post-synaptic noradrenergic receptors, alpha-adrenergic agonist, and beta-adrenergic agonist
May increase release of norepinephrine (noradrenaline), used to treat asthma, heart failure, rhinitis, and urinary incontinence, and depression
Has been less used with use of more selective agonists, occurs in Ephedra sinica.
9.8.21, Ephedra, Gnetophyta Division, Ephedraceae
See diagram: Ephedrine.
Pseudoephredine is an isomer of ephedrine.

Ergine, (C16H17N3O), Indole Alkaloid
Ergine, Lysergic acid amide, Lysergamide, (LSA), ergoline alkaloid, South American folk medicine, hallucinogen.
Ergine occurs in fungi, Rivea corymbosa seeds, Turbina, corymbosa (ololiuhqui), Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian baby woodrose), and in Ipomoea ricolo
See diagram: Ergine.

Ergocristine, (C35H39N5O5), indole alkaloid, acute toxic, natural ergot alkaloid, prevents implantation and lactation
Ergocristine occurs in Claviceps purpurea (ergot), Scolochloa festucacea, and in Calamagrostis arundinacea
See diagram: Ergocristine.

Ergometrine, (C19H23N3O2), indole alkaloid, monocarboxylic acid amide.
Ergometrine causes contraction of uterine and vascular smooth muscles, used to cause contractions of uterus if vaginal bleeding after childbirth.
Ergometrine is made from rye ergot fungus or lysergic acid, can be used to make lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) so it is a regulated substance.
Ergometrine occurs in Jacquemontia tamnifolia and in Acremonium
See diagram: Ergometrine.

Ergotamine, (C33H35N5O5), semiterpenoid indole alkaloid, ergot alkaloid, vasoconstrictor, analgesic.
Ergotamine is used as oxytocic agent and in treatment of migraine disorders, activates serotonin receptors on intracranial blood vessels.
Ergotamine reduces blood flow in cerebral arteries, binds to alpha-adrenergic receptors to stimulate vascular smooth muscle and cause vasoconstriction.
Ergotamine inhibits pro-inflammatory neuropeptide release, used to treat bleeding after childbirth.
Ergotamine occurs in ergot of Central Europe.
See diagram: Ergotamine.

Erythroidine, (C16H19NO3), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Erythroidine, isoquinoline derivative, erythrina alkaloid, alpha-Erythroidine, neuromuscular blocker like curare, beta-Erythroidine, delta-lactone.
Erythroidine is a neuromuscular blocker, hypnotic, respiratory depressant, muscle relaxant, organic heterotetracyclic indole alkaloid.
Erythroidine occurs in Erythrina species (coral tree).
Dihydro-Beta-Erythroidine, (DHbetaE), (C16H21NO3), organic heterotetracyclic compound, alkaloid like curare, nicotinic antagonist.
Dihydro-Beta-Erythroidine occurs in Erythrina seeds.
See diagram: Dihydro-Beta-Erythroidine.

Ethanolamine, (NH2CH2CH2OH), Primary Amine + Primary Alcohol
Ethanolamine, (NH2CH2CH2OH) (usually called monoethanolamine, MEA) (2-aminoethanol)
Ethanolamine is a toxic, flammable, corrosive, colourless, viscous liquid, odour like ammonia, weak base.
Ethanolamine is harmful by ingestion, inhalation or if absorbed through the skin, corrosive eye, skin and respiratory irritant.
Ethanolamine is used to produce detergents and many other chemical products.
Monoethanolamine is head group for phospholipids in biological membranes, formed by decarboxylation of serine.
[HOCH2CH(CO2H)NH2] --> (NH2CH2CH2OH) + (CO2)
serine --> monoethanolamine + carbon dioxide.

Evodiamine, (C19H17N3O), Indole Alkaloid
Evodiamine, anti-inflammatory, interferes with metastasis formation of new blood vessels.
It occurs in Tetradium ruticarpum, in Vepris soyauxii, in Cryptocarya
See diagram: Evodiamine. Emergency contraceptive pills, ECPs
ECPs are for emergencies, e.g. unprotected sexual intercourse, broken condoms, date rape, and forced sexual intercourse.
They should not be used as a regular form of female contraception.
In some countries ECPs are called EHCs, emergency hormonal contraceptives.
The two main ECPs are: 1. Progestin and 2. Mifepristone