School Science Lessons

Physics S to Z
Physics Physics teaching websites
| S. | T. | U. | V. | W. | X. | Y. | Z. |
Physics S
Safety Laboratory safety
Safety in the school laboratory
Saint Elmo's fire electrical storms
Satellite in stable orbit geostationary orbit, (Astronomy)
Saturation vapour pressure SVP
Scale Single pan balance, (Primary)
Scale of a map Draw bigger map, (gif)
Scalars and vectors
Scattering Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering
Science, Maths and Technology Scientific Literacy
Screw nut and bolt, pitch of a screw
Scuba diving and Boyle's law
Sea height (ocean waves)
Sea level Height values
Sea wave patterns and sound wave patterns
Sealed lead-acid battery SLA battery
Seat belts Momentum, (Necessity of seat belts in a motor car)
Second Leap second, Time, the present
Secondary cells rechargeable batteries
See-saw balance (Primary)
See-saw Centre of mass of see-saw (teeter-totter)
Seebeck effect (thermoelectric effect)
Seeing and feeling vibrations that make sound waves
Semipermeable membrane
Senses (Biology)
Sextant Astrolabe
Shackle, ship's cable
Shape or form minerals, (Geology)
Ship's compass Points of the compass
Ships' stabilizers (anti-roll stabilizers)
Shower curtain Bernoulli force and shower curtain
Shower Eye washing and safety showers, (Safety)
Shrink fit (expansion)
Shrinking balloons
Shrinking mixture of liquids lost volume
SI International system of units, [Système international d'unités]
Sidereal time "stellar day", (Astronomy)
Sight Eyes and sight
Significant figures and standard form scientific notation, (Measurement)
Silly putty Prepare
Simple harmonic motion Frequency, f
Simulated diaphragm breathing Breath, (Biology)
Siphons (syphons)
Six-volt batteries in series and parallel (gif)
Size of particles Particles
Skipping stones on water "ducks and drakes" game
Sliding friction
Sling psychrometer Whirling psychrometer, (relative humidity)
Slingshots Catapults
Slinky springs Springs
Slipstreaming Aerodynamic drafting, tailgating
Smoke (Weather)
Smoke alarms Ionization by radioactivity, electroscope
Smoke alarms (Safety)
Smoke box to study light rays
Snooker Shooting pool, (billiards, snooker)
Soccer balls
Soda pop can Beverage can, drink-can, "can" of drink
Soda straws drinking straws, "straws"
Soft drink can Beverage can, drink-can, "can" of drink
Soil science
Soil fertility Soil tests
Soil mineral deficiencies
Sol-fa Octave and pitch
Soldering solders, fluxes
Solid expansion caused by heat
Solid, liquid and gas (Primary)
Solids in water insoluble solids
Solids in water dissolved solids
Southern Cross constellation, (Astronomy)
Sparks Lightning
Spectrophotometer Gas discharge tubes
Spectrum Visible spectrum, Rainbows
Speed Velocity
Speed and road safety
Speed of light C, Einstein was right, e = mc2
Speed of light nature of light, shadows, (See: 6.)
Speed of sound
Spherometer (sphericity of curvature), (Mathematics)
Sphygmomanometer Blood pressure
Spinning eggs
Spinning glass of water tides simulation
Spinning ice skater
Spinning picture persistence of vision illusion, (Primary)
Spirit burner alcohol lamp
Spirit level accelerometer
Splash sticks
Spoons volume, (Measurement)
Spring balances Mass and weight
Springs slinky springs
sqrt Square root
Squealing balloon Blow up a balloon, (See: 5.)
Stabbed rice gripping rice, suspended rice
Standard atmosphere (International Standard Atmosphere, ISA)
Standard cell Weston Standard Cell
Standard electrode potential
Standard deviation (Mathematics)
Standard form Significent figures, scientific notation, (Mathematics)
Standard temperature and pressure STP, states of matter
Standing waves Stationary wave, with a rope or string
Stationary waves in Chinese temple "fish wash" dishes
Stars and planets (Astronomy)
Starter motor Motor vehicle starter motor, starters
Starting battery car battery
Starting the engine with jumper leads
"State of sea" Sea height
Static electricity Electrostatics
Stationary wave standing wave, with a rope or string
Steam, Steam turbines
Stirling engine Heat cycles, Carnot cycle
Stirrers magnetic stirrers, hotplates
Stokes' law Viscosity
Stoppers cork stoppers, rubber stoppers
Stopping distance Braking distance and stopping distance, tyres
Standard temperature and pressure, STP
"Straws" drinking straws, soda straws
Streak (Geology)
Streamline flow Turbulent and streamline flow
Stress and strain
Stretch rubber bands
String sounds (Primary)
String telephone vibrating cans, (Primary)
Strings Resonance in strings, musical instruments
Sun and Moon diameter illusion
Sunbeam mists
Sunbeams Tyndall effect
Super ball
Supercool Heat of reaction, (See 2.)
Superheating in a microwave oven
Supermoon (Astronomy)
Supersaturation Condensation nuclei, (atmosphere)
Supersonics Ultrasonics, ultrasonic interference
Surface / volume ratio of particles
Surface tension
Surfaces affect heat radiation and absorption
Surfing motion of a surfer on a surfboard
Sun Observing the Sun
Sunscreens and sun-protective clothing
Super ball bouncing
Supervision of students
Swell Sea height
Switch switches
Switching circuits
Syringes Pumps
Syringes for investigating air pressure

Physics T
Tablecloth pull Inertia tricks
Tailgating Aerodynamic drafting, slipstreaming
Tangent galvanometer Galvanometer
Tapping a box
Taste Nose and smelling, taste, flavour, (Biology)
Teach manipulative skills
Tension (Stress: tension, compression, shear)
Teapot effect (dribbling teapot)
Teapot experiment (heat loss due to radiation)
Teapot physics (adding milk to tea)
Tectonic stress Stress and strain, (Geology)
Telephone book Interleaved telephone books, friction
Telephone carbon microphone transducer, load cell
Telephone String telephone, vibrating cans (Primary)
Telescopes Simple reflecting
Telescopes Simple refracting
Temperature, Thermometers and temperature
Tenacity (Geology)
Tennis balls, bounce
Tensile and compressive stress
Terminal velocity Forces on a falling object, weight and drag,
Tesla Magnetic field, tesla
Test-tube force pump
Test-tubes (List)
Test-tube holder, (Make)
Test-tubes glassware, microscope slides, coverslips, (Safety)
Thaumatrope Spinning picture, (Primary)
Theodolite Astrolabe, simple theodolite, sextant
Thermal capacity Energy of reactions
Thermal circuit breaker, (Motor vehicle circuits)
Thermal conductivity Conduction of heat, insulation
Thermal expansion liquids, solids
Thermal shock borosilicate glass
Thermistors conductivity and temperature
Thermite reaction thermit welding
Thermochromic substances
Thermocouple thermoelectricity
Thermodynamics isothermal change and adiabatic change
Thermoelectric devices
Thermoelectric effect Seebeck effect
Thermometers and temperature
Thermometers Mercury in barometers and thermometers:,
Thermopile (joined thermocouples)
"Thermos flask" Heat transfer flask, Dewar flask, (vacuum flask)
Thermoscope to compare absorption of radiation
Thermostat Bimetallic strip, compound bar, invar, thermostat
Thompson effect (temperature gradient along electrical conductor)
Three-holes bottle
Threshold of hearing Loudness, decibels, audible limits
Thrust and recoil
Thunderstorm (Weather)
Ticker timer Recording timer
Tides Moon and tides, (Primary)
Tides Spinning glass of water, tides simulation
Tightrope walking
Time the present, seconds, leap second
Time zones Greenwich time, (GMT), Universal Time (UT), (Astronomy)
Timer Pendulum tells the time, (Primary)
Tonnage displacement of a ship
Tools for electrical experiments
Toothbrush friction
Topspin Rotational stability, dynamic stability, Magnus effect
Torch Electric torch, (flashlight)
Torch battery (flashlight battery)
Tornadoes waterspout, (Weather)
Torque Moments
torr Pressure definitions, (See: 1 torr =)
Torricelli Atmospheric pressure, barometer
Total dissolved solids and suspended solids (Beer-Lambert law), (Environment)
Total internal reflection critical angle
Toxicity (Safety)
Trade mark trademark, | TM | or | R in a circle superscript |,
Transducer Telephone carbon microphone, load cell
Transfer air under water Air takes up space
Transfer heat by radiation
Transfer of angular momentum
Transistors (Electronics)
Transit of Venus 2012, (Astronomy)
Transmission of power Power and energy ( See 4.)
Transmission of sound (how sound travels)
Transparency (Transparent, translucent, opaque, refraction), (Geology)
Transverse wave with a coiled spring slinky spring, pulse
Trebuchet Catapults, slingshots, mangonel, onager, ballista
Trevelyan rocker
Triboelectric series electrostatic series, ranking of insulators
Trillion Different measurements, billion, million, trillion
Triple scale wine hydrometer
Tripod stands
Troy weight gold
Trundle wheel Measure with a trundle wheel, (Primary)
Tuning forks vibrations
Turbidity cloudy water
Turbulent and streamline flow
Turning motor car with a candle and balloon
Tyndall effect sunbeams
Tyres Braking distance and stopping distance

Physics U Uranium
Uranium (Chemistry)
Uraninite (Geology)
U-tube Density of liquids with U-tube, balancing columns
U-tube Measure pressure with an U-tube
Ultrasonics ultrasonic interference
Ultraviolet radiation (UV)
Units of work and energy
Units CGS, m.k.s, the newton,
Universal gas equation Ideal gas constant
Universal gravitational constant, G, Newton's universal law of gravitation
Upper winds wind direction astrolabe (Weather)

Physics V
Vacuum Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum
Vacuum cleaner
Vacuum flask Heat transfer by Dewar flask, ("Thermos" flask)
Vacuum pumps Magdeburg Hemisphere
Valves (Electronics)
24.1.6 Van't Hoff factor, i, for dilute solutions
van de Graaff generator electrostatic machines, Wimshurst induction machine
van der Waals forces Universal gas equation
24.10.12 Vapour pressure of water and non-volatile solvents
Vapour pressure Saturation vapour pressure, SVP
Vapour pressure Saturation vapour pressure over water, Psvp
Variable autotransformer (Variac), and light bulb
Vectors Scalars and vectors
Velocity (speed)
Velocity position and acceleration
Velocity ratio (VR) of a machine
Venturi tube fly spray, (atomizer)
Vernier calipers Length, (Measurement)
VHS (video home system), now standard video format from Matsushita, replaced Betamax from Sony
Vibrating drums and balloons ping-pong ball and tuning fork
Vibration Circular motion and vibration
Vibration (Sound)
Vibration Seeing and feeling vibrations which make sound waves
Vibrations Tuning forks
Viscoelasticity creep
Viscosity Stokes' law
Viscosity Liquids with different viscosity, hydrogen bonds, (Chemistry)
Visible spectrum Spectrum, Rainbows
Voice and speaking
Volt voltage
Voltage of a generator Motor vehicle generator
Volta's experiment voltaic pile, metal on Perspex
Voltage outputs from the pulsar / astable module, (Electronics)
Volatility of different liquids (Chemistry)
Voltameter Electrolysis of water, Hofmann voltameter, coulometer
Voltage emf sources, Voltage produced by
Voltaic cell Galvanic cell
Volume and pressure of air Boyle's law

Physics W
Walking the plank (balance)
"Wall of death" toy product
Warm fronts and cold fronts (Weather)
"Warmists" "Global warmists", (Weather)
Wastes Disposal of waste chemicals, (Safety)
Watch compass Find north with a watch compass, (Astronomy)
Watch Compensated balance wheel of a watch, (thermal expansion)
Watt Power
Wave interference in water drop stones in water
Wave patterns of a tuning fork Sound
Wave properties of sound oscillation, vibration
Wavelength (Sound)
Waves ripple tank, springs, wave motion
Wax Melt candle wax, (Chemistry)
Weather atmosphere, clouds, humidity, winds
Weather science coal seam gas, global warming, Great Barrier Reef
Weather indicator Cobalt (II) chloride solution
20.0 Weather, (Primary)
Weathering soils (Soil science)
Weight Mass and weight, Balances, Gravity
Weight Mass
Weight and pressure
Weight of air
Welding Oxyacetylene welding, (oxy-acetylene welding)
Weston Standard Cell
Wet and dry bulb thermometer (hygrometer, psychrometer)
Wet sand Scattering, Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering, (See 3.)
Wet suction with a Petri dish
Wetting Drops and films
Wheatstone bridge slide wire, metre wire bridge
Wheel and axle
Wheelbarrow Push a wheelbarrow
Wicks Capillarity, capillary action, capillary rise in wicks
Wien's law Heat transferred by radiation, black body radiation
Wimshurst machine induction generator
Winds convection, (Weather)
Windshear and noise level noise of thunder
Windlass raising weight with rotary pencil sharpener
Wine glass resonance
Wine glass breaks with voice resonance
Wood Sound waves travel through wood
24.10.7 Wood's metal
Work and energy kinetic energy and potential energy
Work Units of work and energy, joule and calorie, kilowatt-hour
Workplace Health and Safety Act, 1995:
Wrought iron cast iron alloy

Physics X

Physics Y
Yo-yo on a balance (complex systems)
Young's two-slit experiment (double-slit experiment), Interference
Young's modulus E, stress and strain

Physics Z
Zinc-carbon cell Dry cell torch battery, (flashlight battery)
Ziploc bags Sous vide cooking with a Ziploc bag
Zone time (Astronomy)

7.2.0 Laser safety
Radiation hazards

Soil science
Soil fertility Soil tests
Soil minerals

6.4.3 Astronomical unit, (Non-SI unit), (Solar system)
27.7.6 Michelson interferometer, (Solar cells)
36.49.1 Model of the solar system, orrery, Solar
9.4.4 Renewable energy biomass, hydroelectric, solar, wind
6.8.7 Seconds, (Time, solar system)
36.5.5 Solar eclipse
36.45 Simulated solar eclipse
9.4.5 Solar panels, CSP, CPV
36.4.7 Make models of the solar system
37.1.5 Solar ultraviolet radiation and skin cancer
9.4.6 Solar water heater

22.5.3 Specific heat capacity, shc
22.5.3 Specific heat capacity, shc
22.5.13 Specific heat calorimeter
22.5.14 Specific heat of aluminium by electrical method
22.5.15 Specific heat of canola oil after calibrating the setup with water.
22.5.16 Specific heat of water by electrical method
22.5.17 Teapot physics
22.7.2 Thermochromic substances
22.4.8 Waterfall
Specific gravity

34.16 Wire, Local Purchase
Bell wire
Copper wire, 18 SWG, bare, 1.22 mm diameter, 0.0418 Ohm / m
4.2.3 Electrical leads
Fuse wire Fuses, fuse box, fuse wire
5.1.15 Nitinol memory wire
8.4 Wire diameters, SWG
2.4.27 Wire gauze mat
8.5 Wires, nails and rods
30.5.2 Bicycle dynamo, the "missing wire" Convert a galvanometer to an hot wire current meter
15.5.4 Electrolysis of water (Hofmann voltameter, coulometer)
29.2.0 Force on current-carrying wire
33.5.8 Heat wires in series
Nichrome wire Oersted's effect, magnetic field around a wire Galvanic cell, Voltaic cell

34.16 Wire, Local Purchase
Connecting wire, insulated copper wire, connecting cord, single conductor cable
Copper wire
Fly wire, roll
Fuse wire, 5A, reel 100 g
Fuse wire, 15A, reel 100 g
Iron wire, fence wire
Iron wire, tie wire
Wire, bell wire or lamp wire, 100 m
Wire cable, 3-core, 6 A, 1 metre
Wire, copper wire, bare, 16 swg, 500 g reel
Wire, copper wire tinned, PVC cover, reel 100 m
Wire, Eureka wire / constantan, 16 swg, 125g
Wire, flexible wire, single wire, piano wire, 10 m
Wire helix, spring, slinky spring
Wire netting, chicken wire
Wire, nichrome wire, bare, 16 swg, reel 125g
Wire, platinum wire, for flame test
Wire stripper