School Science Lessons
Topic 07

Elements, Actinium to Zirconium
Ac Actinium
Al Aluminium
Am Americium
Sb Antimony
Ar Argon
As Arsenic
At Astatine
Ba Barium
Bk Berkelium
Be Beryllium
Bi Bismuth
Bh Bohrium
B Boron
Br Bromine
Cd Cadmium
C Carbon
Cs Caesium
Ca Calcium
Cf Californium
Ce Cerium
Cl Chlorine
Cr Chromium
Co Cobalt
Cn Copernicium
Cu Copper
Cm Curium
Ds Darmstadtium
Db Dubnium
Dy Dysprosium
Es Einsteinium
Er Erbium
Eu Europium
Fm Fermium
F Fluorine
Fr Francium
Gd Gadolinium
Ga Gallium
Ge Germanium
Au Gold
Hf Hafnium
Hs Hassium
He Helium
Ho Holmium
H Hydrogen
In Indium
I Iodine
Ir Iridium
Fe Iron
Kr Krypton
La Lanthanum
Lw Lawrencium
Pb Lead
Li Lithium
Lu Lutetium
Mg Magnesium
Mn Manganese
Mt Meitnerium
Md Mendelevium
Hg Mercury
Mo Molybdenum
Nd Neodymium
Ne Neon
Np Neptunium
Ni Nickel
Nb Niobium
N Nitrogen
No Nobelium
Os Osmium
O Oxygen
Pa Palladium
P Phosphorus
Pt Platinum
Pu Plutonium
Po Polonium
K Potassium
Pr Praseodymium
Pa Proactinium
Pm Promethium
Ra Radium
Rn Radon
Re Rhenium
Rh Rhodium
Rg Roentgenium
Rb Rubidium
Ru Ruthenium
Rf Rutherfordium
Sm Samarium
Sc Scandium
Sg Seaborgium
Se Selenium
Si Silicon
Ag Silver
Na Sodium
Sr Strontium
Ta Tantalum
Tc Technetium
Te Tellurium
Tb Terbium
Tl Thallium
Th Thorium
Tm Thulium
Sn Tin
Ti Titanium
W Tungsten
U Uranium
V Vanadium
Xe Xenon
Yb Ytterbium
Y Yttrium
Zn Zinc
Zr Zirconium

Samarium, Sm
Samarium, Sm, (V. Samarskiǐ-Vykhovets, 1803-70, Russia), in samarskite and monazite and rare earth minerals, hard, grey.
Samarium, Table of the Elements
Samarium-153, reactor-produced medical radioisotope, half-life 46.7 hours, is used to treat pain from primary tumour metastases.

Scandium, Sc
Scandium, Sc (Latin Scandia, Scandinavia), transition metal, silver, but pink-yellow, tarnishes in air, soft, in some tin and tungsten ores.
Scandium, Table of the Elements
Scandium, Coelestine, SrSO4
Scandium trifluoride, ScF3, negative thermal expansion

Seaborgium, Sg
Seaborgium,(Glen Seaborg, USA, 1912-1999), artificially produced unstable radioactive element
Seaborgium, Table of the Elements

Selenium, Se
Selenium, Table of the Elements
Selenium, Se,(Greek selēnē moon), powder, AAS solution.
Selenium, powder, Highly toxic by all routes, do not inhale, do not touch fine particles.
Selenium, essential trace element, with vitamin E an antioxidant, nutrient of nervous system, food supplement grow yeast on selenium.
Selenic acid, H2SeO4, alkaloid reagent, oxidizing agent.
Selenium dioxide with water --> selenious acid, H2SeO3
Selenium dioxide, SeO2, colourless solid, most common selenium compound, Highly toxic by all routes, slightly volatile, avoid inhaling fine particles, to avoid toxic vapour do not heat.
Selenium disulfide, SeS2, called "selenium disulfide", antifungal agent in dandruff shampoo
Selenium hexasulfide, Se2S6, oxidizing agent
Hydrogen selenide, H2Se, colourless gas, irritating horrible smell
Selenium, Se, is a non-metal, obtained from sulfide ores, decolorizes glass, semiconductor that conducts electricity when an EMF is applied, used in photoelectric cells and light meters.
Similar properties: to sulfur.
The Kjeldahl catalyst is sodium sulfate + selenium.
Selenium is a trace mineral used to destroy hydrogen peroxide.
The recommended daily allowance, RDA, is 70 g for males, and 55 g for females.
The Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa), is one of the best sources of selenium, an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system.
Atomic number: 34, Relative atomic mass: 78.96, RD 4.81, MP = 217oC, BP = 685oC.
Specific heat capacity: 322 J kg-1 K-1.
Selenium (keep exhibition specimen in sealed container).
Use a fume cupboard or small quantity in well-ventilated area.
The mineral called "selenite" does not contain the atom "Selenium", Se!