School Science Lessons
Chemistry, S
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Sabinene hydrate
Saccharin, (Experiments)
Safety, (Experiments)
Safflower oil, (Table)
Sal ammoniac, (Experiments)
Sal volatile, Smelling salts
Salad oil
Salicylate intolerance
Salicyclic acid
Salinity, (Experiment), (Agriculture)
Salol, Phenyl salicylate
Salts, (Experiments)
Saltpetre, Potassium nitrate
Salvianolic acid
Samarium, Sm
Sand, Silicon dioxide, (Experiments)
Sandstone, (Geology)
Sanidine, (See: Group 1.), (Geology)
Saponification, Reactions of esters, (See: 2.)
Saponification, Prepare soap
Sapphire, Corundum, (Geology)
Saran wrap, Vinyls
Saturated carboxylic acids, List
Saturated hydrocarbons
Saturation Vapour Pressure, SVP
Sauerkraut, (Cooking)
Scandium, Sc
Scarlet red, Sudan IV
Scheduling high risk substances, (Safety)
Scheele's Green, Copper arsenite
Scheelite, (Geology)
Schiff reagent
School chalk, (Geology), (Experiments)
Science, Maths and Technology
Scoria, (Geology)
Scouring powders
Scoville Heat Units
Screens, Safety screens
Screw clamps
Scutellarein, C15H10O6, a flavone, occurs in Centaurea sp. and in Scutellaria lateriflora.
Seaborgium, Sg
Sealed lead-acid battery, SLA battery
Sea water, (Experiments)
Sebacic acid
Sebacoyl chloride
Second, Time, (Measurement)
Secondary cell, dry cells, (Experiments)
Secret writing ink, invisible ink, (Experiments)
Sedanolide lactone
Sedatives, Benzodiazepines
Sedimentary rocks, (Geology), (Experiments)
Selenite, gypsum, (Geology)
Selenium, Se
Self-heating, Heat of crystallization
Self-heating substances and mixtures
Self-leavened flour, Prepare, (See: 7.)
Self-reactive substances and mixtures, (Safety)
Seltzer water
Semipermeable membrane, (Experiments)
Sensitizing substances, (Safety)
Separate by
Sequester, (Chemistry
Serial dilutions, Prepare
Serine, (Table of amino acids)
Serine, DNA codons
Serpentine, (Geology)
Serum albumins
Sesame oil, (Table)
Sesquiterpenes, List
Sets of apparatus, Prepare
Shape or form, minerals, (Geology)
Shale, (Geology)
Shampoo, Contents
Sharps, Safety
Shatavarin IV
Shear modulus, modlus of rigidity, G
Shikimic acid
Shogoal, C17H24O3, Gingerol
Showers, Eye washing, safety showers
Shrinking volume, lost volume, (Experimens)
SI, International System of Units
Siderite, Carbonates, (Geology)
Silica, SiO2, (Experiments)
Silicates, (Experiments)
Silicic acid, Prepare
Silicon, Si
Silicones, (Experiments)
Silly putty
Siltstone, Mudstone, (Geology)
Silver, Ag
Simple chemical rectifiers, Prepare
Sinapinic acid
Sinapyl alcohol
Size of carbon atom, Stearic acid molecule
Size of particles, rate of reaction, balloons, (Experiments)
Size of particles, colloidal particles, (Experiments)
Skin contamination, (Safety)
Slaked lime, (Experiments)
Slate, (Geology)
Slime, PVA slime, Prepare
Smelling chemicals, (Safety)
Smelling salts, Heat ammonium carbonate, (Experiments)
Smells, Geosmin, earth smell
Smells, Perfumes
Smithsonite, (Geology)
Smoke alarms (Safety)
Smoke alarms, Ionization, (Safety)
Soap, Prepare soap
Soda lime, Prepare
Soda pop can, beverage can, drink can, (Experiments)
Soda straws, drinking straws, "straws"
Soda water, Carbonic acid, (Experiments)
Sodalite, mineral, (Geology)
Sodium, Na
Soft drinks, carbonated beverages
Soft water, Hardness in water, (Experiments)
Soil science, (Experiments)
Solder, (Experiments)
Solid acids, add sodium carbonate, (Experiments)
Solid acids, solubility
Solid, liquid and gas, (Primary), (Experiments)
Solids in water, insoluble solid. (Experiments)
Solids in water, dissolved and suspended, (Experiments)
Solutions, (Experiments)
Solvents, (Experiments)
Soot, candle flame, (Experiments)
Sorbitol, E420
Sotolone lactone
Sourdough. lactic acid, (Experiments)
SOx, Acid rain
Soybean oil (Table)
"Speed" and "Base", (abuse of volatile substances)
Spelter, zinc–lead alloy like bronze, but softer and lower MP
Spessartite, Garnet, (Geology)
Sphalerite, (Geology)
Sphereification, alginic acid, (Cooking), (Experiments)
Spills, Chemicals spill kit, (Safety)
Spinel, mineral, (Geology)
Spirit burner, alcohol lamp, (Experiments)
Spirits of salts, HCl, (Experiments)
"Splenda", Sucralose
Spodumene, mineral, (Geology)
Spontaneous combustion, Sugar with potassium chlorate, (Experiments)
Spontaneous process
Spoon volume, (Measurement)
Sports drinks, carbonated beverages
Sprays, dusts, white oils, (Agriculture)
Spume, sea foam, surfactants from algae cause foam-tipped waves, whitecaps
Square root, sqrt, √
Stabilizers, thickeners, food additives, (Cooking), List
Stain onion epidermis, (Experiments)
Stain removal, (Experiments)
Staining techniques, Microscopes, (Experiments)
Stainless steel
Stalactite crystals, Prepare, (Geology), (Experiments)
Standard electrode potential
Standard electrode potential, E0
Standard temperature and pressure, STP
Starch, (Experiments)
States of matter, aqueous solutions
Statins, (Medicine)
Steam distillation, eucalyptus leaves
Steam distillation, water and fat content
Stearic acid, (Experiments)
Stearin, (Experiments)
Stearyl alcohol. Octadecan-1-ol
Steel, Carbon steel
Steel, Iron
Steel wool, (Experiments)
Stelvin capsule, "corky" wine, (Cooking)
Sterile media solutions, Prepare
Steroidal glycosides, Cardiac glycosides
Steroidal alkaloids, "Pseudoalkaloids"
Sterols, List
Stilbenes, List
Steroids, include ...
Sterolins, glucosides
Stilbenes and stilbenoids
Stibnite, (Geology)
Stilbite, (Geology)
Stirrers, magnetic stirrers, (Experiments)
Stock control, science laboratory
Stock materials, Prepare
Stock solutions, Prepare
Stone dust, limestone, (Geology), (Experiments)
Stoppers, cork, rubber
Storing chemicals
Storm glass, (Meteorology)
Straight fertilizers, NPKS, (Agriculture)
"Straws", drinking straws, soda straws
STP, Standard temperature and pressure
Standards, Chemical standards, National Formulary, NF
Strontium, Sr
Streak, (Geology)
Struvite, (Geology)
Strychnine, alkaloid
Sublimation, Tests
Substances, (Experiments)
Substitution reactions, displacement reactions
Substitution reactions, (organic chemistry)
Succinic acid, butanedioic acid
Sucrose, (Experiments)
Sudan III
Sudan IV
Suds, height
Suet, fat, (Experiments)
Suffix, Functional groups:
Sugars, (Experiments)
Sunbeam mists, Prepare
Surface / volume ratio
Surfactants, synthetic detergents, (syndets)
Sulfamic acid
Sulfanilic acid
Sulfates, (Experiments)
Sulfation, battery sulfation
Sulfides, (Experiments)
Sulfites, (Experiments)
Sulfonamides, sulfa drugs
Sulfonic acids, (Experiments)
Sulfonium compounds, R3S+
Sulforaphane (sulfurophane), C6H11NOS2, broccoli extract
Sulfosalicyclic acid, C7H6O6S, urine tests, precipitates proteins, measures turbidity
Sulfoxide, [R–S(=O)–R']
Sulfur, S
Sulphur, S
Sulfur dioxide
Sulfuric acid, (Experiments)
Sulfurous acid, (Experiment)
Sunscreens, sun-protective clothing, (Medicine)
Sunstones, Feldspars, (Geology)
Super ball
Supercritical, Caffeine extraction
"Superglue", Cyanocrylates
Superphosphate, (Agriculture)
Supervision of students
Surface-acting agents, (Agriculture)
Surgical spirit, Rrubbing alcohol
Suspensions and precipitates, (Experiments)
SVP, Saturation Vapour Pressure
Swertiajaponin, saponin
Swimming pool chemistry
Sylvite, KCl, (Experiments)
Symbol of an element, Hydrogen
Sympathetic ink, Invisible ink, Prepare
SYNDET, Synthetic Detergents
Synthesis reactions, (Experiments)
Synthetic detergents, Syndets
Synthetic fibres, (Experiments)
Syringic acid
Syrups, Solubility of sucrose
Syrups, Prepare herbal syrups
Chemicals safety
Safety equipment
Safety in the school laboratory
Safety screens
Laboratory safety
Chemical hazzards
Skin sensitizing
Smoke alarms
Smoke alarms (Safety)
Safety equipment
Safety face shield (chemical, anti-splash face shield)
Safety glasses, safety goggles (polycarbonate lens glasses)
Safety gloves rubber, rubber safety gloves (small/medium/large rubber gloves) (rubber, caoutchouc)
Eye-wash bottle, eye-wash cup
First Aid kit, portable First Aid kit
Safety apron, PVC (resists strong acids)
Prepare safranin solution: 7.36
Safranin, (C20H19ClN4), Safranine O, Safranin T, basic red 2, cotton red, gossypimine.
Safranin gives yellow red colour by reflected light and crimson colour by transmitted light.
It is a biological stain colouring all cell nuclei red.
It is used as a counter stain in a Gram stain in microbiology.
It can also be used for the detection of cartilage and mucin and as a redox indicator in analytical chemistry.
Safranines are the azonium compounds of symmetrical 2,8-dimethyl-3,7-diamino-phenazine.
Salad oil
Salad oil is any vegetable oil used in a salad dressing, including, coconut oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, canola oil, peanut oil, a light olive oil.
Any other fairly bland vegetable oil can be sold as salad oil.
Salicyclic acid
Salicyclic acid:
Salicyclic acid, C7H6O3, HOC6H4COOH, hydroxybenzoic acid, harmful, skin irritant
Salicyclic acid is a bitter-tasting derivative of phenol, used to make fungicides and aspirin. Aspirin, acetylsalicyclic acid
Alkalis with salts, hydroxide ions: 12.1.8
Basal salt solutions, biology solutions: 3.5
Boiling point of sodium chloride solution: 3.1.3
Crystals of different salts: 12.10.2
Decomposition of hydrates, hydrated salts: 3.7.9
Hydrolysis of ammonium chloride: 12.10.3
Lift ice cube with salt: 24.4.5
pH of salt solutions: 12.10.7
Plants need mineral salts, maize: 9.2.5
Prepare salts 12.6.0
Reactions of salts: 12.10.10
Salt bridge, Voltaic cell with salt bridge:
Salting meat, Meat treatments: 19.2.6 (See: 2.)
Saltpetre, KNO3, potassium nitrate
Salts, (organic salts): 16.7.10
Salts with clay suspensions: 7.6.6
Separate salt and sand mixture: 10.1.7
Separate salt from salt water by evaporation: 10.1.5
Sodium chloride
Smelling salts, Ammonium carbonate:
Table salt and rock salt: 19.1.14
Tests for salt effect on buffer solutions: 12.12.11
Tests for salts with flame tests:
Saponins Test for saponins, (Experiment)
Steroid Saponins
Scandium, Sc
Scandium, Table of the Elements
Scandium RSC
Scandium, Sc (Latin Scandia, Scandinavia), transition metal, silver, but pink-yellow, tarnishes in air, soft, in some tin and tungsten ores.
Scandium, Coelestine, SrSO4
Scandium trifluoride, ScF3, negative thermal expansion
Scarlet red
Scarlet red, C24H20N4O, sudan IV, solvent red 24, stains fats and oils, harmful if ingested
Schiff reagent
Bis(schiff reagent), C4H8O2S2
(Bis: two identical but separate complex groups in one molecule.)
Schiff reagent, Schiff's test, is a mixture of fuchsine, C20H19N3·HCl, and sodium bisulfite, NaHSO3, or sulfurous acid, H2SO3, to decolorize it.
It forms red-violet colour in unknown solution as a test for aldehydes.
Basic fuchsine, C19H17N3.HCl, has variable contents including rosaniline and similar compounds, and may be used in Schiff's reagent test for aldehydes.
Schiff‘s reagent for microscopy for the periodic acid Schiff, or PAS reaction, is used for the detection of mucopolysaccharides, glycogen, and collagen.
The PAS (periodic acid Schiff) reaction is used for the detection of aldehyde.
In the PAS reaction, the material is first treated with periodic acid, resulting in the oxidation of the 1,2-glycols into aldehyde groups.
Addition of Schiff’s reagent (fuchsin-sulfuric acid) in the second step causes the aldehydes to react to form a brilliant red colour.
The PAS reaction gives a specific color reaction with polysaccharides, and phospholipids.
Scopoletin, C10H8O4, chrysatropic acid, plant growth factor, occurs in root of | Henbane bell, Scopolia carniolica, Solanaceae |.
It was a source of former anaesthetic.
Samarium, Sm
Samarium Table of the Elements
Samarium RSC
Samarium, Sm, (V. Samarskiǐ-Vykhovets, 1803-70, Russia), in samarskite and monazite and rare earth minerals, hard, grey.
Samarium-153, reactor-produced medical radioisotope, half-life 46.7 hours, is used to treat pain from primary tumour metastases.
Sea water
Atoll water lens: 6.8.1
Cations and anions in rain, rivers and sea water: 18.7.1
Copper-nickel alloys: 5.1.8, marine corrosion
Distil sea water: 10.3.4
Evaporation of sea water: 7.7.3
Osmosis and osmotic pressure, reverse osmosis: 9.2.1, desalination of sea water
Prepare sea water crystals: 3.1.14
Prepare sea water substitute solution: 3.23
Sebacoyl chloride
Sebacoyl chloride, ClOC(CH2)8COCl, decanedioyl dichloride, (COR 1760), toxic by all routes, skin irritant
Sebacoyl chloride with water forms hydrogen chloride gas, toxic.
Nylon polyamide:
Poisons and First Aid: 1.0 (See: Sebacoyl chloride)
Selenium, Se
Selenium Table of the Elements
Selenium RSC
Selenium, Se, (Greek selēnē moon), powder, AAS solution.
Selenium, powder, Highly toxic by all routes, do not inhale, do not touch fine particles.
Selenium, essential trace element, with vitamin E an antioxidant, nutrient of nervous system, food supplement grow yeast on selenium.
Selenic acid, H2SeO4, alkaloid reagent, oxidizing agent.
Selenium dioxide with water --> selenious acid, H2SeO3
Selenium dioxide, SeO2, colourless solid, most common selenium compound, Highly toxic by all routes, slightly volatile, avoid inhaling fine particles, to avoid toxic vapour do not heat.
Selenium disulfide, SeS2, called "selenium disulfide", antifungal agent in dandruff shampoo
Selenium hexasulfide, Se2S6, oxidizing agent
Hydrogen selenide, H2Se, colourless gas, irritating horrible smell
Selenium, Se, is a non-metal, obtained from sulfide ores, decolorizes glass, semiconductor that conducts electricity when an EMF is applied, used in photoelectric cells and light meters.
Similar properties: to sulfur.
The Kjeldahl catalyst is sodium sulfate + selenium.
Selenium is a trace mineral used to destroy hydrogen peroxide.
The recommended daily allowance, RDA, is 70 g for males, and 55 g for females.
The Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa), is one of the best sources of selenium, an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system.
Atomic number: 34, Relative atomic mass: 78.96, RD 4.81, MP = 217oC, BP = 685oC.
Specific heat capacity: 322 J kg-1 K-1.
Selenium (keep exhibition specimen in sealed container).
Use a fume cupboard or small quantity in well-ventilated area.
The mineral called "selenite" does not contain the atom "Selenium", Se!
Semilepidinoside A
Semilepidinoside A, C16H20N2O6, a glycoside, (phenolic structure attached to a glycosyl), in human cytoplasm, biomarker.
It occurs in brassicas, in garden cress.
Semipermeable membrane
Cellophane as a semipermeable membrane: 9.1.1
Copper ferrocyanide as a semipermeable membrane: 9.1.2
Measure osmosis: 9.1.7
Prussian blue as a semipermeable membrane: 9.1.8
Root pressure, Fuchsia, busy Lizzie (Impatiens walleriana) : 9.3.15
Cellulose triacetate, TAC, triacetate, C40H54O27, used in clothing fibres, semipermeable membrane
"Semtex", powerful plastic explosive, contains:
PETN, (pentaerythritol tetranitrate, C6H8N4O12, and RDX, C6H8N4O12
Senegin, C70H104O32, Senegin II, a cinnamate ester, a triterpenoid saponin, hypoglycemic, irritant, hypoglycemic, cancerostatic, expectorant.
It occurs in Polygala senega root.
Senna, C42H38O20, senna glycoside, sennoside, anthraquinone glycoside, occurs in Candle bush, (Senna alata), Fabaceae
Sennoside, Sennoside G, Sennosides, Pursennid (TN), Anthraquinone glycosides senna plant, laxative diastereoisomeric mixture, contains sennoside A and sennoside B.
It irritates intestine wall lining to cause increased intestinal muscle contractions then, vigorous bowel movement.
It occurs in Senna alexandrina (Cassia angustifolia), in rhubarbs (Rheum rhabarbarum), mainly sennoside A.
See diagram Sennosides compound
EDTA, synthetic chelating agent: 2.0
Sequester: 7.4.49, (Chemistry)
Sequestering agent, chelating agent: 18.1.18, swimming pools
Sequestrant food additives: 19.1.22
Sequestrants: 19.1.8
12.0 Prepare serial dilutions
100% solution: Prepare 100 mL of saturated solution, then filter.
0.5% solution: 0.5 mL of saturated solution, add water to 100 mL.
0.1% solution: 20 mL of 0.5% solution, add water to 100 mL.
0.05% solution: 50 mL of 0.1% solution, add water to 100 mL.
0.01% solution: 20 mL of 0.05% solution, add water to 100 mL.
0.005% solution: 50 mL of 0.01% solution, add water to 100 mL.
0.001% solution: 20 mL of 0.005% solution, add water to 100 mL.
Sesamin, C20H18O6, fagarol, sezamin, a lignan, a benzodioxole, a furofuran, cytotoxic, antineoplastic, neuroprotective, insecticide, synergist.
It occurs in Cinnamomum camphora, sesame oil Sesamum indicum, Zanthoxylum, Piper, and in Fagara.
Sesamol, C7H6O3, a phenol, a benzodioxole, irritant, white crystalline solid, antioxidant, prevents oil spoilage, in fats and oils.
It occurs in sesame oil Sesamum indicum.
Sesamolinol, , C20H20O7, a lignan, a methoxybenzene, a phenol, antioxidant.
It occurs in Sesamum indicum seeds.
Sesamose, C24H42O21, oligosaccharide, glucoside, reserve carbohydrate.
It occurs in Sesamum indicum.
Sesame oil, Composition of edible oils: 3.9.3 (Table)
Sesartemin, C23H26O8, a lignan, it is used in alcoholic beverages, hallucinogenic snuff, arrow poison.
It occurs in roots of wormwood, Artemisia absinthium, in Virola elongata bark.
Shellac comes from resinous excretions of the lac insects Coccus lacca or Tachardia lacca (varnish, polish, sealing wax).
French polish is shellac solution in methylated spirit), E90
Shellac solvent is highly flammable, may irritate nasal surfaces, and is toxic if ingested.
Shellac is thermoplastic, soluble in alcohol and is a good electrical insulator and is also used for paints.
Shellac is used as a fancy nail polish and is used in extruders or by injection, to make buttons, boxes, frames, dentures and technical articles.
Shellac was used to make gramophone records.
Shellac is sold as dry flakes.
Shikimic acid
Shikimic acid, C7H10O5, unsaturated monocarboxylic acid, tri-hydroxy cyclohexene carboxylic acid, corrosive, irritant, mutagen.
It occurs in Illicium religiosum fruit, Ribes uva-crispa, gooseberry, cherry, and in strawberry.
Silicon Si, Silica SiO2. Silicate SiO44-
Silica, SiO2, silicon dioxide, silicon (IV) oxide, E551, cristobalite, flint, obsidian, opal, quartz, quartz sand.
Silica gel drying agent (desiccant), is hygroscopic amorphous hydrated silica.
It may have added CoCl2, as a self-indicating moisture test, e.g. "Tell-Tale".
Bags of silica gel drying agent are usually included in the packaging of food and goods that must be kept dry.
The bags usually have the warning: "DO NOT EAT"!.
Silica powder is used a non-reactive bulking material in medical tablets.
Silica, acid washed, silica gel (orange) self indicating, silica gel desiccant, can be regenerated by heating to 110oC overnight.
Silica, silica gel beads, silica gel self-indicating, (contains cobalt (II) chloride)
Silica, 3-6 mm, silicon fused, Kiesel gel, grade C
Silica (hydrated silica gel)
(Siliceous: contains silica, silicated: combined with silica, silication : rock or mineral replaced by silica).
Silica / Silicon, Reactions of silica, Si / silicon, SiO2 compounds: 12.10.0
See: Silicates
See: Silicon
See: Silicon compounds
See: Silicones
Silicon, Si | Silicon dioxide, silica, SiO2, quartz | Silicates, (SiO44-)
Also, the ions orthosilicate, metaselicate and pryosilicate, and any ion or ester containing silicon and oxygen.
Silicates, (SiO44-), (salt or ester of silicic acid), (H4SiO4 orthosilicic acid)
Crystal Tree (Capillary forces move salt solution up paper tree), (toy product)
Jadeite, Na(Al, Fe)SiO6, NaAl(Si2, O6), pyroxene group, from Myanmar (Burma).
Silicates group, polysilicates, polysilicon: 35.8.0, (Geology)
Borosilicate glass: 7.9.10, Pyrex
Kaolinite: 35.2.39, (Geology)
Kyanite: 35.2.40, (Geology)
Rhodonite: 35.2.59, (Geology)
Silicon, Si
Silicon Table of the Elements
Siliconr RSC
Silicon, Si | Silicon dioxide, silica, SiO2, quartz | Silicates, (SiO44-)
Silicon, Si (Latin silic hard stone), metalloid, lumps, AAS solution, Silicon oil 200 Fluid 350 CS.
Fine particles are toxic if inhaled
Silicon powder, lump, granules, burns in air if ignited, violently combustible with oxidizing agents.
Silicon, Si, lump [powder] is a non-metal network solid.
It occurs naturally as a brown powder or grey crystals, 28% of the earth's crust.
It forms a network solid similar to diamond and has valence 4.
It is the second most abundant element and occurs mainly in silicates in rocks.
Silicon is prepared by reduction of silica SiO2 in an electric furnace.
Silicon is used as a semiconductor, and its conductivity can be increased by increasing its temperature or by adding boron or phosphorus, (doping).
The common form of silicon dioxide is silica, SiO2as in quartz.
A major component of rocks is the silicate ion, SiO44-, as in glass.
Silicone greases have a polymer network of silicon and oxygen atoms attached to C and H atoms.
Atomic number: 14, Relative atomic mass: 28.0855, RD 2.33, MP = 1410oC, BP = 2360oC.
Specific heat capacity: 711 J kg-1 K-1.
Silicon crystals, metallurgical grade (Industrial)
Reactions of silicon compounds: 12.10.0
Silicon, Silica: 7.4.0
35.8.0 Silicates
Silicic acid, H2SiO3
Silicon compounds
Silicon compounds
Silicon compounds, glass, lump (powder), "Silly Putty™", silicon-based polymer, non-Newtonian dilatant (toy product)
Silicon, Si | Silicon dioxide, silica, SiO2, quartz | Silicates, (SiO44-)
Silicon alkoxides, silica aerogel, Aerogel (Industrial)
Silicon carbide:, Types of carbides, (See: 4.), SiC (carborundum)
Silicon dioxide, silica, silica dust, silica gel, sand, quartz, fine particles toxic by inhalation, causing silicosis lung disease
Silicon dioxide, SiO2, tridymite mineral
Silicon dioxide, Opal, SiO2.nH2O
Silicon dioxide, glassy opal, SiO2.H2O, Hyalite mineral
Silicon tetraacetate, C8H12O8Si, off-white crystalline, sol-gel reactions, rapid gel reaction
Quartzite, SiO2: 35.3.11, (Geology)
Separate sand and lead powder by panning: 10.8.1
Separate a sand and salt mixture: 10.11.5
Zeolite: 18.1.28, swimming pools
Prepare silicon compounds
Prepare silica gel,: 7.4.2
Prepare silicon glass: 7.4.4
Prepare silicon tetrafluoride, SiF4:
Silicones, (-OSiR2-)n, polymeric unbranched siloxanes, Formula: (-OSiR2-)n, (R not equal to H)
"Melting Snowman", silicone-based liquid and solid jumping putty (toy product)
Silicone grease (For burettes, use Vaseline not silicone grease, because it is difficult to remove.)
Silicone, "Silly Putty", polyborosiloxane, bouncing putty (Dow Corning 3179 dilatant compound)
Silicone sealant, "Bathtub Caulk", "Silicone Sealer" for fish tanks
Silicones, plastics, silicone grease, harmful if ingested: 3.8.1
Prepare slime, PVA slime: 3.3.11
Silicone rubbers, PVMQ: 12.10.11
Silver, Ag
1. Silver, Ag (Old English siolfor) (Latin argentum, Ag), metal, sheet 30 SWG, strip, sheet, wire, fumes and dust are a heavy metal hazard.
Silver, Ag, is a white transition metal, does not oxidize in air, the best electrical conductor, available as silver wire, occurs as the element.
It is used in coin alloys, electrical conductors, photographic emulsions, jewellery and ornaments.
Silver has low melting point and high malleability, so it is easy to cast and cold forge.
Reacts with concentrated oxidizing acids, HNO3 or H2SO4 to produce high oxidation number ions, and sulfur dioxide SO2, or nitrogen dioxide, NO2, reacts with concentrated HNO3 and hot concentrated H2SO4.
No reaction with dilute HCl or H2SO4, air, or water.
Silver compounds | Argentic, Ag (II) compounds | Argentite mineral, e.g. silver glance, Ag2S | Argentous, Ag (I) compounds|
2. Silver ions and silver compounds have toxic effects on some bacteria, viruses, algae and fungi, as with heavy metals, but without their toxicity.
So silver was reputed to "sterilize" water and formerly, water was kept in silver containers and silver coins were supposed to stop milk spoiling.
Silver has been used to cure smelly socks, but excess silver from ingesting colloidal silver medications can turn the skin blue, argyria.
3. The "silver paper" used in wrapping paper or on chocolates is usually tin foil, not silver.
4. Silver has almost 100% reflectivity for most of the spectrum except in the violet, so slight yellow tinge.
Solid silver can be polished to be highly reflective, but silver nanoparticles form a black substance, e.g. in old photographic negatives.
Atomic number: 47, Relative atomic mass: 107.868, RD 10.5, MP = 961 oC, BP = 2210 oC.
Specific heat capacity: 234 J kg-1 K-1.
Silver Table of the Elements
Silver RSC
Clean tarnished silver: 15.1.4
Reactions of silver compounds: 12.11.0
Reactions of silver halides, photography:
Recover silver from silver chloride, AgCl2:
Recycle silver: 12.11.0, (See 6.)
Silver, Ag: 35.2.62, (Geology)
Silver acetate, AgC2H3O2, hydrates, silver ethanoate, toxic if ingested, stains skin black, corrosive to skin and eyes
Silver acetate may be used to test for cations.
Silver bromide Ag Br, silver (I) bromide, Ag Br, yellow solid, dissolves in concentrated ammonia solution (photography emulsions, used in daguerreotypes).
Silver chloride
Silver fluoride: [silver (I) fluoride (silver monofluoride), AgF], [silver (II) fluoride (silver difluoride), AgF2], [disilver fluoride, Ag2F]
Silver fulminate, AgCNO, contact explosion, extremely sensitive so useless, except tiny amounts in children's noise-making toys
Silver hexafluorophosphate, AgPF6, corrosive white-grey powder, chemical agent
Silver iodate, AgIO3, insoluble white crystals
Silver iodide
Silver lactate, Ag(C2H3O2), photosensitive white crystals, horrible metallic taste, harmful if ingested, corrosive to skin
Silver mirror tests for aldehydes, Tollens' test: 9.3.3
Silver nitrate
Silver nitride, Ag3N, contact explosive unstable, occasionally unwelcome occurrence in silver experiments
Sodium nitrite, AgNO2
Silver-oxide battery:, (a button cell)
Silver perchlorate, AgClO4 (perchlorates can be unstable!)
Silver plating of copper or nickel: 15.1.5, electroplating
Silver residues: 3.3.6
Silver sulfate, Ag2SO4
Silver toxicity: 4.13H
Silvering and desilvering, plating and deplating silver: 15.1.9
Silver tetrafluoroborate, AgBF4, white soluble solid
Sodium thiosulfate with silver chloride or silver bromide : 12.1.48
Silver trifluoromethanesulphonate, silver triflate, CAgF3O3S
Tests for silver:, (See 8.)
Tests for silver, potassium chromate test, rhodanine test:
Silver chloride
Silver chloride, AgCl, precipitate in photography: 7.8.13, Prepare
Compare the chloride, bromide and iodide of silver, AgCl, AgBr, AgI:
Silver chloride (99.999%), AgCl, silver (I) chloride, white solid, cerargyrite, horn silver, kerargyrite, occurs in silver veins, dissolves in ammonia solution.
It is used for photography emulsions, pottery glaze.
Silver chloride, kerargyrite, cerargyrite, occurs in geological silver veins.
Silver iodide
Cloud seeding, rain making: 37.5.4
Compare silver chloride, silver bromide and silver iodide:
Tests for iodides: 12.11.12
Silver iodide
Silver iodide, AgI, silver (I) iodide, does not dissolve in ammonia solution, yellow solid.
Silver iodide crystals similar to ice, so used in cloud seeding.
Ionic solid silver iodide, AgI, is insoluble in water.
Silver nitrate
Silver nitrate, AgNO3, nitric acid silver (I) salt, large, odourless, transparent, rhombic crystals or small white crystals, lunar caustic sticks for cauterizing
RD 4.35, MP 212oC, water soluble, becomes dark with organic matter, test for halogens, store in dark-coloured dropping bottle in a cool dark place.
Low cost: (but still expensive!), from pottery suppliers, in some test reagents as 1% or 10% aqueous solution.
Silver nitrate, AgNO3, toxic if ingested, stains skin and clothing black, corrosive to skin and eyes.
Silver (I) nitrate, silver nitrate pure (costs 25 GBP in UK), silver nitrate 0.1 M, solution 2% W / V
Use Tollens' reagent to demonstrate the reduction of silver nitrate solution by formic acid, to form a mirror on the inside of the test-tube.
It forms explosive mixtures with combustibles, e.g. sulfur, phosphorus, ethanol, metal powders.
Silver nitrate is used in redox reactions, metal displacement reactions, testing for chloride ions, preparation of Tollens' reagent.
Silver nitrate, AgNO3, For 0.1 M solution, 17 g in 1 L water or dissolve 10 g of silver nitrate in 100 mL of deionized water
Silver mirror tests for aldehydes, Tollens' tests for acetaldehydes: 9.3.3
Coloured precipitates, double decomposition reactions:
Electrolysis of silver nitrate solution, with an OHP: 15.6.6
Silver chloride precipitate in photography: 7.8.13, Prepare
Magnesium with silver nitrate: 13.3.5
Prepare preserving agents for cut flowers: 19.3.8
Silver sulfate
Silver sulfate, Ag2SO4, is used in silver plating, harmful by inhalation and if swallowed, dust irritates eyes and skin
Silver sulfate, Soluble in hot water, ammonium hydroxide, nitric acid, sulfuric acid
Simethicone, C6H18O4Si3, phazyme, antifoam A, DC antifoam A, Sentry Simethicone, Mylanta Gas Relief, polymer of dimethylsiloxane + gel, used as an antiflatulent, surfactant, and ointment base, an anti-foaming agent in indigestion tablets to reduce bloating discomfort, decreases surface tension of small gas bubbles, so they combine into big bubbles.
Sinalbin, C14H19NO10S2, glucosinalbin, p-hydroxybenzyl glucosinolate, flavour component + hydrolysis products
Hydrolysis product is thycyanate ion (SCN-), which occurs in white mustard, onion, garlic, mustard oil, radish, charlock.
Sinapine, C16H24NO5+, sinapoylcholine, a phenylpropanoid, alkaloidal amine, choline ester of sinapic acid, an acylcholine, a photosynthetic electron-transport chain inhibitor, antioxidant.
It occurs in Brassica species seeds, Sisymbrium, Crambe, Lepidum, and in Draha.
Sinapinic acid
Sinapyl alcohol
Sinapyl alcohol, C11H14O4, sinapoyl alcohol, sinapic alcohol, irritant, a primary alcohol, a phenol, a dimethoxybenzene, a monolignol, precursor to lignin, lignans, stilbenes and coumarins.
Sinigrin, C10H16KNO9S2, sinigrin hydrate, sinigrin glucosinolate, Allyl glucosinolate, aliphatic derivative, flavour component + breakdown products, occurs in horseradish, in mustards, in cabbage
sinigrin + myrosinase --> glucose + allyl isothiocyanate, so sinigrin is precursor to allyl isothioncyanate.
Sinigrin hydrate, C10H16HNO9S2.xH2O, sinigrin glucosinate, in black mustard seeds, in horseradish
See diagram: Sinigrin.
Sisomicin, C19H37N5O7, broad-spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic, similar to gentamicin C1A, produced by bacterium.
Micromonospora inyoensis, effective against gram-positive bacteria, Klebsiella, Escherichia, Enterobacter, Proteus3, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Sisomicin sulfate salt, [2(C19H37N5O7.5H2SO4].
Sitosterol, C29H50O, beta-sitosterol, cupreol. azuprostat, phytosterol, a sterol methyltransferase inhibitor, an anticholesteremic drug, an antioxidant, 3beta-sterol, a stigmastane sterol, from Solanum trilobatum, reduces side-effects of radiation-induced toxicity.
β-Sitosterol (beta-sitosterol) is a plant sterol similar to cholesterol, white waxy powder, distinctive smell, in food additive E499, hydrophobic, soluble in alcohols.
It occurs in many plants, in plant cell membranes, including vegetable oil, nuts, avocados and dressings.
It may reduce prostate gland enlargement as men get older and blood cholesterol.
It is a precursor of anabolic steroid boldenone, which may be abused in sports by too much consumption of β-sitosterol.
Sitosterol use is not recommended during pregnancy.
Beta-sitosterol C29H50O, phytosterol, similar to cholesterol, oestrogenic activity, inhibits proliferation of human leukemia cells, reducing serum cholesterol levels. natural prostate health. reduce the growth of human prostate and colon cancer cells.
Skatole, C9H9N, (3-Methyl-1H-indole), a methylindole, produced from metabolism of L-tryptophan in the mammal digestive tract, in humans, white crystalline fine powder browns with aging, irritant, environmental hazard, foul smelling of faeces, additive to cigarettes, flavouring ingredient, mildly toxic, an indole family.
It occurs in faeces, beets, coal tar, and in essential oils of orange blossoms, jasmine, and Ziziphus mauritiana.
Skeletal formula, alkanes (gif)
Stigmasterol, C29H48O, beta-stigmasterol, stigmasterin, irritant, a stigmastane sterol, an unsaturated phytosterol.
It is a vitamin and a component of plant cell membranes.
It is a food additive E499, used to increase phytosterol and lower LDL cholesterol, inhibits absorption of cholesterol from food.
It occurs in the fats and oils of soybean, calabar bean, rape seed, legumes, nuts, seeds, unpasteurized milk, and in
Ophiopogon japonicus (Mai men dong), and Mirabilis jalapa.
Scrimshaw, carvings by sailors of the teeth of the sperm whale, and tusks of other marine animals
Seaborgium, Sg
Seaborgium, Table of the Elements
Seaborgium RSC
Seaborgium,(Glen Seaborg, USA, 1912-1999), artificially produced unstable radioactive element
Solder: Soft Pb and Sn alloys, resin-cored solder, wire form (Soldering flux, soldering resin)
Low melting point alloys: 5.1.14
Eutectic mixture: 5.1.12
Soldering, solders, fluxes, methods: 2.6.0
Weight of tin in solder: 17.6.6
Prepare solutions: 10.0
Solubility and solutions: 7.7.0, (Experiments)
Solutions, alloys, concentration, mole
Solute: 7.4.50
Solutions and mixtures
Prepare solutions of known concentration: 5.6.0
Solvent: 7.4.51
Sealant, non-solvent sealant, Silicone, harmful if ingested
Sealant, solvent-based sealant, e.g. Duraseal, harmful if ingested, skin irritant, do not inhale vapour
Solvent extraction of oil from peanuts: 10.12.0
Sorbitol, C6H14O6, D-sorbitol, D-glucitol, sugar alcohol, polyhydric alcohol, odourless colourless solid, sinks and mixes with water, diuretic, laxative, cathartic, 60 % sweetening activity of sucrose so diabetes sugar replacement.
It is used in cosmetic creams and lotions, toothpaste, candy softener, sugar crystallization inhibitor, surfactants, resins, manufacturing of sorbose, acid-base titration of borate and as a food additive: sweetener, humectant, emulsifier, thickener, anticaking agent, dietary supplement.
It occurs in Rosaceae fruits, in Sorbus, in Crataegus, in Cocos.
SPADNS, fluoride reagent solution, 500 mL (HO)2(C10H3(SO3Na)2N=N(C6H4SO3Na, indicator for zirconium, thorium
Speculum is a metal, or alloy of brass or copper with tin, polished to make telescope reflective surfaces or mirrors
Spermidine, C7H19N3, triazadecane, azaoctamethylenediamine, corrosive, polyamine, triamine.
It occurs in many biological processes, in almost all tissues in association with nucleic acids, regulates membrane potential.
Spilanthol, C14H23NO, affinin, a decatrienamide, a fatty acid amide, branched chain unsaturated aliphatic amide, local anaesthetic properties.
It occurs in jambu, the toothache plant, paracress, electric daisies Acmella oleracea.
It is used in traditional Mexican medicine for toothache.
Spinasterol, C29H48O, alpha-spinasterol, alpha-spinasterin, bessisterol, hitodesterol, a phytosterol, a steroid, isomer of Stigmastanol.
It occurs in spinach, alfalfa (lucerne), Polygala senega root, and in bitter apple Citrullus colocynthis.
Relative sweetness of some artificial sweeteners
Relative sweetness, mass for mass, is measured by comparing the taste in water to a 4% solution of cane sugar.
Acesulfame-K, E 950, Relative sweetness 150
Alitame, dipeptide amide, E 956, Relative sweetness 2 000
Aspartame, dipeptide ester, E 951, Relative sweetness 160, e.g. "Equal"
Cyclamate, E 952, Relative sweetness 30 to 80
Dulcin, sucrol, 4-ethoxyphenyl urea, relative sweetness 250
Ethylene glycol, anti-freeze, Toxic, Relative sweetness 1.3
Glycerol, glycerine, E 422, Relative sweetness 0.6
Lead acetate, sugar of lead, Toxic, Relative sweetness 1.0
Miraculin, not itself sweet
Saccharin, o-toluene sulfonamide, E 954, Relative sweetness 300 to 500, e.g. "Sweet 'N Low"
Stevioside, relative sweetness 250 to 300.
Sucralose, Relative sweetness 650
Sucrose, cane sugar, food, Relative sweetness 1.0
Thaumatin, E 957, Relative sweetness 750 to 1 600
D-tryptophan, amino acid, Relative sweetness 35
Starch, soluble starch, corn starch, tapioca starch, sorghum gum, amylodextrin, amylopectin, amylum, arrowroot starch, soluble laundry starch, gums adhesives
Starch, amylum, (C6H10O5)n, where n = 40 to 50.
Starch is used as a test for iodine, forms blue colour.
Starch, like glucose, is a carbohydrate and contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the proportion C6H10O5, in a very complex molecule.
Starch is present in nearly all plants.
Potatoes, barley, wheat, and rice are used as industrial sources.
Starch is used for stiffening linen in laundries, adhesive pastes and manufacture of glucose.
Cornflour starch is a powdery starch synthesized from maize and used as a cooking thickener, in USA "cornstarch",
in Australia "cornflour" is actually "wheaten starch".
Starch, (C6H10O5)n, starch maize, starch potato, soluble starch, starch solution 2% W / V
Amylase: 4.5.1
Breakdown of starch by micro-organisms: 4.3.3
Breakdown starch during germination: 9.4.1
Cornstarch, cornflour slime, isotropy and thixotropy 13.4.1
Food allergies and intolerances (See 6. Starch allergy): 19.2.01
Laundry starch
Mashed potato, pommes purée: 19.2.13, (starch granules)
Secret writing inks, starch, cornstarch suspension: 3.2.14
Starch nutrient agar solution: 1.16
Tests for starch: 12.11.8
Stearin, C57H110O6, glyceryl ester of stearic acid, white crystalline substance. in fatty acids, (C16-C18)
It occurs mostly in animal fats, least in vegetable oils, in palms. (in soap, suet, food products and cosmetics)
8.1.9, Burning candle, rising water, (See: 2.), (Experiment)
Fats in animals and plants
Stearic acid
Stearic acid, C18H36O2, CH3(CH2)16CO2H, octadecanoic acid, saturated fatty acid
Stearic acid, powder, E570 fatty acid, MP 68oC to 69.5oC, occurs in fats, tallow, used in anti-caking agent, soaps, waxes
Stearic acid with basic solutions forms soaps.
Electrical conductivity of melted solids, fused solids: 32.2.20
Fats in food
Fatty acids in oils of natural products: 5.1.3
Fatty acids in coconut oil: 5.1.4
Fatty acids: 3.9.5
Hydrogenation, cis-trans fatty acids: 3.9.8
Melting point and cooling curve of stearic acid: 3.3.4
Prepare crystals from a melt: 3.1.6
Size of carbon atom in stearic acid molecule: 11.3.5
Size of stearic acid molecule: 11.3.8
Soaps and synthetic detergents, (syndets): 12.5.1
Steel wool
Low cost: from hardware stores, soapless steel wool as steel wool pads for paint removal
New types of steel wool, e.g. stainless steel soap pads "STEELO", made from stainless steel wool, are guaranteed not to rust,
but are not suitable for non-stick cookware or other delicate surfaces.
Burn steel wool and burn iron filings: 11.1.1
Burn steel wool and weigh the products:
Burn steel wool, change in weight: 11.1.2
Burn steel wool in chlorine:
Dilute sulfuric acid with steel wool: 12.3.3
Heat of rusting, steel wool: 14.1.4
Heat steel wool with iodine crystals (synthesis reaction):
Rusting of steel wool: 15.5.8.
Reactions of chlorine with steel wool: 12.4.16.
Rusting of steel wool: 15.5.8
Sterols are solid, waxy, unsaturated steroid alcohols, anti-inflammatory, analgesic agents.
Sterols (steroids) occurs in animal sex hormones, squalene (in shark liver oil), cephalosporin, gonane, hopane, diplotene, lupeol.
See diagram: Gonane.
Plant sterols are called phytosterols, some existing naturally free and some exist occurs in combination as esters or glycosides.
β-sitosterol, C29H50O, oestrogenic activity, occurs in human leukemia cells, occurs in vegetable oils, occurs in nuts, occurs in avocado.
Naturally occurring non-delta-5 plant sterols: | Cycloartenol | 24-methylene cycloartenol | cycloeucalenol | obtusifoliol|.
List of sterols:
Beta-Sitosterol, C29H50O
Cholesterol C27H46O
Sterols, cholesterol
Cycloastragenol C30H50O5
Ecdysone C27H44O6
Ergosterol C28H44O
Fucosterol C29H48O
Lupeol C30H50O
Sitosterol C29H50O
Stigmasterol C29H48O
Stilbene, trans-stilbene, C6H5CH=CHC6H5 is a diarylethene polyphenol.
Stilbenoids are derivatives of stilbene and the products of heartwood formation occurs in trees.
Phyllodulcin, C16H14O5, a hydroxybenzoic acid
Piceid stilbenoid glucoside
Piceatannol a stilbenol, occurs in grapes.
Resveratrol occurs in grape (skins and seeds, grape wine), nuts, peanuts, Japanese Knotweed root.
Rhaponticin, C21H24O9, stilbenoid glucoside, phytoestrogen, occurs in rhubarb rhizomes.
Sudan IV
Sudan IV, C24H20N4O, scarlet red, solvent red 24, stains fats and oils, harmful if ingested
Sudan black B, C29H24N6, ceres black BN, fat back HB, solvent black 3, histology stain
Syringic acid
Syringic acid, C9H10O5, cCedar acid, a dimethoxybenzene
It is a benzoic acid, a phenol, high antioxidant activity, inhibits LDL oxidation.
It is used in some distilled alcohol beverages.
It is a product of microbial gut metabolism of polyphenols consumed in fruits and alcoholic beverages.
Styrene, C8H8, C6H5CH:CH2, plastics, monomer, phenyl ethene, vinyl benzene, toxic by all routes, do not inhale fumes, skin irritant
ABS, acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene, thermoset plastics, mixed polymer: 3.7.28
Aromatic hydrocarbons, e.g. benzene, anthracene:
Collapse polystyrene beads with propanone: 3.3.3
Phenylethene, styrene, monomer styrene, Styrenes: 3.7.29
Styrene, Mixture < 12.5%, Not hazardous, do not ingest, use fume cupboard or well-ventilated area.
Styrofoam: 3.7.29
Classify substances: 7.2.1
Heat substances, sublimation, melting, decrepitation:
Low-cost chemicals and common substances: 16.0.0
Pure substances and impure substances: 7.2.0
Separation of substances: 10.0.0
Substances, Tests for all substances
Thermal decomposition: 3.7.0
Subtilisin, serine endopeptidase, protease from Bacillus subtilis, in laundry powders, e.g. Clorox 2 laundry bleach
Sudan III
Sudan III, C22H16N4O
Sudan III, Solvent red 23, fat-soluble dye, histological dye used for demonstrating triglycerides, fluorochrome, carcinogenic agent
Sudan III, Sudan III solution alcoholic, (C.I. 261000), C.I. Solvent Red 23)
Sudan III, 1-[4-(Phenylazo)phenylazo]-2-naphthol, Cerasin Red, Fat Ponceau G, Fat Soluble Sudan, Scarlet B, Solvent Red 23
Sudan G, Sudan Red BK, Tony Red (tests for fats, oils, waxes), harmful if ingested
Sudan III, Tests for fats and oils: 9.3.11, (See: 2.)
Sudan III, Epigeal germination: 9.4.7, (See: 3.)
Beet sugar, sucrose extracted from sugar beet: | Sugar beet, Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera, Amaranthaceae |.
Blood constituents: 9.1.2
Breakdown starch to sugars during germination: 9.4.1
Brix, sucrose concentration: 6.2.3
Browning reactions of fruits and vegetables:
Burning sugar cube, combustible cube: 17.3.12
Cane sugar, invisible writing ink: 3.2.2
Cellophane as a semipermeable membrane: 9.1,1
Children with diarrhoea: 9.3.5, ORS special drink
Decomposition of sucrose:
Glycaemic index: 9.1.10, GI
Heat glycerine with sugar to form carbon: 12.1.7
Icing sugar, confectioner's sugar, very fine table sugar, large surface / volume ratio, used in sugar rockets
Monosaccharides: 16.5.2, List
Monosaccharides, D sugars and L sugars: 16.5.3
Oligosaccharides: 16.5.6
Polysaccharides: 16.5.7
Prepare glucose with sugar: 16.7.18
Prepare invert sugar: 3.1.12
Prepare rock candy crystals: 16.5.8
Prepare sugar crystals from brown sugar: 3.1.17
Prepare sugar crystals from sugar cane juice: 3.1.18
Prepare white sugar from brown sugar: 10.14.3
Sucralose, Relative sweetness 650
Sugar acids: 16.5.9
Sugars: 16.5.1
Sugar acids: 16.5.9
Sugarcane, Saccharum officinarium, Poaceae
Preparesugaring mixture: 5.7, insect fixing fluid
Syrups: , Solubility of sucrose, (Cooking)
Tests for breakdown of starch to sugars: 9.3.6
Tests for reducing sugars, Benedict's test: 9.4.1
Tests for reducing sugars, Fehling's test: 9.5.1
Treacle, molasses, golden syrup, uncrystallized syrup drained from partly-refined raw sugar
Treacle, in Bible Jer, viii, 22, "Is there no tryacle in Gilead."
Formerly, children were given a dose of "brimstone (sulfur) and treacle", as a regular medicine, which they did not like!
Sulfamic acid
Reactions of sulfamic acid, NH2.SO2OH:, (Experiments)
Sulfamic acid, , NH2.SO2OH, amidosulfonic acid, harmful if ingested, skin irritant
Sulfamic acid, Solution < 20%, Not hazardous
Sulfamic acid is a strong crystalline acid used in cleaning agents
Sulfamide compounds, SO2(NH2)2
Sulfanilamide, p-aminobenzenesulfonamide, toxic if ingested, livertoxin
Sulfanilic acid
Sulfanilic acid, C6H7NO3S, sulfonilic acid, 4-amonobenzene sulfonic acid, C6H7NO3S, NH2C6H4SO3H, toxic if ingested, skin irritant
Sulfanilic acid, Solution < 25%, Not hazardous, but should not be ingested
Sulfanilic acid (used to make methyl orange)
Aluminium sulfate: 12.1.14
Alums: 12.1.16, aluminium sulfates
Sulfate ion, (SO42-), sulphate (UK)
Sulfates: 7.4.54, battery sulfation
Decomposition of sulfates: 3.7.17
Sulfate hazards: 3.7.15
List of sulfates: 1.23
Sulfate of ammonia, fertizer
Sulfation: Sulfation, , lead-acid battery electrolyte
Tests for sulfates: 12.11.16
Tests for sulfates in groundwater:
Sulfides: RSR, (R not equal to H), (old name: thioethers)
1. People who eat asparagus may notice a malodorous over-boiled cabbage smell in their urine.
The smell comes from sulfur compounds, e.g. diallyl disulfide, dimethyl sulfide, dimethylsulfone, sulfimides (sulfilimines): (H2S=NH).
2. Diallyl sulfide, from boiled cabbage
3. Disulfides from crushed garlic
Asparagus, (Asparagus officinalis, var. Mary Washington)
Sulfide ion: S2-
Sulfides: 16.10.10
Sulfides: 7.4.55
Sulfide (thio), S2-, monodentate ligand or bidentate ligand
Hazards: 3.7.16
Hydrogen sulfide waste bottle: 3.3.2
List of sulfides: 1.24
Organic sulfides "16.10.1, Allicin
Prepare sulfides, S2-:
Tests for sulfides: 12.11.17
Sulfite ion: -SO2−3
sulfite ion, (sulfate(IV) ion), SO2−3.
Sulfites: 7.4.56
Sulfite hazards: 3.7.17
List of sulfites: 1.25
Decomposition of sulfites: 3.7.18
Tests for sulfites: 12.11.18
Sulfonic acids
Aromatic sulfonic acids: 16.2.11
Electroplating, zinc plating of copper: 15.1.6
Ionic surfactants in washing powders: 12.6.9
Non-ionic surfactants: 12.6.10
Sulfonic acids, group: R-SO2OH, e.g. methanesulfonic acid, CH3SO2OH, Salts or esters: sulfonates
Sulfonic acids, HS(=O)2OH / sulfonate, organic compound with functional group (-SO3H) / (-SO3- )
Sulfonic acids (acid fuchsine is mixture of basic fuchsine +sulfonic groups to decolorize it.)
Sulfonic acids (sunscreen, phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid)
Sulfur, S
Sulfur Table of Elements
Sulfur RSC
Sulfur, S (Latin sulfur), brimstone, bright yellow powder, sublimed sulfur, flowers of sulfur, roll sulfur, brimstone, sulfur sticks, roll sulfur,
Sulfur is a non-metal occurs as S8 molecule rings and has rhombic and monoclinic forms.
Sulfur is insoluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol, and soluble in benzene.
Above 160oC, the S8 molecule rings break to form long chains of plastic sulfur, polymeric sulfur, that is not soluble in any solvents.
Sulfur is not toxic, but can be dangerous, because of its flammability and hazardous, because of the formation of sulfur dioxide gas as a product of combustion.
Sulfur is used as example of a non-metal element.
Brimstone is the word for sulfur in the King James version of the Bible: Genesis 19: 24:
"Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;"
Formerly, children were give "brimstone and treacle", as a regular medicine, sulfur deficiency does not occur in humans.
Sulfur is in external medicines to treat skin problems.
Sulfur is in hair, nails, and skin.
Liver of sulfur, K2S, potassium sulfide, alkaline mixture of mainly potassium polysulfides that turns silver black.
Low cost: garden supply stores as fertilizer, fungicide, soil additive, "wettable sulfur".
The main allotropes of sulfur are as follows:
1. α sulfur, rhombic sulfur, with yellow octahedral crystals,
2. β sulfur with monoclinic prismatic pale yellow crystals.
Do not mix sulfur with oxidizing agents, e.g. potassium nitrate or potassium permanganate, or mercury (II) oxide, because the mixtures are explosive.
Do not prepare mixtures of sulfur with active metal powders, e.g. aluminium and magnesium, because they are also violently reactive.
Sulfur usually ignites when it is heated, forming sulfur dioxide gas, which is highly irritant to the lungs and should not be inhaled.
Use a fume cupboard for that produce sulfur dioxide.
Some asthmatics are particularly sensitive to sulfur dioxide.
Atomic number: 16, Relative atomic mass: 32.06, RD 2.07 (α), 1.96 (β), MP = 113oC (α) 119oC (β), BP = 445oC (α),
Specific heat capacity: 0.71.
See diagram 12.18.1 Sulfur crystals
Sulfur experiments
Sulfur allotropes:
Sulfur compounds
Sulfur deficiency in soils: 6.12.6
Sulfur experiments
"Sulfur" in coal, iron (II) sulfide (pyrite):
Sulfur mineral: 35.2.75, (Geology)
Sulfur organic compounds: 16.10.0
Prepare sulfur dioxide: 13.10.0
Wettable sulfur: 4.3.3, (agricultural fungicide
Sulfur experiments
Aluminium with sulfur: 12.1.6
Bromine catalyses the oxidation of sulfur to sulfuric acid: 17.3.4
Burn sulfur in oxygen: 11.1.3
Dilute acids with non-metals, carbon and sulfur: 12.4.4
Heat copper with sulfur:, (synthesis reaction)
Heat iron with sulfur:, (synthesis reaction)
Heat zinc with sulfur:, (synthesis reaction)
Heat sulfur to form sulfur dioxide: 13.10.0
Prepare sulfides:
Prepare forms of sulfur: 7.1.5, allotropes of sulfur
Prepare sulfur dioxide by heating sulfur: 7.1.6
Sulfur compounds
Acid rain, SOx, from burning sulfur or sulfur compounds:
Bromocresol green
Phenylthiocarbamide: 3.19
Lime sulfur: 4.3.1, CaSx, (Agriculture)
Prepare sodium thiosulfate crystals:
Prepare sulfides:
Prepare sulfur monochloride:, S2Cl2
Prepare sulfuric acid with iron (II) sulfate: 12.16.12
Reactions of sodium thiosulfate:
Reactions of sulfamic acid:
Reactions of sulfuric acid
Sulfur in methylated spirits; (colloidal sulfur)
Sulfur dichloride, SCl2
Sulfur dichloride oxide: Thionyl chloride
Sulfur dioxide: 13.10.0
Sulfur hexafluoride, SF6, density 6.12 g / litre, inert gaseous dielectric
Sulfur trioxide: 13.10.9
Diethyl ether
Sulfur dichloride
Sulfur dichloride, SCl2, cherry red liquid, Highly toxic by all routes, use a fume cupboard
Sulfur dichloride with water forms hydrogen chloride gas in a violent reaction
Sulfurous acid
Sulfurous acid, H2SO3, 6% SO2 solution in water, clear, colourless solution, penetrating SO2 odour
Sulfur trioxide with water forms sulfurous acid
Sulfurous acid is highly toxic if ingested, very corrosive
Sulfurous acid oxidizes in air to sulfuric acid
Sulfurous acid as a reducing agent, ionization reaction: 15.4.10
Sulfuryl chloride, SO2Cl2, sulfur dichloride, toxic by all routes, extremely irritant vapour, highly corrosive
Sulfuryl chloride with water forms hydrogen chloride gas and sulfuric acid
Tetrasulfur tetanitride, S4N4, unstable contact explosive
Swertiajaponin, C22H22O11, leucanthoside A, triterpenoid saponin, tyrosinase inhibitor, in Cephalaria leucantha
Synthetic fibres
Synthetic fibres, polymers, plastics: 3.6.14
Burning tests for synthetic fibres: 4.3.0
Sabinene, C10H16, bicyclic monoterpene
It occurs in Horsewood, (Clausena anisata) | and Black pepper, (Piper nigrum), Piperaceae |
Sabinene hydrate, C10H18O, 4-Thujanol
Safranal, C10H14O, (2,3-dihydro-2,2,6-trimethylbenzaldehyde), bitter taste, hay-like fragrance, antioxidant, anticonvulsant, antidepressant
It occurs in | Saffron species | Tea plant, Camellia species | Cumin species | fig, Ficus species | and Lemon, Citrus species |.
Santamarin, C15H20O3, balchanin, a sesquiterpene lactone, an eudesmanolide, cytotoxic, antitumour
It occurs in Ambrosia confertiflora, Artemisia species, feverfew Tanacetum parthenium, and in Michelia compressa.
Selinene, C15H24, sesquiterpene (group of 4 isomers), alpha- and beta-Selinene
It occurs in celery seed oil.
Solavetivone, C15H22O, katahdinone, a sesquiterpenoid, a cyclic ketone, a spiro compound, antifungal, phytoalexin, antifungal
It occurs in fungus-infected Solanum tuberosum tubers, and in Nicotiana tabacum infested by tobacco mosaic virus.
Spathulenol, C15H24O, tricyclic sesquiterpenoid, carbotricyclic compound, tertiary alcohol olefinic compound, volatile oil component, anaesthetic vasodilator agent
Squalene, C30H50, spinacene, supraene, a triterpene, clear slightly yellow liquid, faint odour, originally from shark liver oil, skin protection
It is used in cosmetics, used as precursor to sterol biosynthesis
It occurs in human tissues, amaranth seed, rice bran, wheat germ, olives, and in yeast cells.
Squaline is the precursor to all steroids, including cholesterol and steroid hormones.
Staphyloxanthin, C51H78O8, carotenoid pigment, produced by Staphylococcus aureus ("golden staph")
Steviol, C20H30O3, in Stevia rebaudiana, artificial sweetener
Tanshinone IIA, C19H18O3, in Salvia miltiorrhiza, Lamiaceae
Taxadiene, C20H32, taxol, (in yew tree bark, anticancer)
Trisporic acid, C18H26O3, (fungal hormones)
Phenyl salicylate, C13H10O3, phenyl-2-hydroxybenzoate, salol, toxic if ingested, flammable.
Salol, phenyl salicylate is prepared by heating salicylic acid with phenol.
It is used in experiments to show cooling rates affect crystal size, formerly in sunscreens.
Saturated hydrocarbons
Saturated hydrocarbons, e.g. hexane, C6H14
All carbon atoms in the compound have either four or three hydrogens bonded to them and no double bonds, triple bonds or rings.
They react in almost the same way, as in ignition test and bromine water test.
Strontium, Sr
Strontium Table of the Elements
Strontium RSC
Strontium, Sr (former Strontia region, Scotland, where Strontium first found), alkaline earth metal, AAS solution.
Toxic if ingested, surface layer corrosive to skin and eyes.
Strontium with water forms hydrogen gas that may explode if mixed with air.
Strontium, do not mix with sulfur or phosphorus, because of dangerous exothermic reaction.
Strontium, Sr, silver white metallic element, in minerals celestine (SrSO4), strontianite (SrCO3), and spring water, similar properties to calcium.
Strontium salts used for crimson flame in fireworks, after nuclear explosion fallout contains 90Sr that can be absorbed in human bone.
Strontium chloride in toothpaste for sensitive teeth, e.g. "Sensodyne".
Strontium is harder to cut than sodium, use calcium as cheaper alternative.
For schools, purchase only small quantity of strontium and store in tightly-sealed container, give students only few grains per activity.
Atomic number: 38, Relative atomic mass: 87.62, RD 2.54, MP = 800 oC, BP = 1300 oC.
Specific heat capacity: 0.3 J kg-1 K-1.
Strontium minerals, (Geology)
Strontium toxicity: 4.15
Tests for strontium:
Strontium compounds
Reactions of strontium compounds: 12.12.0
Strontianite, SrCO3, strontium carbonate (Geology)
Strontium carbonate, SrCO3, in strontianite mineral, harmful if ingested, skin irritant
Strontium carbonate, Low cost: from pottery supplies stores
Strontium (II) chloride, SrCl2, strontium dichloride (detected with flame test), harmful if ingested
Strontium chloride hexahydrate, SrCl2.6H2O, For 0.1 M solution, 26.7 g in 1 L water
Strontium chloride (powder)
Strontium fluoride
Strontium hydroxide, harmful if ingested, skin irritant, corrosive
Strontium nitrate, Sr(NO3)2, AAS Solution, harmful if ingested, explosive mixtures with combustibles of organic compounds
Strontium sulfate, SrSO4, celestine