School Science Lessons
Astronomy (space sciences)
Australian native plants
Australian native foods
Drug abuse
Earth Science
Education official websites, institutions
Environmental studies sustainability
Food and nutrition (cooking)
Geology Earth Science
Health and human physiology (the human body)
Marine Sciences
Mathematics (calculators and computers)
Science (kid's science, popular science)
Astronomy space sciences
Australian Geographic (Telescopes & Binoculars)
Brisbane Planetarium Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium
Time and date world clock
Bioinformation ChEBI, The European Bioinformation Institute
Evolution PBS
Featured Creatures insects, nematodes, arachnids, University of Florida
Microbiology Microbiology Society, UK
Microbiology Stem Cells, Australia
The Online Science Prep Room
Queensland Mycological Society
Australian native plants
ATH Australia Tropical Herbarium, James Cook University
Australian Wildflower Seeds
NPQ Gold Coast
NPQ Logan River
Paten Park Native Nursery
Petes Hobby Nursery
Plants Bromeliad Society of Queensland Inc, Australia
Plants Greening Australia
Soul-Lee Native Flora
Plants Wollemi Pine, Australia
Weeds Brisbane City Council, Weed Identification Tool
Wildseed, Tasmania
Australian native foods
Australian Bushfoods
Kumbartcho Nursery, Queensland
Tucker Bush, Perth
Bunnings, Tucker Bush
Paten Park Native Nursery, Brisbane
Paten Park Native Nursery, Stock List
Kew Gardens International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Selected Plant Families 2017
Kew Gardens Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK
Plants Algae Base
Plants Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Australia
Plants Edible wild food, North America
Plants Science and Plants for Schools, UK
Queensland Herbarium
Tropical Important Plant Areas Kew Gardens
Serenata Flowers, Botany games & resources for kids
Trees and Shrubs Online International Dendrology Association
Asbestos Mesothelioma Center
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS-RN numbers) American Chemical Society, USA
Chemical Compounds, Institut für Chemie, Germany (English, German)
Chemistry About chemistry, Anne Marie Helmenstine, New York Times Company, USA
Curious Cook Harold McGee, cooking chemistry
Quartzy Laboratory management made easy
RSC Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Education, official websites, institutions
Annenberg Learner Classroom Resources, USA
ACER Australian Council for Education Research
Department of Education Queensland Government, Australia
Homeschooling: Design your homeschool, Australia
Share My Lesson Teaching Resources, by teachers for teachers, USA
QCAA Queensland Curriculum & Asessment Authority
Share My LessonTeaching Resources, USA
Environmental studies, sustainability
Brisbane City Council
Climate change
Climate change ABC
Climate change Climate Central
Climate change Green Cross, Australia
DES Department of the Environment and Science, Queensland Government
CHEC Commonwealth Human Ecology Council
Environment Greening Australia
Environment GRIST (environment news)
Instrument Choice Environment Meters
Environment NRDC, National Resource Defence Council, USA
Environment Wilderness Society, Australia
Fight for our reef Australia
Greenpeace Australia
Greening Australia
Recycling and reducing waste, Brisbane City Council
RenewEconomy Clean Energy News and Analysis, Australia
Sustainability Ceres, supporting sustainable ways of living, Australia
NRDC National Resource Defence Council
Wilderness Society Australia
Food and nutrition, cooking
CGIAR Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres
Curious Cook Harold McGee
Food Plants International database of edible plants
New lifesells extra virgin organic coconut oil.
Serious Eats (Food blog for sharing recipes)
Taste 24,000 + recipes, Australia
Geology, Earth Science
Earth Science, Atmosphere, Geology, Outer Space
The Marble Man Stone surfaces
Google Earth The world's most detailed globe
Opals Lightning Ridge Opal Mines, Australia
Oresomeresources Minerals and Energy Education, geology for children
Plate tectonics Australian Museum
Health and human physiology, the human body
Ambulance Queensland Ambulance Service
Anatomy Human body and mind, BBC, UK
Anatomy Queensland Brain Institute, Australia
B+S Body and Soul, Sunday Mail, Brisbane
CDC Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, USA
Cyberbullying A Resource for School Social Workers
Cyberbullying Cyberbullying on College Campus
Clinical trials on the effects of bullying
Diamantina Institute of Queensland
Doctor Secrets
Drug abuse
First Aid St John Ambulance, Australia
Health Health and Ageing, Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Government
Health Health-e-Profile (online health assessment)
Health Lowjita Institute, National Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research
Health Medical and Health Games for Kids, Claricode, USA
Health Queensland Department of Health
Health Royal Society for Public health
Lesson Planet Education course by subject, Health
Med+DBase management for large GP practices and occupational health departments,
Medicines Aspen, Australia, 263 medicines
myDr Australia (Top medical information website for Australians)
Neuroscience ANS, Australian Neuroscience Society
NewMouth Dental solutions made easy, USA
Root-canal procedure NewMouth, Dentistry, USA
PLOS ONE latest COVID-19 research
Practical clinical skills
QIMR Queensland Instutue of Medical Research
Sleep Sleeping well in the digital age
Stress and anxiety, depression, suicide
Suicide Navigating Family Life after a Suicide Attempt
Vision Center Astigmatism
Workplace Safe work, Australia
Drug abuse
Addiction Resources for College Students, USA
Alcohol Alcohol Effects, Addiction Treatment, and Resources, USA
Alcohol National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, USA
Alcohol Preventing Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol What Causes Alcohol Use Disorder?
Drugs Drug Dangers, USA
Drugs Drug Policy, Australia
Drugs Find Drugs & Conditions, USA
Drugs National Institute on Drug Abuse, USA
Smoking Anatomy of a cigarette, by Lexi Krock, NOVA Online, USA (Flash)
Mathematics, calculators and computers
Good Calculators
eMathHelp, calculator, games, unit converter
Mathematics Have fun with maths, Australia
Maths chase
Metric Conversions
Easy Unit Converter
Aussie magnets
BIPM, International System of Units (SI), International Reference Time Scale (UTC).
Conversion tables
Energex Australia
Energy Alternative Technology Association
Explore Einstein
Physics and chemistry translated French high school lessons
Physics World Institute of Physics
Quartzy laboratory management
Wat Electronics
The Physics Classroom
Time and date world clock
Time Unit Conversion
Time, Calendar
First Aid St John Ambulance, Australia
Queensland Ambulance Service
Safework Australia
Science, (kid's science, popular science)
Australian Academy of Science
ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Science Features
Cosmos The Science of Everything
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, STEM
Discovery Education Science
Education Perfect Designing futures. NZ
Free patents online all the inventions of mankind
How stuff works
IAP The global network of science academies
ICASE International Council of Associations of Science Education
Lawrence Hall of Science University of California, Berkeley, USA
Mad Scientist Network Washington University Medical School, USA
Middle School Science
New Scientist New Scientist Magazine, UK
ProQuest e-resources on any subject
Science Basics ABC, Australia, videos
Science Direct Explore scientific, technical, and medical research Your Gateway to U.S. Federal Science
Skeptical Science
Science Journal for Kids (children's science)
The Online Science Prep Room
The Scientist online
WolframAlpha (the computational knowledge engine)
Marine Sciences
Marine studies Wet Paper Publications, Australia