School Science Experiments
Chemistry, F
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Fabrics, (burning tests), (Experiments)
Fabrics, (household), (Experiments)
Tests for fabrics, Burning tests for fabrics: 4.0.0
Face cream emulsion, Prepare
Face shield, Safety
Fahrenheit scale
Faraday's first law, (Experiments)
Tests for Faraday's first law:
Fats, (Experiments)
Fehling's solution, Prepare, (Experiments)
Feldspars, (Geology)
Fermentation, (Experiments)
Fermium, Fm
Ferric compounds
Ferrous compounds
Fertilizers, plant, (Agriculture)
Fertility, soil, (Agriculture), (Experiments)
Ferulic acid
Fibre glass resin
Fibro Asbestos danger, (Geology)
Fibrous proteins. See 1.
Fieldwork, Geology, (Experiments)
"Fight or fright hormone", Adrenaline
Filament lamp, (Experiments)
"Fill water", (Swimming pools)
Fillers in washing powders
Filter funnels, (List)
Filters, (swimming pools)
Filtration, (Experiments)
Fingerprints, (ninhydrin), (Experiments)
Fingerprints, (iodine), (Experiments)
Fining wine
Fire Safety
Firming agents
FIRST AID, Poisons
Fish oils, Trans fats, (See: 6.)
Fish smell, (Trimethylamine)
Fisher projection formula, D-, L- glyceraldehyde, (gif)
Fission, Uranium, (Geology)
Fixed oils
Fixing insects, Prepare insect-fixing solutions
Fizzy drinks, Soft drinks, carbonated beverages
Flame retardants
Flame tests, (metals), (Experiments)
Flame tests, (salts), (Experiments)
Flammable, (Experiments)
Flash point
Flaxseed oil, Composition of edible oils
Flocculation, (muddy water), (Experiments)
7.4.27, Flocculent
7.4.29 Froth flotation
Froth flotation, (minerals), (Experiments)
Flour, (Experiments)
Flowers, (essences), (Experiments)
Fluorescein, (Experiments)
Fluorescence, (Experiments)
Fluorspars, (Geology)
Fluorine, F
7.4.28, Flux
Flux, soldering, (Experiments)
femtomole, 1 femtomole = 10-15 moles
Foam, (Polymer)
Foaming agents in washing powders
Foams, (Experiments)
Folic acid
Food, (Experiments)
Fool's gold, (pyrite, iron pyrite), (Geology)
Forgery, (detection), (Experiment)
Formaldehyde, (Experiments)
Formic acid
Formula, Group formula
Fractions, (crude oil)
Fractional distillation, (crude oil), (Experiments)
Francium, Fr
Free element metals
"Freons", CFCs
Friedel-Crafts reaction
Froth flotation, (Geology)
Fructose, (Experiments)
Fruit salts, "Health salts", Prepare
Fuchsine, fuchsin, (Experiments)
Fucosterol, phytosterol
Fuels, fuel cell
Fuller's earth, (Geology)
Fumaric acid, Butenedioic acid
Fume cupboards, fume hoods, (Safety)
Fumigants, (Agriculture)
Functional groups
Fusion mixture, (Experiments)
Falcarinol, C17H24O
Falcarinol, carotatoxin, panaxynol, long-chain fatty alcohol, irritant, causes contact dermatitus, pesticide, fungicide
It occurs in carrots (Daucus carota), red ginseng (Panax ginseng), and in ivy Hedera species.
Fats in food
Burn carbohydrates, fats and proteins: 9.9.1
Classification of fats: 3.9.2
Cooking fats: 19.1.3
Digestibility of fats: 9.2.4
Heating fats: 3.9.7
Prepare soap: 12.4.0
Steam distillation to measure water and fat content of food: 10.3.11
Suet fat
Suet is solid fat around kidneys of cattle and sheep, to be melted to form tallow.
Suet pudding is made of suet + flour, wrapped in a cloth, then boiled.
Tallow fat
Tallow is hard fat formed from rendering suet.
It contains stearin, palmitin, olein, and is used for candles and soap.
Tests for fats and oils: 9.3.11
Tests for unsaturated fats:
Tests for unsaturated fats, bromine water test:
Fentanyl, C22H28N2O, monocarboxylic acid amide, narcotic analgesic, strong and rapid opioid analgesic
An intravenous anaesthetic, it is used to treat chronic cancer pain or in anesthesia.
It has high potential for drug abuse then dependence, adulterant in illicit drugs, e.g. heroin. commonly involved in opioid overdose deaths.
Alcoholic fermentation, yeast 9.1.1
Butyric acid fermentation (cut potato) 9.1.2
Carbon dioxide and fermentation for brewing 3.8.0
Glucose fermentation 9.1.4
Fermentation 4.1.9 (Safety)
Safety in the microbiology laboratory 4.1.12
Triple scale wine hydrometer 10.2.8
Fermium, Fm
Fermium, Table of the Elements
Fermium, RSC
Fermium, Fm, (Enrico Fermi, 1901-1954, Italy), radioactive actinide element, produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons, called Fermium in 1952
Fexofenadine, C32H39NO4, anti-histamine compound, which is used to treat allergic symptoms.
It occurs in Bergamottin
Bergamottin, (C21H22O4), in grapefruit interferes with the action of drugs, e.g. Atorvastatin,("Lipitor"), to lower bad cholesterol, by blocking the action of enzymes
in the small intestine to increase the amount of drug absorbed and the action of fexofenadine.
Ficus protease; Higueroxyl delabarre, CH2FI2N, sulfhydryl proteinase, from ficus latex,
It is used in alcoholic beverages, beer chillproofing agent, meat tenderiser, dough conditioner, rennet substitute, precooked cereals
Ficain (or ficin) is an enzyme from fig latex, an endopeptidase, used for differentiating many blood group antigens.
Fire Safety
Action in case of fire, evacuation 3.5.2
Action in case of fire, equipment 3.5.3
Face shields, Safety face shields
Fire blankets, Safety blankets
Fire extinguisher
Fire safety and fire equipment 3.5.0
Fireproof, Asbestos 35.2.4, (Geology)
Fireproof, cloth, paper, wood 3.5.10
Fireproof, Talc 35.3.13, (Geology)
Fire extinguisher
Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguisher, dry chemical powder, paper, wood, textile, oil, liquid and electrical fires, 2.5 kg, 4.5 kg
Fire extinguisher, soda acid fire extinguisher 3.3.1H
Fire extinguisher cart, water stream impulse 17.7.5
Feruloylputrescine, C14H20N2O3, (originally called Subaphylline), a methoxycinnamamide.
It occurs in leaves and juice of grapefruit, Citrus paradisi, and in Salsola subaphylla
FLAM, designates something that can readily burn or catch fire.
Flammable aerosols: 2.3
Flammable gases: 3.5.11
Flammable liquids: 3.5.12
Flammable solids: 2.7
Flammable substances: 3.5.13
Storing flammable liquids 3.7.5
1. The word "flammable" means "easily set on fire".
You can use "non-flammable", but in chemistry do not use "inflammable".
Flammability, explosion, limits outer limits for the ratio of fuel to air within which the mixture will burn.
The mishandling of flammable solvents has probably caused fires and personal injuries in chemical laboratories, e.g. burning of loose long hair.
Staff and students must have securely fixed and contained hair by tying back the hair or using caps or hair nets.
Flammable solvents become more difficult to ignite as their boiling points rise, so use the highest boiling point solvent possible.
Do not use water baths to heat volatile flammable solvents.
Solvents should only be used by staff with students after assessment of the risks, including flammability, toxicity, and possible allergic reactions.
2. Carbon disulfide has a greater flammability than ether and forms more dense vapours, with a low ignition temperature < 100oC.
Carbon disulfide is not permitted in schools.
3. Diethyl ether evaporates readily to form a heavy vapour in air, which can travel along the bench or floor in an air current.
Diethyl ether is not permitted in schools.
4. Hydrogen forms violently explosive mixtures with air in almost any proportions and spontaneously combusts at concentrations greater than 4% in air.
Use this gas for demonstration purposes only in extremely small quantities or use soap bubble techniques.
5. Natural gas forms explosive mixtures with air, so turn off heaters, Bunsen burners, and equipment using natural gas and other flammable gases, e.g. acetylene.
6. Methylated spirit, ethanol and hydrocarbon solvents, e.g. petroleum spirit, hexane, pose the greatest risk in schools.
Mixtures of air with any of these materials are highly flammable, and ignition of vapour is usually followed by a fire in or around the solvent container.
Flavonoids have a basic skeleton, C6-C3-C6, and can divided three groups.
Group 1. Bioflavonoids
Flavones, (Apigenin, Baicalein, Luteolin, Nobiletin, Sinensetin, Tageretin)
Flavonols, most common, flavonoids, (Hesperetin. Icariin, Kaempferol, Myricetin , Naringenin, Quercitin)
Flavonones, (Hesperidin, Naringin)
Flavan-3-ols/Catechins, many in green tea, (Catechin, Epigallocatechin, Epicatechin, Gallate)
Anthocyanidins, (Cyanidin, Delphinidin, Malvidin, Pelargonidin, Peonidin, Petunidin)
Chalcones, (Arbutin, Chalconaringenin, Phloretin)
Group 2. iso-flavonoids, Isoflavones, (Daidzein, Genistein)
Group 3. neo-flavonoids, (Dalbergin, Latifolin)
* Anthocyanins: Anthocyanins
* Flavanols: Flavan-3-ols, (Flavanols)
* Flavanones: Flavanones
* Flavones: Flavones
* Flavans: Flavans
* Isoflavones: Isoflavones
* Isoflavonoids: Isoflavonoids
Polyphenol flavonoids
| Geosmin
| Chrysoeriol
| EGC Epigallocatechin
| Kaempferol
| Luteolin
| Naringin
| Quercetin
| Rutin
Proanthocyanidin, (Polyphenol), Flavonoid
Proanthocyanidin, rotenone, pisatin, isoflavan, pisatin, proanthocyanidins, orcein, vulpinic acid, taxol, urushiol
psoralen), (flavone alkaloids: ficine, vochysine)
See: Vestitol.
Eriodictyol, C15H12O6, in lemons, Flavanone
Hesperetin, C16H14O6, in lemon, orange
Hesperidin, (aglycone hesperetin)
Narirutin, C27H32O14, flavanone-7-0-glycoside, Flavanone Glycoside, in Orange juice
Isoflavones, C15H10O2, almost only in Fabaceae, oestrogenic activity, e.g. Psoralea
Isoflavones, related to isoflavonoids, phytestrogens and antioxidants, soy isoflavones may prevent breast cancer, only in legumes.
In soybeans, pistachios
Astragaloside 4, C41H68O14, anti-inflammatory, in Astragali radix
Flavones, condensed tannins)
Flavone, (2-Phenylchromone), C15H10O2, the simplest member of the class of flavones
It occurs in Camellia sinensis, and Anaphalis lactea
Flavan-3-ols (Flavanols)
Subgroup of Flavonoids, e.g. Catechin, C15H14O6, occurs in chocolate, cinnamon, red wine
1. Flavan-3-ols, flavanols (NOT "Flavonols"!)
They occur in fruits and vegetables, e.g. apples, apricots, berries, cherries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, Swiss chard
They occur in nuts, e.g. almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans and pistachios
They occur in green, black and oolong teas, cacao, red and white wine
Epicatechin, (EC), Flavonoid
ECG Epicatechin gallate (ECG), Flavonoid
Epigallocatechin (EGC), bioflavonoid
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), bioflavonoid
2. Flavan-4-ols
Apiforol, C15H14O4
3. Flavan-3.4.diols, Leucanthocyanidins,
Leucanthocyanidin, C15H14O3, from enzymes, in many plants, e.g. Zea mays
Rutin hydrate, C27H30O16.xH2O, poly flavonoid
4. Theaflavins (TF), antioxidant polyphenols, (from flavan-3-ols during tea leaves "fermentation")
| Theaflavin, C29H24O12 | Theaflavin-3-gallate, Theaflavin 3, C43H32O20 | Theaflavin 3,3'-di-O-gallate, C43H32O20 |
Flavan-3-ols (flavanols)
Catechins white tea, green tea, black tea, grapes, wine, apple juice, cocoa, lentils, black-eyed peas
(+)-Catechin | (+)-Gallocatechin | (−)-Epicatechin | (−)-Epigallocatechin | (−)-Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) occurs in green tea | (−)-Epicatechin 3-gallate
Theaflavin | Theaflavin-3-gallate | Thearubigins | occur in black tea.
Flavans, Benzopyran derivatives, 2-phenyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene skeleton, (leucoanthocyanidin)
A C-glycosidic from cocoa liquor.
Casuarina glauca is an actinorhizal plant producing root nitrogen-fixing nodules infested by Frankia, containing flavans.
Flavan-3-ols (Flavanols), subgroup of Flavonoids, derivatives of Flavans
1. Flavanols (NOT "Flavonols"!)
Occurs in fruits and vegetables, e.g. apples, apricots, berries, cherries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, Swiss chard.
Occurs in nuts, e.g. almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans and pistachios.
Occurs in green, black and oolong teas, cacao, red and white wine.
Epicatechin, (EC), Flavonoid
ECG Epicatechin gallate (ECG), Flavonoid
Epigallocatechin (EGC), bioflavonoid
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), bioflavonoid
Catechol, C6H6O2, a phenol
Leucanthocyanidin, C15H14O3, from enzymes, occurs in many plants, e.g. Zea mays
3-Hydroxyflavone, Axaleatin, Azaleatin, Fisetin, Galangin, Glepidotin, Gossypetin, Isorhamnetin, Kaempferide, Morin, Myricetin, Natsudaidain
Rutin. glycoside, flavonol quercetin + disaccharide rutinose
O-methylated Flavonols: Pachypodol
Rhamnetin | Rhamnazin
Flavourings, (Cooking)
The major flavour components are:
* Ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate,
* Linalool,
* Limonene,
* Phellandrene,
* Terpineol
A flocculent is usually a precipitate in cloud-like tufts, flocs
In bacteriology, flocculation refers to the formation of floccules, (agglutinated bacteria), in a precipitin test, especially for antigens of Salmonella.
In mining, flocculation refers to coagulation of ore particles to form flocs and to remove excess water.
Flour treatment agents, food additives: 19.1.13
Prepare flour glue: 9.1.1
Prepare self-leavened flour, "self-raising flour": 19.1.9, (See: 7.)
Prepare wallpaper paste: 9.1.3
Use flour to clean brass: 19.1.9, (See: 8.)
Use flour to make glue: 19.1.9, (See: 9.)
Use flour to make papier-mâché: 19.1.9, (See: 10.)
Use flour to make play dough: 19.1.9, (See: 11.)
Fluorescence, fluorescein
See diagram: Fluorescein.
Fluorescein, C20H12O5, Solvent Yellow 94, Resorcinolphthalein, yellow solid or orange-red crystals that have green-yellow fluorescence by reflected light.
It is insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute aqueous bases.
Very dilute alkaline solutions of fluorescein show strong green-yellow fluorescence by reflected light.
Fluorescein (lactone form) is a xanthene dye that is highly fluorescent.
It is used by detectives to detect traces of blood, and s an indicator in silver nitrate titrations.
It is a fluorescent dye, a xanthene dye, a gamma-lactone, a polyphenol, and is used to examine corneal injuries.
Fluorescent minerals absorb ultraviolet light and emit longer wavelength visible light, e.g. scheelite.
Fluorescence is luminescence that does not persist when the exciting cause is removed, e.g. a fluorescent light.
The rapid emission of light at longer wavelengths than that which is absorbed, e.g. adsorption of ultraviolet light can yield blue fluorescence.
Certain excited atoms emit a photon of lower energy than the incident photon that caused the transition.
If the process takes place rapidly, < 10-7 seconds, it is called fluorescence.
Use a 1 500 alcoholic solution of eosin to demonstrate fluorescence
6.6.3 Chlorophyll fluorescence
28.6.2 Critical angle in ripple tank, refraction tank, aquarium (fluorescein) Fluorescein
7.22 Fluorescence staining of cells and tissues, Prepare
38.8.3 Fluorescent lamp (Electronics) Fluorescent liquids
12.6.6 Fluorescent whitening agents in washing powders
14.3.2 Fluorophores, (Fluorescent chemical cmpounds)
Terbium, Tb, Phosphorescence
Flubendazole, C16H12FN3O3, is used in human and veterinary medicine for nematode infections.
Fluorine, F
See Fluorine, RSC
See Fluorine, Table of the Elements
Fluorine, F, (Latin fluere to flow), very reactive, halogen, pale yellow gas
Fluorine is a naturally occurring element, in fluorspar, CaF2.
It is a yellow-green gas, strong, sharp odour (like pool chlorine), combines with hydrogen to form hydrogen fluoride.
Fluorine gas can cause irritation, muscle spasms, harm the lungs and heart and cause death.
It is a non-metal yellow-green poisonous gas at room temperature and pressure.
Fluorine is the most reactive corrosive and electronegative of all elements.
It never occurs as a free gas, but it occurs in many silicate minerals and the mineral fluorite, CaF2.
Fluorine is the most electronegative non-metallic element, strong oxidizing agent.
Fluorine combines with carbon to form inert polymers, e.g. Teflon coated frying pans, and form low friction fluorocarbon polymers, e.g. PYFE.
'Freon' is the brand name for the refrigerant, CCl2F2, Dichlorodifluoromethane (R-12), a colorless gas usually sold under the brand name "Freon-12"
In Australia. the Pharmacist only medicine "NeutraFluor 5000 Plus", Colgate, contains sodium fluoride 11.05 mg/g.
However, some natural water sources already contain the fluoride ion.
The enamel of teeth are formed from the crystalline mineral hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2.
Fluorine is used to make CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons, freon, that damages the ozone layer.
Fluorine compounds are added to toothpaste and drinking water, e.g. tin (II) fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP), sodium fluoride and amine fluorides.
In some countries, sodium fluoride is added to drinking water to improve the hardness of tooth enamel apatite of children's teeth.
However, some people believe that sodium fluoride is too reactive to be put into drinking water and it may cause discoloration of teeth.
In Australia solid sodium silicofluoride is added to drinking water in some places.
However, some natural water sources already contain the fluoride ion.
The enamel of teeth are formed from the crystalline mineral hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2.
Boron trifluoride, BF3, colourless, pungent, toxic gas, white smoke in moist air
Emitters of fluoride are metal cleaning operations, glass and enamel manufacturing and glazing, toothpaste, and fluoride enhanced water.
These emissions may be to the soil, water, or air.
Fluorourcil, C4H3FN2O2, 5-fluorourcil, cancer drug, Toxic by all routes, Not permitted in schools
Fluoride compounds all contain fluorine.
Fluorine is found in nature as part of the mineral fluorspar.
Fluoride (fluorido), F-, monodentate ligand
SPADNS fluoride reagent solution, 500 mL, (HO)2(C10H3(SO3Na)2N=N(C6H4SO3Na, indicator for zirconium and thorium
Potassium fluoride, KF, corrodes glass
Calcium fluoride, calcium fluorite, fluospar, Harmful if ingested
Cryolite: 35.2.28, (Geology)
Elements in the Earth's crust: 34.5.1
Fluoridated toothpaste
Fluorspar: 35.2.32, (Geology) Freons, CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons, "Freons"
Hydrofluoric acid, HF:
16.14.2 PFOA, perfluorooctanoic acid, CF3(CF2)6COOH, TeflonTM
16.14.3 PFOS, perfluorooctane sulfonate, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, C8HF17O3S
Prepare hydrogen fluoride, HF
Prepare silicon tetrafluoride, SiF4
Sodium fluoride
Folic acid
Folic acid, C19H19N7O6, PteGlu, Pteroyl-L-glutamic acid, Vitamin M, "folate", "Vitamin B9", odourless orange-yellow needles.
It is an N-acyl-amino acid, a form of the water-soluble vitamin B9, which is essential for nucleotide biosynthesis.
It is an important component of diet during phases of rapid cell division, e.g. infancy and pregnancy, and protects against cancer.
It occurs in green vegetables, avocado, and citrus fruits
Folic acid derivative, tetrahydrofolic acid, C19H23N7O6, assists metabolism of amino acids and nucleic acids.
Cooking: 19.2.0
Food acids, acids in foods: 19.1.5
Food additives: 19.1.0
Food allergies and intolerances, "hyperactive": 19.2.0
Food colouring liquids and detergents: 16.3.4, (Experiments)
Food preservation: 19.2.0
Food tests, tests for food: 9.3.0, (Experiments)
Food used in plant respiration: 9.1.7, (Experiments)
Glycaemic index (GI): 9.1.10
Electrophoresis, food dyes, marking pen ink: 19.4.2, (Experiments)
Elements in food: 19.4.3, (Experiments)
Different kinds of food: 2.34 (Primary), (Experiments)
Digestion of food: 5.20 (Primary), (Experiments)
Heat of combustion, bomb calorimeter, energy values of food: 22.5.6, (Experiments)
Micro-organisms and food spoilage: 4.3.10, (Experiments)
Prepare food, using microbiology: 4.4.0, (Experiments)
19.1.5 Food acids, acids in foods
Ethanoic acid, acetic acid, vinegar
Benzoic acid, in cranberries, prunes and plums
Butyric acid, betanoic acid, in decomposition of butter, rancid butter
Citric acid, in citrus fruits, lemon, orange, cocoa, pepper, rhubarb
Tannic acid in tea
Tartaric acid in grapes, pineapples, potatoes, carrots.
Formaldehyde, CH2O
Formaldehyde solution, methanal, formalin, Toxic by all routes, Corrosive (use < 2 mL only)
Formaldehyde, Solution < 1%, Not hazardous
Formalin, 40% solution of formaldehyde in water, forms toxic fumes
Formalin, paraform, methylene glycol, methyl aldehyde
Formalin, 40% solution of formaldehyde in water
Formaldehyde may contain 10-15% ethanol to prevent polymerization
Formaldehyde with hydrochloric acid may form carcinogenic bis(chloromethyl) ether
FAA, (formalin, acetic acid, alcohol), biology fixative, for plant material: 2.8
Formal saline, para formaldehyde: 2.10
Formalin, biology fixative: 4.4
Formaldehyde, formalin, biology fixative for animal material: 2.9
Formaldehyde, Indoor air pollution: 18.6.4
Prepare formaldehyde-acetic acid alcohol, FAA solution: 2.8
Prepare urea-formaldehyde resin: 3.3.12
Prepare formaldehyde-resorcinol resin: 3.3.6
Urea-formaldehyde, (urea-methanal), resin, thermoset plastic: 3.8.11
Formaldehyde solution
Formaldehyde solution, HCHO, CH2O (aq), gas readily soluble in water, methanal (+10% methanol), formalin 40% methanal solution
Do NOT mix with HCl, because carcinogenic bis(chloromethyl) ether may form, so do NOT dispose formaldehyde and HCl in the same sink.
ACS reagent, 37 wt % in H2O, contains 10-15% methanol as stabilizer, (to prevent polymerization).
Formaldehyde, (methanal), is highly poisonous and probably carcinogenic and should be handled with extreme care.
Formaldehyde is transported and stored as a concentrated aqueous solution called "formalin".
When a bottle of formaldehyde is opened, a large amount of gas may be released, but do NOT inhale the formaldehyde gas.
Do experiments with concentrated formaldehyde solutions in a fume cupboard.
However, dilute formaldehyde solutions produce little formaldehyde and can be safely handled in the open laboratory.
Preserve biological specimens in a solution of 50% ethanol and 50% water, instead of formaldehyde solution.
Do not mix hydrochloric acid and formaldehyde solution, because highly carcinogenic bis(chloromethyl) ether may form.
Do NOT store bottles of hydrochloric acid near formaldehyde, because the reaction might occur in the air.
Do NOT dispose of formaldehyde solutions and hydrochloric acid in the same sink system.
Formic acid, CH2O2
Formic acid, CH2O2, HCOOH, methanoic acid, Toxic by all routes, Corrosive, lung irritant
Formic acid, (in insect stings, ants)
Formic acid, Solution < 2%, Not hazardous
Methanoic acid, ionization reaction 16.2.7
Formic acid
Formic acid, HCOOH, methanoic acid, conc 46 M, hydrogen carboxylic acid, in ants and stinging nettles, most simple carboxylic acid
Formic acid is highly poisonous and should be treated with care.
It is highly volatile and the vapour should NOT be inhaled.
Formic acid, the only simple aliphatic carboxylic acid to possess reducing properties, because of the presence of a (-CHO) component in the molecular structure.
Formic acid is both an aldehyde and a carboxylic acid.
HCOOH + H2O <--> H3O+ + HCOO-, Ka = 1.8 × 10-4
Forsythiaside A, C29H36O15
Forsythiaside A, is a hydroxycinnamic acid
Forsythia species, Oleaceae
Forsythia is used to treat swelling of small air passages in the lung, inflammation and fever.
However, the mechanism is not known.
Francium, Fr
Francium , Table of the Elements
Francium, RSC
Francium, Fr (France), radioactive, heaviest alkali metal element, from uranium ore decay.
It was the last "natural" element, discovered by Marguerite Percy, France, in 1939
Francium exists only as compounds, very rare, disintegration product of actinium, MP 300.15 K.
Friedelin, C30H50O
Friedelin, fredelanone, friedooleanan-3-one, a pentacyclic triterpenoid, anti-inflammatory drug, a non-narcotic analgesic, diuretic, antipyretic.
It occurs in Ceratopetalum, main triterpenoid in cork Quercus suber
Fuchsine, C20H19N3.HCl
Fuchsine, (fuchsin), rosaniline hydrochloride, C20H19N3.HCl, triphenylmethane dyestuff, magenta dye, dark green crystals
In water forms a purple red solution, (the colour of flowers of Fuchsia, Onagraceae),
It is used as a disinfectant for skin infections and to stain bacteria.
Basic fuchsine has variable contents including rosaniline and similar compounds, and is used in Schiff's reagent test for aldehydes.
Acid fuchsine is mixture of basic fuchsine + sulfonic groups to decolorize it.
Fuchsine (fuchsin) is sold as:
1. Basic Fuchsin, C19H17N3.HCl, dye, Basic Parafuchsin, Basic Red 9, Magenta O, Parafuchsin hydrochloride,, Pararosaniline hydrochloride
2. Basic Fuchsin, C20H20ClN3, for microscopy, indicator (pH 1.0-3.1), Basic Violet 14, Fuchsin basic, Magenta, Rosaniline
3. Acid Fuchsin, C20H17N3Na2O9S3, for tissue staining, Acid Violet 19, Fuchsin S, Fuchsin acid, RubineS
Fuchsine, Fuchsin, rosaniline hydrochloride, magenta dye, brilliant red aniline dye from coal tar.
Acid fuchsin, acid-base indicator: 1.00
Calberla's pollen stain: 7.11, Prepare
Magenta colour: 27.8.0
Fucosterol, C29H48O
Fucosterol, Isofucosterol, Delta 5-avenasterol, phytosterol, associated with phytosterolemia an inborn error of metabolism, in brown algae in coconut
A fuel cell is a device with a cathode and anode, which converts a fuel directly into electricity without burning.
The simplest case is hydrogen gas bubbled over a porous sintered nickel anode in alkali solution,
and oxygen is bubbled over a similar cathode separated by a porous membrane.
An electric current is produced in an external circuit.
A fuel cell is like a battery, except that fuels, e.g. methanol, rather than metals are consumed, and the reaction is not reversible.
Fuel cell: 7.4.30
Biogas, (Safety in school science)
Recommended maximum quantity of fuel to be stored in a schools:
1. Oil and grease 40 L, clean oil contains irritants, used oil contains contaminants, use gloves and eye protection with grease
2. Petroleum, Petrol (gasoline), highly flammable
3. Diesel 20 L, toxic fumes, irritates skin and eyes
4. Two stroke petrol mix, toxic fumes, irritates
5. Kerosene, 5 L, toxic fumes, irritates skin and eyes
Calorific value of fuel, heat transfer
22.2.1 Calorie
A biofuel is a fuel from renewable plant or animal material, (feedstocks), unlike fossil fuels, e.g. coal, natural gas, petroleum.
Solid biofuels include grass and wood, which can release heat when burnt.
First generation biofuels are produced from mostly plant-based starch, sugars and oils.
Sugar from sugarcane, sorghum and maize can be fermented into ethanol, which can be used as a motor fuel
Oil extracted from oil-seed crops, e.g. canola, soybean, oil palm, coconut, restaurant waste and animal-based tallow can be converted into biodiesel.
Second generation biofuels use lower-value biomass residues, from forestry, agriculture, municipal solid wastes or dedicated energy crops.
Biomass can be turned into biofuels through different processes.
Biochemical processes produce fermentable sugars from cellulose, as in paper.
Pyrolysis, in which organic material is decomposed at high temperatures without oxygen.
Algal oil production from large scale open ponds or closed algal photobioreactors.
Biogas, produced by wastes in an anaerobic digester, consists mainly of methane and carbon dioxide
Biomass is very resistant to breaking down, because the plant has to be pretreated to break open its fibre structure and access the sugars in cell walls.
Enzymes can be used to convert cellulose into glucose.
1. What is the the environmental impacts of growing the initial crop for the lower-value biomass residues?
2. Is more energy produced and taken ou than put in to growing the crop and producting the fuel?
3. What are the the greenhouse gas reduction benefits of the fuel, which takes the place of the fossil fuels?
Functional groups
Functional group See diagram 16.0.0
1. Alcohols, 2. Aldehydes, 3. Amines and Amides, 4. Carboxylic acids, 5. Cyclic compounds, 6. Esters, 7. Ethers, 8. Halogens (Alkyl Halides),
9. Ketones R = alkyl group
1. Alcohols, R-OH, -OH hydroxyl, Prefix hydroxy-, Suffix -ol (-OH alcohol) (alkanol, alkyl alcohol)
Multiple -OH groups suffixes -diol, -triol, -tetraol, e.g ethylene glycol = ethane-1, 2-diol, CH2OHCH2OH
2. Aldehyde, R-CH=O, Prefix formyl-, Suffix -al
Cyclic aldehydes, Prefix formyl-, Suffix -carbaldehyde, attached to benzene benzaldehyde
3. Amines and Amides
Amines R-NH2, Prefix amino-, Suffix -amine
Primary amine, R1NH2, Secondary amine, R1NHR2, Tertiary amine, R1NR2R3, e.g trimethylamine
Amide, RCONH2, (amine + acid), No prefix, Suffix -oic, amide, e.g, acetamide = ethanamide, CH3CONH2
R-C(=O)NR'R', Prefix carbamoyl, NH2CO, Suffix -carboxamide, RCONH2)
4. Carboxylic acids, RCOOH, Prefix carboxy-, Suffix -oic acid, Multiple dicarboxylic acid, tricarboxylic acid
6. Esters, RCOOR', Prefix R-oxycarbonyl-, Suffix -alkyl, -oate, e.g. methyl formate = methyl ethanoate, HCOOCH3, (but "ethyl acetate", keeping old name)
7. Ethers, ROR', (Alcohol names), -ether, Prefix -oxy-, e.g, dimethyl ether = methoxymethane, CH3OCH3
8. Halogens, (Alkyl halides), R-X, Prefixes fluoro-, bromo-, chloro-, dichloro-, trichloro-, iodo-, e.g chloroform, trichloromethane, CHCl3
Haloalkanes, halogenalkanes, alkyl halides, e.g. Acyl chloride, acid chloride, RCOCl, functional group -CO-Cl
Prefix halo-, formyl-, Suffix -oyl halide, e.g. chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs
9. Ketones, RCOR', keto-, -one, e.g. acetone = propan-2-one, C=OH2, Prefix oxo-, Suffix -one
Furfural, C5H4O2, (2-Furaldehyde), furan-2-carbaldehyde, acute toxic, irritant, health hazard, a heterocyclic aldehyde, ,
A colourless or red-brown oily liquid, penetrating odour, denser than water, soluble in water, toxic by ingestion, skin absorption or inhalation, almond smell.
It thermosets easily and resists corrosion.
It occurs in wheat bran, maize bran, vanilla, cinnamon and is a Maillard reaction product.
Also, it occurs in the peels of ripe Carica papaya (Papaya) and Ananas comosus (Pineapple) fruits show high yield of furfural.
Furfurol, C5H6O2, furfuryl alcohol, (2-Furanmethanol), primary alcohol, acute toxic, irritant, health hazard, clear colourless liquid, denser than water
It irritates skin, eyes and mucous membranes, toxic by ingestion and skin contact
It occurs in Perilla frutescens, and Zea mays.
Febrifugine, (C16H19N3O3), Quinoline Alkaloid
Febrifugine, quinazoline derivative, (3,4-Dihydro-4-quinazolone derivative), antimalarial.
It occurs in Dicrroa febrifuga, in Hydrangea febrifuga, in Hydrangea macrophylla
See diagram: Febrifugine.
Ficine, (C20H19NO4), Unclassified Alkaloid
Ficine, dihydroxyflavone, N-alkylpyrrolidine, [5,7-dihydroxy-8-(1-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl)-2-phenylchromen-4-one], occurs in Ficus pantoniana (wild fig).
See diagram: Ficine.
Frangulanine, (C28H44N4O4), Peptide and Cyclopeptide Alkaloid
Frangulanine, Ceanothamine A, Peptide alkaloids with a 14-membered cycle, Frangulanine type, frangula bark used as a purgative, weak antibiotic, occurs in Ramnus, in Waltheria, in Ceanothus americanus root bark (New Jersey tea), in Hovenia dulcis (raisin tree), in Zizyphus jujuba.
See diagram: Frangulanine.
16.3.3 Friedel-Crafts reaction
The reaction substitutes a hydrogen atom in an arene ring of a halogen alkane by an organic group, R, using aluminium chloride catalyst.
RCl + AlCl3 --> R+ + AlCl4-
For example, benzene with chloromethane forms methyl benzene.
benzene + CH3+ --> benzene-CH3 + H+
CH3Cl +AlCl3 --> CH3+ +AlCl4-