School Science Lessons
Alkaloids, Ibogaine to Zizyphine.
16.6.0 Phenethylamine group of alkaloids.
| Ibogaine | Ibotenic acid | Imidazole
| Indicaxanthin | Inundatine | Irinotecan
| Isobetanin
| Isocorydine.
| Jasminine | Jatrorrhizine
| Jervine | Juliflorine.
| Lannaconitine
| Lasiocarpine | Laudanidine | Laudanosine
| Leurosine | Lilaline | Littorine
| Lobelanidine | Lobelanine | Lobeline
| LSD, Lysergic acid diethylamide | Lunarine | Lupanine
| Lupinine | Lycoctonine | Lycopodine
| Lycopsamine | Lycorine.
| Macarpine | Magnoflorine
| Matrine | Mecambrine | Mecambroline
| Mesaconitine
| Mesembrine | Mesembrenone | Meteloidine
| Methyllycaconitine | Miraxanthin | Monocrotaline
| Morphine | Musca-aurin-I | Myosmine.
| Napelline | Narceine | Narcotoline
| Neopine | Nicotine | Nicotyrine | Norharmane
| Nornicotine
| Noscapine
| Nudicauline.
| Obaberine | Oxyacanthine
| Oxymatrine.
| Pachycarpine | Palmatine | Papaverine | Peganine | Peimine | Pelletierine | Perlolyrine | Phyllalbine | Physostigmine | Pilocarpine | Piperine | Pipernonaline
| Piplartine | Portolacaxanthin | Prebetanin | Pronuciferine | Prosopinine | Protopine | Protostephanine | Protoveratrine.
| Quinine | Quinidine.
| Rescinnamine | Reserpine | Retamine
| Reticuline | Retronecine | Rhoeadine | Rhombifoline
| Ricinine | Riddelline | Rotundine |
| Rutaecarpine.
| Salutaridine | Sanguinarine | Scopalamine
| Securinine | Sedamine | Selagine | Senecionine | Sinomenine
| Sirodesmin | Slaframine | Solamargine.
| Solanidine | Solanine | Solasodine | Solasonine | Sparteine | Stachydrine | Strychnine | Supinidine | Swainsonine | Symphytine | Synephrine.
| Tabersonine | Taxine | Taxol | Tetrahydropalmatine | Tetrandrine | Thebaine | Theobromine | Theophylline | Tigloidine
| Tinctorine | Tomatidine.
| Tomatine | Topotecan | Trichostachine | Trigonelline
| Tubocurarine.
| Valepotriate | Valerianine | Valeroidine | Veracevine | Veratramine | Verruculotoxin | Verticine | Vinblastine | Vincamine | Vincristine.
| Vindoline | Vinorelbine | Vinpocetine
| Vulgaxanthin.
| Yohimbine
| Yunaconitine | Zizyphine.
Ibogaine, (C20H26N2O), Indole Alkaloid
Ibogaine, psychoactive, causes hallucinogenic visions, may modulate tolerance to opiates, may cause damage to the heart muscle.
Its use was restricted in the UK and banned in USA.
It occurs in Tabernaemontana undulata, Tabernanthe iboga, and in Voacanga africana.
Ibotenic acid, (C5H6N2O4), Unclassified Alkaloid
Ibotenic acid, Ibotenate, isoxazole derivative, non-proteinogenic alpha-amino acid, (Ibotenic acid decarboxylation---> muscimol, pantherine, agarine; 3(2H)-isoxazolone), neurotoxic, used for experimental treatment of epilepsy and Parkinson's disease.
It was formerly used as sedative and anti-emetic, causes motor depression, ataxia, changes in mood, excitatory amino acid agonist.
It occurs in Amanita mushrooms.
See diagram: Ibotenic acid>.
Imidazole, (C3H4N2), Imidazole Alkaloid
Imidazole, C, heterocyclic aromatic organic compound, classified as an alkaloid.
Imidazoles are a class of heterocycles with similar ring structure but varying substituents.
See diagram: Imidazole.
Organic base glyoxaline (C3H4N2) is the parent compound of Imidazole alkaloids, "true alkaloids",
e.g. Histamine, (C5H9N3), and Histidine, (C6H9N3O2).
Imidazole parent compound (C3H4N2).
Indicaxanthin, (C14H16N2O6), Betalain Alkaloid
Indicaxanthin, a betaxanthin, yellow-orange betalain pigments, antioxidant, plant pigment.
It occurs in Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris, (beetroot), Hylocereus costaricensis, Opuntia ficus-indica, Mirabilis jalapsa, Bougainvillea species, Chenopodium species, and in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum.
See diagram: Indicaxanthin.
Inundatine, (C15H18N2O), Lycopodium Alkaloid
See diagram: Inundatine.
Irinotecan, (C33H38N4O6) Alkaloid
Irinotecan, Camptosar, anticancer, antitumor agent, (camptothecin derivative), topoisomerase enzyme inhibitor, prevents nucleic acid synthesis, irritant, used in the treatment of colorectal cancer.
It occurs in Camptotheca acuminata.
| Camptothecin | used as antineoplastic agents in the therapy of colorectal, ovarian and non-small cell lung cancer.
Isobetanin, (C24H26N2O13), Betalain Alkaloid
Isobetanin, Betacyanin, (Glucopyranosylisobetanidin), red-violet pigments.
It occurs in Opuntia ficus-indica, Discocactus phyllanthoides leaves, and in Mesembryanthemum species flowers.
See diagram: Isobetanin.
Isocorydine, (C20H23NO4), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Isocorydine, Artabotrine, Izokoridin, Luteanine, aporphine alkaloid, anti-adrenergic, animal sedative.
It occurs in Corydalis platycarpa, Artabotrys species, Papaver species, Annona species (Cherimoya), Peumus boldus, (boldo), Reseda species, and Stephania species, root tubers.
Chinese medicine: Stephania Tetrandrae Radix.
See diagram: Isocorydine.
Isonitramine, (C10H19NO), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Isonitramine is an azaspiro compound, secondary alcohol, hypoglycemic agent.
It occurs in Nitraria species, (nitre bush).
Jasminine, (C11H12N2O3), Monoterpenoid and Sesquiterpenoid Alkaloid
Jasminine, naphthyridine derivative, C8H6N2
It occurs in Jasmium species, Ligustrum species, Olea species, and in Syringea species.
See diagram: Jasminine.
Jatrorrhizine, (C20H20NO4) + , Protoberberine Alkaloid
Jatrorrhizine, Neprotin, Jateorrhizine, Yatrorizine, antiinflammatory, improves blood flow and mitotic activity, antimicrobial, antifungal.
It occurs in Enantia chlorantha.
Jatrorrhizine chloride, Neprotine chloride, Yatrorhizine chloride, (C20H20ClNO4).
Jervine, (C27H39NO3), Steroidal Alkaloid
Jervine, Jervanin-11-one, 11-Ketocyclopamine, Iervin, acutely toxic, teratogenic to pregnant ewes
It occurs in Veratrum species rhizomes.
See diagram: Jervine.
Juliflorine, (C40H75N3O2), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Juliflorine, Juliprosopine, antibacterial, antifungal.
It occurs in Prosopis juliflora.
See diagram: Juliflorine.
Lannaconitine, (C32H44N2O8).
Lannaconitine, Lappaconitine, analgesic agent, antiarrhythmic agent.
See diagram: Lappaconitine.
Lasiocarpine, (C21H33NO7), Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid
Lassiocarpine, hepatotoxic.
It occurs in Heliotropium species.
See diagram: Lasiocarpine.
Laudanidine, (C20H25NO4), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Laudanidine, benzylisoquinoline alkaloid, benzyltetrahydroisoquinoline, phenol, aromatic ether, laudanine, tritopine, toxic like strychnine.
It occurs in Papaver species, and in Xylopia aethiopica.
See diagram: Laudanidine.
Laudanosine, (C21H27NO4), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Laudanosine, laudanine methyl ether, benzylisoquinoline alkaloid, acute toxic, tetanic poison, depress blood pressure, cause convulsions.
It occurs in Papaver species.
See diagram: Laudanosine.
Leurosine, (C46H56N4O9), Indole Alkaloid
Leurosine, Vinleurosine, VLR, amotin, antimitotic, antineoplastic.
It occurs in Vinca rosea, and in Catharanthus roseus.
See diagram: Leurosine.
Lilaline, (C20H17NO7), Alkaloid
Lilaline, Tetrahydroxyflavone (derived from a flavone), Pyrrolidin-2-one, 7-Hydroxyflavonol, in Lilium candidum aerial parts.
See diagram: Lilaline.
Littorine, (C17H23NO3), Tropane Alkaloid
It occurs in Atropa belladonna, and in Datura species.
See diagram: Littorine.
Lobelanidine, (C22H29NO2), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Lobelanidine, 8, 10-Diphenyllobelidiol, Citraconoyl group, from Lobeline, poison.
It occurs in Lobelia species, Laurentia species, and in Sedum species.
See diagram: Lobelanidine.
Lobelanine, (C22H25NO2), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Lobelanine, Diphenyllobelidone, precursor in the biosynthesis of lobeline.
It occurs in Lobelia species.
See diagram: Lobelanine.
Lobeline, (C22H27NO2), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Lobeline, piperidine derivative, optically active piperidine alkaloid, tertiary amine, aromatic ketone, effects are similar to nicotine, smoking
deterrent, central nervous system stimulant, respiratory stimulant.
It occurs in Indian tobacco dried stem and leaves, Lobelia species, and in Campanula species.
See diagram: Lobeline.
Lobeline hydrochloride, (C22H27NO2.HCl).
Lobeline sulfate, (C44H56N2O8S).
Loline, 1-aminopyrrolizidine (loline).
It occurs in Lolium temulentum.
Lunarine, (C25H31N3O4), Polyamine Alkaloid
Lunarine, Spermidine derivative.
It occurs in Lunaria species.
See diagram: Lunarine.
Lupanine, (C15H24N2O), Quinolizidine Alkaloid
Lupanine, quinolizidine derivative, sparteine group, D-lupanine, 2-Oxosparteine, lupanin, L-lysine-derived alkaloid
Seeds have greatest concentration, hypoglycemic, strong bitter taste, may be toxic in high doses, mild sedative effect on the CNS.
It occurs in Lupinus species, (lupins).
See diagram: Lupanine.
Lupinine, (C10H41NO), Quinolizidine Alkaloid
Lupinine, quinolizidine derivative, lupinine group, L-lysine-derived alkaloid, bitter tasting crystalline, mild sedative effect on the CNS.
It occurs in Lupinus species, (lupins), but not in "sweet" varieties of lupins.
See diagram: Lupinine.
Lycoctonine, (C25H17NO7), Diterpenoid Alkaloid
Lycoctonine, Lycoctonum, exceedingly poisonous.
It occurs in Aconitum species, and in Delphinium species.
See diagram: Lycoctonine.
Lycopodine, (C16H25NO), Lycopodium Alkaloid
Lycopodine, moss alkaloid, from a hydride of a lycopodane, toxic, herbal medicine, skin disorders
It occurs in Lycopodium clavatum.
See diagram: Lycopodine.
Lycopsamine, (C15H25NO5), Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid
Lycopsamine, Viridiflorilretronecine, acutely toxic, hepatotoxic.
It occurs in Amsinckia intermedia, Borago species, and in Symphytum species.
See diagram: Lycopsamine.
Lycorine, (C16
Lycorine, Amarylline, Galanthidine, Narcissine, Licorine, indolizidine alkaloid, isoquinoline derivative, amaryllis alkaloid
It is an acute toxic, antiviral, antimalarial, protein synthesis inhibitor.
It occurs in Lycoris radiata, and in Crinum asiaticum.
See diagram: Lycorine.
Macarpine, (C22H18NO6 + ), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Macarpine, benzophenanthradine alkaloid, organic cation, (Sanguinarine + 2 methoxy substituents).
It occurs in Eschscholzia species, and in Macleaya cordata.
See diagram: Macarpine.
Magnoflorine, (C20H24NO4), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Magnoflorine, aporphine alkaloid, escholin.
It occurs in Papaver species, Coptidis rhizoma, Sinomenium acutum rhizome, and in Pachygone ovata.
See diagram: Magnoflorine.
Matrine, (C15H24N2O), Quinolizidine Alkaloid
Matrine, quinolizidine derivative, Sparteine group, sophocarpidine, matridin-15-one, in herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.
It occurs in Sophora flavescens.
See diagram: Matrine.
Mecambrine, (C18H17NO3), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Mecambrine, proaporphine alkaloid, fugapavine, toxic, causes convulsions, increases blood pressure, anti-inflammatory.
It occurs in Papaver species, and in Meconopsis species.
See diagram: Mecambrine.
Mecambroline, (C18H17NO3), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Mecambroline, aporphine alkaloid, isofugapavine, animal hypotensive.
It occurs in Papaver species, Meconopsis species, and in Phoebe species.
See diagram: Mecambroline.
Mesaconitine, (C33H35NO11), Diterpenoid Alkaloid
Mesaconitine, alpha-Hydroxyhypaconitine.
It occurs in Aconitum napellus, (extracted commercially), with pharmacological characteristics similar to aconitine.
See diagram: Mesaconitine.
Mesembrenone, (C17H21NO3), Indole Alkaloid
Mesembrenone, bicyclic pyrrolidine.
It occurs in kanna, Sceletium tortuosum.
See diagram: Mesembrenone.
Mesembrine, (C17H23NO3), Indole Alkaloid
Mesembrine, Mesembrin, Mesembranone, bicyclic pyrrolidine.
It occurs in Sceletium tortuosum, with leaves fermented for folk medicine for production of narcotic "channa".
See diagram: Mesembrine.
Meteloidine, (C13H21NO4), Tropane Alkaloid
It occurs in Datura stramonium, and in Erythroxylum species.
See diagram: Meteloidine.
Erythroxylum australe.
Methyllycaconitine, (C37H50N2O10), Diterpenoid Alkaloid
Methyllycaconitine, Delartine, Delsemidine.
It occurs in Delphinium elatum, a neuromuscular poison.
See diagram: Methyllycaconitine.
Miraxanthin-I, (C14H18N2O7S), Betalain Alkaloid
Miraxanthin, Betaxanthin, all miraxanthins are yellow pigments, in Mirabilis jalapsa.
Miraxanthin-II, (C13H14N2O8), See diagram: Miraxanthin.
It occurs in Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris, beetroot.
Monocrotaline, (C16H23NO6), Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid
Monocrotaline, Crotaline, acute toxic, topical antitumor agent, hepatocarcinogenic, mutagenic, damages respiratory tissues, topical antitumor agent
It causes alkaloid contamination in bread from contaminated grains.
It causes pulmonary artery hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy, and pathological changes in the pulmonary vasculature.
It occurs in Crotalaria sessiliflora, and in Lindelofia species.
See diagram: Monocrotaline.
Morphine, (C17H19NO3), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Morphine, isoquinoline derivative, morphinan alkaloid, opioid alkaloid, analgesic, activates receptors associated with different brain functions.
Morphine causes analgesia, euphoria, sedation, respiratory depression, smooth muscle contraction of gastro-intestinal system.
It occurs in Papaver somniferum.
5.5.20 Morphine and derivatives.
5.5.20 Morphine and derivatives.
Musca-aurin-I, (C14H13N3O8), Betalain Alkaloid
It occurs in Amanita muscaria, red fly agaric.
See diagram: Musca-aurin-I.
Myosmine, (C9H10N2), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Myosmine, [3-(3, 4-Dihydro-2H-pyrrol-5-yl)pyridine], Miosmine, a pyridine.
It occurs in Corylus avellana, hazelnut, and in Arachis hypogaea, peanuts, (groundnuts).
See diagram: Myosmine.
Napelline, (C22H33NO3), Diterpenoid Alkaloid
Napelline, folk medicine for heart, respiratory problems, blood pressure, affects cats.
It occurs in Aconitum napellus, monkshood.
See diagram: Napelline.
Narceine, (C23H27NO8), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Narceine, ring-opened isoquinoline alkaloid, narcein, a stilbene, narcotic, analgesic.
It occurs in Papaver somniferum, in dried latex of opium poppy.
See diagram: Narceine.
Narcotoline, (C21H21NO7), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Narcotoline, Desmethylnarcotine, phthalideisoquinoline alkaloid, spasmotic, respiratory stimulant.
It occurs in Papaver species.
See diagram: Narcotoline.
Neopine, (C18H21NO3), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Neopine, pyridine derivative, polycyclic noncondensing pyridine derivative, cholinergic nicotinic agonist, acute toxic, addictive, tranquillising, insecticide, environment hazard.
Neopine, morphinan alkaloid, neopin, beta-codeine, uses similar to Codeine.
It occurs in Papaver species.
See diagram: Neopine.
Nicotine, (C10H14N2), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
It occurs in the tobacco plant, (Nicotiana tabacum), cultivated tobacco, Solanaceae.
It also occurs in Asclepias syriaca, Duboisia hopwoodii, Equisetum arvense, Lycopodium species, and in Sedum acre.
See diagram: Nicotine.
See: Nicotine.
Nicotyrine, (C10H10N2), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Nicotyrine, beta-Nicotyrine, pyridine, product of its pyrolysis, in cured tobacco.
(In theory, electronic cigarette (e-cig) users, (vapers), achieve measurable serum nicotine levels when nicotyrine reversibly inhibits nicotine metabolism in airways).
It occurs in the tobacco plant, (Nicotiana tabacum), cultivated tobacco, Solanaceae.
See diagram: Nicotyrine.
Norephedrine, (C8H13NO), Amine.
Norephedrine, Mydriatin, l-Phenylpropanolamine, an amphetamine, sympathomimetic, causes release of norepinephrine, used as nasal vasoconstrictor and appetite depressant.
Norharmane, (C11H8N2), Indole Alkaloid
Norhame, β-carboline, 2, 9-diazofluorine, organic amine.
Perganum harmala.
See diagram: Norharmane.
Nornicotine, (C9H12N2), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Nornicotine, pyridine derivative, polycyclic noncondensingpyridine derivative, [3-(pyrrolidin-2-yl)pyridine], extracted from tobacco)
It is related to nicotine, but lower toxicity, used as agricultural and horticultural insecticide.
It occurs in the tobacco plant, (Nicotiana tabacum), cultivated tobacco, Solanaceae, and in Duboisia hopwoodii.
See diagram: Nornicotine.
Noscapine, (C22H23NO7), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Noscapine, Anarcotine, Capval, Coscopin, Methoxyhydrastine
It is an isoquinoline derivative, phthalideisoquinoline alkaloid, alpha-narcotine, benzylisoquinoline alkaloid.
It is a non-narcotic opium alkaloid, used to suppress coughs and muscle spasms, mild analgesic, antineoplastic, inhibits mitosis so causes tumour cell death.
It occurs in Papaver species, contaminant in illegal heroin, so it is used to identify drug addict use.
See diagram: Narceine.
Nudicauline, (C38H50N2O4), Diterpenoid Alkaloid
Nudicauline, andersoline.
It occurs in Delphinium species, and is a livestock poison if grazed.
See diagram: Nudicauline.
Obaberine, (C38H22N2O6), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Obaberine, bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid, o-methyloxyacanthine, used against Leishmania.
It occurs in Berberis vulgaris, and in Thalictrum species.
See diagram: Obaberine.
Oxyacanthine, (C37H40N2O6), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Oxyacanthine, vinetine, bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid, adrenaline antagonist, vasodilator, antimicrobial.
It occurs in Berberis species.
See diagram: Oxyacanthine.
Oxymatrine, (C15H24N2O2), Quinolizidine Alkaloid
Oxymatrine, quinolizidine derivative, matrine group.
It occurs in Sophora flavescens.
See diagram: Oxymatrine.
Pachycarpine, (C15H26N2), Quinolizidine Alkaloid
Pachycarpine. lupinidine, oxytocic agent, and anti-arrhythmic agent, but not approved.
It is the main alkaloid in Lupinus mutabilis, in Spartium.
It occurs in Cystisus scoparius.
See diagram: Pachycarpine.
Paclitaxel, (C45H51NO14).
Paclitaxel, taxol A, abraxane, taxuyunnanine, anticancer chemotherapy drug, toxic, a cyclodecane, inhibits mitosis, stabilizes microtubules leading to cell death, antileukaemia and antitumour medicine.
It occurs in Taxus brevifolia.
See diagram: Paclitaxel.
Palmatine, (C21H22NO4) + , Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Palmatine, Berbericinine, Benzophenanthridine alkaloid, protoberberine alkaloid, antipyretic, detoxicant, protoberberine extract to treat liver diseases, used to treat arrhythmia, analgesic.
It occurs in Coptis species, Corydalis species, Jateorhiza palmata, Calumba species root, and in Berberis species.
Palmatine chloride hydrate, (C21H22ClNO4.xH2O), palmatine, phytotoxin.
It occurs in Phellodendron chinensis, huang bai.
See diagram: Palmatine.
Papaverine, (C20H21NO4), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Papaverine, benzylisoquinoline alkaloid, isoquinoline derivative, opium alkaloid produced synthetically, a dimethoxybenzene, vasodilator, antispasmodic, antiviral, smooth muscle relaxant.
It occurs in Papaver somniferum.
See diagram: Papaverine.
Peganine, (C11H12N2O) Quinoline Alkaloid
Peganine, Vasicine, Vazicine, quinoline derivative, pyrrolidine and piperidine quinazoline derivative, expectorant, bronchiodilator, oxytocic properties, abortifacient.
It occurs in Vinca minor, and in Perganum harmala.
See diagram: Peganine.
Peimine, (C27H45NO3), Alkaloid
Peimine, Verticine, Wanpeinine A, Zhebeinine, traditional Chinese medicine, antitussive, expectorant, anti-inflammatory.
Peimine is a known MAPK inhibitor, as well as an inhibitor of p38, ERK and JNK phosphorylation, and NFB activation.
See diagram: Peimine.
Pelletierine, (C8H15NO), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid.
Pelletierine, isopelletierine, dl-Pelletierine, citraconoyl group, used as anti-helminthic drug, e.g. tapeworm.
It occurs in Punica granatum, Duboisia hopwoodii, Sedum acre, and in Lupinus species.
See diagram: Pelletierine.
Perlolyrine, (C16H12N2O2)
Perlolyrine, Yellow substance YS, (2-Dehydrocarbonylflazin)
It occurs in Panax ginseng (Korean ginseng), Japanese soy sauce, Lolium perenne, Lycium chinense, Ligusticum striatum, Codonopsis pilosula.
It occurs in Psilocybe species (psychedelic mushrooms), and in Lolium perenne (perennial rye-grass).
See diagram: Perlolyrine.
Phyllalbine, (C16H21NO4), Tropane Alkaloid
Phyllalbine, Fillalbin, Methoxybenzoic acid, Vanilloyloxytropane.
It occurs in Phyllanthus species, and in Convolvulus subhirsutus roots.
See diagram: Phyllalbine.
Physostigmine, (C15H21N3O2), Indole Alkaloid
Physostigmine, Eserine, indole derivative, pyrrolo-indole alkaloid, parasympathomimetic alkaloid, tertiary amine
It is a cholinesterase inhibitor, antidote for belladonna poisoning, used to treat glaucoma, anticholinergic delerium.
It occurs in Physostigma venenosum, poison bean, , but used in pharmacy to treat depression.
Physostigma venenosum
See diagram: Physostigmine.
Pilocarpine, (C11H16N2O2), Unclassified Alkaloid
Pilocarpine, parasympathomimetic cholinergic alkaloid, no nicotinic effects, mitotic, cholinergic receptor agonist.
It occurs in Pilocarpus jaborandi (Indian hemp), and in Pilocarpus microphyllus.
See diagram: Pilocarpine.
Pilocarpine hydrochloride is used to stimulate parasympathetic nerve system, like physostigmine and arecoline, antagonist of atropine.
It is used to promote secretion of sweat, saliva, tears, causes myosis, used to treat dry mouth and glaucoma.
Piperine, (C17H19NO3), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Piperine, piperidine derivative, piperinoyl piperidine, gives hot taste to black pepper Piper nigrum, antimicrobial, antiproliferative.
It is used to give a pungent taste to brandy.
It occurs in Curcumin species.
See diagram: Piperine.
Pipernonaline, (C21H27NO3) Alkaloid
Pipernonaline, antifungal, mosquito larvicidal.
It occurs in Piper longum, (long pepper).
Piplartine, (C17H19NO5), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Piplartine, Piperinoylpiperidine, Piperlongumine, Cinnamamide, Dicarboximide, used to treat asthma and bronchitis.
It occurs in Piper longum roots.
See diagram: Piplartine.
Portolacaxanthin, Betalain Alkaloid
Portulacaxanthin I, (C14H16N2O7), non-proteinogenic alpha-amino acid,
Portulacaxanthin II, (C18H18N2O7), both are yellow pigments.
It occurs in Portulaca grandiflora.
See diagram: Portolacaxanthin.
Prebetanin, (C24H26N2O16S), Betalain Alkaloid
Prebetanin, Betanin sulfate glycoside, purple pigment.
It occurs in Beta vulgaris, Phytolacca decandra, and in Rivina species.
See diagram: Prebetanin.
Pronuciferine, (C19H21NO3), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Pronuciferine, isoquinoline derivative, proaporphine alkaloid, aromatic ether, cyclic ketone, organic heterotetracyclic compound, mild anaesthetic.
It occurs in Berberis species, Papaver species, Croton species, Stephania species, and in Nelumbo species.
See diagram: Pronuciferine.
Prosopinine, (C16H33NO3), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Prosopinine, piperidine alkaloid, hydroxypiperidine.
It occurs in Prosopis species.
See diagram: Prosopinine.
Protopine, (C20H19NO5), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Protopine, isoquinoline derivative, protopine alkaloid, benzylisoquinoline alkaloid, dibenzazecine alkaloid
It is an acute toxic, irritant, analgesic, relax smooth muscles, antibacterial.
It occurs in Papaver species, Corydalis species, and Fumaria species.
See diagram: Protopine.
Protostephanine, (C21H27NO4) Alkaloid
Protostephanine, (Tetrahydro-tetramethoxy-7-methyl-5H-dibenz(d, f)azon), seaside scrambler
It is used to make Indonesian edible green grass jelly.
It occurs in Stephania japonica.
Protoveratrine, Steroidal Alkaloid
Protoveratrine is a mixture of alkaloids:.
Protoveratrine A, (C41H63NO14), Protalba.
Protoveratrine B, (C41H63NO15), Neoprotoveratrine, Veratetrine.
Occurs in Veratrum album, and was formerly used to treat hypertension, but causes nausea.
See diagram: Protoveratrine.
Pyrrolidine, (C4H9N), Cyclic Secondary Amine.
Pyrrolidine, 1-pyrrolidine, tetrahydropyrrole, cyclic secondary amine, in volatile amine fractions of brewing.
It is a colourless to pale yellow liquid with an ammonia-like odour and vapour heavier than air.
It produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion.
It occurs in carrot and tobacco leaves.
Quinidine, (C20H24N2O2)
Quinoline Alkaloid
Quinidine, Chinidin, Pitayine, Cin-quin, optical isomer of quinine, antimalarial, anti-arrhythmic in the heart
It dampens the excitability of cardiac and skeletal muscles,and decreases conduction velocity of nerve impulses.
It occurs in Chinchona tree bark.
See diagram: Quinidine.
Quinine, (C20H24N2O2)
Quinoline Alkaloid
Quinine, Chinin, Chinine, Qualaquin, irritant, alkaloid derived from cinchona tree bark, antimalarial drug, active ingredient, mild antipyretic
It is an analgesic so used in common cold preparations, used to treat idiopathic leg cramps.
Nowadays, it is used as a bitter and flavouring agent in Schweppes Indian Tonic Water.
It occurs in cinchona tree extracts.
See: Quinine.
See diagram: Quinine.
Quinoline, (C9H7N)
Quinoline Alkaloid
Quinoline, heterocyclic aromatic organic compound, colourless hygroscopic liquid, strong odour, if exposed to light yellow then brown.
It is slightly soluble in cold water, and used as a flavouring ingredient.
It occurs in Mentha species, cocoa, black tea, and in Scotch whisky.
See diagram: Quinoline.
Quinoline yellow, (C18H11NO2)
It is mixture of dyes based on quinoline, quinophthalone, solvent yellow, erio chinoline yellow 4G
E104, azo dye based on quinoline, bright yellow colour, possible health risk is dermatitis.
It is used in lipsticks.
Rescinnamine, (C35H42N2O9), Vinca Alkaloid
Rescinnamine, anti-hypertensive, tranquillizer.
It occurs in Rauvolfia vomitoria.
See diagram: Rescinnamine.
Reserpine, (C33H40N2O9), Indole Alkaloid
Reserpine, indole derivative alkaloid, monoterpenoid indole alkaloid, corynanthe type alkaloid, anti-hypertensive, antipsychotic
It was used to control high blood pressure, tranquillizer, but nowadays rarely used.
It occurs in Rauvolfia sepentina.
See diagram: Reserpine.
Retamine, (C15H26N2O)
Quinolzidine Alkaloid
Retamine, Hydroxysparteine, hypotensive, diuretic.
It occurs in Genista species.
See diagram: Retamine.
Reticuline, (C190H23NO4), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Reticuline, benzylisoquinoline alkaloid, coclanoline, alkaloid precursor, (precursor of morphine).
It occurs in Papaver species, Cryptocarpa species, and in Romneya species.
See diagram: Reticuline.
Retronecine, (C8H13NO2), Pyrolizidine Alkaloid
Retronecine, Senecifolinene, pyrolizidine derivative, non-ester, may cause liver damage from excessive consumption.
It occurs in Borago officinalis, Senecio vulgaris, Tussilago farfara, borage leaf, comfrey, coltsfoot.
It occurs in in weeds in grain crops, e.g. Heliotropium, europaeum, Echium plantagineum, and in Crotalaria retusa.
See diagram: Retronecine.
Rhoeadine, (C21H21NO6), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Rhoeadine, Rheadine, rhoeadan alkaloid, possibly antitumour.
It occurs in Papaver rhoeas, folk medicine, expectorant, sedative.
See diagram: Rhoeadine.
Rhombifoline, (C15H20N2O)
Quinolzidine Alkaloid
Rhombifoline, Butenylcytisine.
It occurs in Genista species, Ammodendron species, and Thermopsis species.
See diagram: Rhombifoline.
Ricinine, (C8H8N2O2, Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Ricinine, Ricidine, Ritsinin, pyridine derivative, pyridine alkaloid, pyridone, nitrile, toxic alkaloid, insecticidal
It forms bitter white crystals, may cause toxic burning feeling in mouth and throat, nausea, vomiting, severe pain in stomach, diarrhoea.
It may cause hepatic and renal damage, death,
It is used as alkaloid marker for poisonous lectin ricin, e.g. in urine,
It occurs in Ricinus communis, castor seeds and leaves.
See diagram: Ricinine.
Castor oil, ricinoleic acid:
Riddelline, (C18H23NO6), Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid
Riddelline, is a diester of retronecine (C8H13NO2), and a possible carcinogen.
It occurs in Senecio riddelli, Senecio vulgaris, Acobaea vulgaris, Crotalaria species, and in Amsinckia species.
See diagram: Riddelline.
Rotundine, (C21H25NO), Berberine Alkaloid
Rotundine, Tetrahydropalmatine, selective dopamine D1 receptor agonist, analgesic, adrenergic agent, non-narcotic analgesic, dopaminergic antagonist, antiprotozoal, (derived from a palmatine), anti-arrhythmic, antihypertensive, antipsychotic, sedative, tranquillizer.
It occurs in Stephania sinica.
Rutaecarpine, (C18H13N3O), Indole Alkaloid
Rutaecarpine, Rutecarpine, Rhetine, a pyridopyrimidine, i.e. a pyridine fused to a pyrimidine, inhibits platelet aggregation, hypotensive, vasoldilator, in Chinese medicine, counteracts breakdown of caffeine, anti-inflammatory, vasorelaxation, from China with strong bitter taste.
It occurs in Tetradium ruticarpum, Evodia rutaecarpa, and in Hortia arborea.
Salutaridine, (C19H21NO4), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Salutaridine, morphinan alkaloid, floripavine.
It occurs in Papaver species, and in Croton species.
See diagram: Salutaridine.
Sanguinarine, (C20H14NO4), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Sanguinarine, isoquinoline derivative, benzophenanthridine alkaloid, toxic, bitter, antibacterial, cytotoxic, dental plaque inhibitor, used to treat bronchial disorders, inhibits enzymes.
It occurs in Sanguinaria canadensis dried rhizome and root, Papaver species, Chelidonium species, Fumaria species, Zantholem species, and Pteridophyllum species.
Sanguinarine chloride hydrate, (C20H14ClNO4.H2O), occurs in Family Papaveraceae.
See diagram: Sanguinarine.
Scopolamine, (C17H21NO4), Tropane Alkaloid
Scopolamine, hyoscine, Hyoscine, Skopolamin, Oscine, syrup, narcotic ("truth drug"), "Devil's breath", sedative.
Scopolamine less toxic than Hyoscyamine
It is used for anaesthetic premedication, treat urinary incontinence, motion sickness, antispasmodic, anticholinergic, anti-emetic and antivertigo properties.
It is used control the secretion of saliva and gastric acid, to slow gut motility, mild nausea, motion sickness and prevent vomiting.
It occurs in Atropa belladonna, Datura ferox, Duboisia myoporoidesi, and Duboisia leichhardtii.
See diagram: Scopolamine.
(-)-Scopolamine hydrobromide trihydrate, (C17H21NO4.HBr.3H2O), hyoscine hypobromide.
Securinine, (C13H15NO2), Unclassified Alkaloid
Securinine, Securinin, occurs in Securinega, and in Phyllanthus, an indolizine alkaloid.
See diagram: Securinine.
Sedamine, (C14H21NO), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Sedamine, Phenyllobellol, piperidine derivative, citraconoyl group, poison.
It occurs in Sedum acre.
See diagram: Sedamine.
Selagine, (C15H18N2O), Lycopodium Alkaloid
Selagine, Huperzine A, sesquiterpene alkaloid, neuroprotective activity, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, sesquiterpene alkaloid
It is used for treatment of swelling, fever and blood disorders, possibly Alzheimer’s disease.
It occurs in Huperzia serrata, and in Lycopodium species (both species a club moss).
See diagram: Selagine.
Senecionine, (C18H25NO5), Pyrolizidine Alkaloid
Senecionine, Aureine, Senecionin, lactone, tertiary alcohol, from a senecionan, hepatotoxic, pneumotoxic, mutagenic, used to study liver injury.
It occurs in Castilleja species, and in Senecio species.
See diagram: Senecionine.
Sinomenine, (C19H23NO4), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Sinomenine, isoquinoline derivative, morphinan alkaloid, morphinan derivative, cucoline, anti-rheumatic, suppresses coughs, weakly analgesic, abortifacient.
It occurs in Sinomenium species.
See diagram: Sinomenine.
Sirodesmin, (C19H23NO4), Unclassified Alkaloid
Sirodesmin, Sirodesmin H, Sirodesmin A, Dethiosirodesmin A, [(5'R, 7S)-14-Dethiosirodesmin A], organic molecule, antibiotic
It occurs in Phoma ligan (black leg fungus), which attacks Brassica species.
See diagram: Sirodesmin.
Slaframine, (C10H18N2O2), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Slaframine, alkaloidal mycotoxin, causes animal salivation.
It occurs in Rhizoctonia leguminicola, which is a pathogen of Trifolium pratense, (red clover).
See diagram: Slaframine.
Solamargine, (C45H73NO15), Steroidal Alkaloid
Solamargine, beta-Solamarine, Solamargin, (steroid + oxaspiro compound), glycoalkaloid, poisonous, unsuccessful anticancer drug
It is used to treat pre-cancerous skin thickening (Actinic Keratosis).
It occurs in Solanum nigrum, leaves and fruit.
See diagram: Solamargine.
Solanidine, (C27H43NO), Steroidal Alkaloid
Solanidine, Purapuradine, pseudoalkaloid, poisonous, from hydrolysis of solanine, toxic concentration in potato sprouts, inhibits serum cholinesterases
It is used to synthesise steroidal drugs.
It occurs in Solanum nigrum.
See diagram: Solanidine.
Solanine, (C45H73NO15), Steroidal Alkaloid
Solanine, alpha-Solanine, steroidal alkaloid, glycoalkaloid, bitter taste, inhibits serum cholinesterases, apotosis inducer, i.e. contributes to the normal death of cells by opening the mitochondrial membrane permeability, oral ingestion about 3 mg/kg toxic to humans, induces programmed cell death so is possibly anticancerous.
It occurs in Solanum tuberosum.
See diagram: Solanine.
Solanine hydrochloride used as agricultural pesticide.
Solasodine, (C27H43NO2), Steroidal Alkaloid
Solasodine, Spirosol-5-en-3-ol, Purapuridine, Solancarpidine, pseudoalkaloid, poison, used to produce steroids.
It occurs in Capsicum annuum (chilli), and in Solanum nigrum.
See diagram: Solasodine.
Solasonine, (C45H73NO16), Steroidal Alkaloid
Solasonine, glycoalkaloid, derivative of solasodine, poisonous, unsuccessful anticancer drug.
It occurs in Solanum linnaeanum.
See diagram: Solasonine.
Sparteine, (C15H26N2), Quinolizidine Alkaloid
Sparteine, lupinidine, quinolizidine derivative, sparteine group, (L-lysine derived alkaloid), is toxic to livestock, oily, oxytocic, anti-arrhythmic.
It occurs in Lupinus angustifolius (formerly used to treat heart disorders), in Cytisus scoparius (scotch broom), Spatium junceum (broom), lupin seed.
Lupinidine, oxytocic and anti-arrhythmic agent, indicator of CYP2D6 genotype.
It occurs in Lupinus species, Spartium species, and in Cytisus species.
See diagram: Sparteine.
Stachydrine, (C7H13NO2), Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Stachydrine, pyrrolidine derivative, Proline betaine, L-proline betaine, amino acid betaine, food component, from human blood serum in urine
It has a possible osmoprotective role for the kidney.
It occurs in Capparis species (used to treat rheumatism), in Stachys species, Achillea species, Desmodium species, Asphodelus species, and in citrus foods.
It is a biomarker for consumption of Citrus species.
See diagram: Stachydrine.
Strychnine, (C22H24N2O4), Indole Alkaloid
Strychnine, vomicine, indole derivative alkaloid, monoterpenoid indole alkaloid, corynanthe type alkaloid, CNS stimulant, colourless, bitter, crystalline
It is used as rodenticide, highly toxic convulsant causing death by asphyxia.
It has been used as folk medicine in very small doses, but it is not recommended!
It occurs in Strychnos nux-vomica, (poison nut tree).
See diagram: Strychnine.
Supinidine, (C8H13NO), Pyrolizidine Alkaloid
It occurs in Heliotropium species, br>
See diagram: Supinidine.
Swainsonine, (C8H15NO3, Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
Swainsonine, indolizidine derivative, inhibits enzymes, antimetastatic, antiproliferative, immunomodulatory, locoweed, stagger weed, from Astragalus
It is used to treat AIDs.
It occurs in Swainsona canescens.
See diagram: Swainsonine.
Symphytine, (C20H31NO6), Pyrolizidine Alkaloid
Symphytine, hepatotoxic.
It occurs in Myosotis species and in Symphytum species.
See diagram: Symphytine.
Synephrine, (C9H13NO2), Phenethylamine Alkaloid
Synephrine, Oxedrine, p-Synephrine, Parasympatol, long-acting adrenergic effects, vasoconstrictor, used to treat circulatory failure, asthma, nasal congestion, glaucoma, Chinese medicine.
It occurs in Citrus x aurantium, whole dried oranges.
See diagram: Synephrine.
Tabersonine, (C21H24N2O2), Indole Alkaloid
Tabersonine, terpene indole alkaloid, antitumour, hypoglycemic, diuretic, used to make other alkaloids.
It occurs in Amsonia elliptica.
See diagram: Tabersonine.
Taxine, (C35H47NO10), Unclassified Alkaloid
Taxine, Taxine A and Taxine B, toxic cardiotoxins, no medical uses, causes cattle poisoning.
It occurs in Taxus baccata, Taxus cuspidata, yew leaves.
See diagram: Taxine.
Taxol, (C47H51NO14), Unclassified Alkaloid
Taxol, Paclitaxel, Taxol A, Abraxane, cyclodecane, antineoplastic, antileukaemic, antitumour, (inhibits cellular mitosis of ovarian, breast, and lung cancer).
It occurs in Taxus brevifolia, and in Taxus cuspidata.
See diagram: Taxol.
Tetrahydropalmatine, (C21H25NO4), Alkaloid
Tetrahydropalmatine, Rotundine, organic heterotetracyclic compound, sedative, tranquillizer, Dopamine Antagonist, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal.
It has been used for experimental treatment of Schizophrenia with L-tetrahydropalmatine.
It occurs in Corydalis ambigua.
See diagram: Tetrahydropalmatine.
Tetrandrine, (C38H42N2O6), Alkaloid
Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Tetrandrine, anti-hypertensive, immunosuppressive, antiproliferative, free radical scavenger, lowers plasma glucose.
It occurs in Stephania tetrandra. and in Radix stephania root.
See diagram: Tetrandrine.
Thebaine, (C19H21NO3, Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Thebaine, isoquinoline derivative, morphinan alkaloid, opiate alkaloid, paramorphine, organic heteropentacyclic compound, weak narcotic, analgesic
It may cause strychnine-like convulsions, and is acutely toxic.
It is the main alkaloid from Iranian poppy, Papaver bracteum, usually produced from poppy straw, controlled opiate substance, habit forming.
It occurs in Papaver species.
See diagram: Thebaine.
Theobromine, (C7H8N4O2)
Purines and Pyrimidines Alkaloid
Theobromine, (3,7-Dimethyl xanthine), purine derivative, methylated purine, odourless, white, crystalline powder, bitter taste, main alkaloid in cacao bean.
It is a bronchodilator, vasodilator, less diuretic and less smooth muscle stimulant than theophylline, less CNS stimulant than caffeine.
It was formerly used as diuretic and to treat hypertension.
It occurs in Theobroma cacao (cocoa), Cola acuminata (cola, kola nut), and in Paullinia cupana.
See diagram: Caffeine Theobromine, Theophylline.
(Theobromine does not contain bromine!).
Theophylline, (C7H8N4O2)
Purines and Pyrimidines Alkaloid
Theophylline, 1,3-Dimethylxanthine, theocin, purine derivative, anhydrous, methylxanthine, and diuretic
It is a methylxanthine from tea, odourless, white crystalline powder, bitter taste, smooth muscle relaxant, bronchial dilator, cardiac and CNS stimulant.
It is a bronchodilator, so is used to treat asthma, emphysema and bronchitis, but toxicity may be increased by presence of other drugs, e.g. erythromycin.
It occurs in Theobroma cacao (crillo cocoa beans), and much less in Camellia sinensis, tea.
See diagram: Nicotine.
Tigloidine, (C13H21NO2), Tropane Alkaloid
Tigloidine, Tigloyloxytropane, Tigloidin, Tropigline, depresses central nervous system, anticholinergic, used to treat muscle rigidity and Parkinson's disease.
It occurs in Duboisia hopwoodii, and in Datura species.
See diagram: Tigloidine.
Tinctorine, (C15H20N2O)
Quinolzidine Alkaloid
Tinctorine, Alteramine, occurs in Baptisia species, Genista species, and in Thermopsis species.
See diagram: Tinctorine.
Tomatidine, (C27H45NO2), Steroidal Alkaloid
Tomatidine, glycoalkaloid, is supposed to be anabolic and increase muscle.
It occurs in Solanum lycopersicon, green tomato.
Tomatine, (C50H83NO21), Steroidal Alkaloid
Tomatine, Lycopersicin, alpha-Tomatine, Tomatin, (derived from Tomatidine), antibiotic, glycoside, anti-histamine activity, insecticide, occurs in extract of leaves of wild tomato plants, phytotoxin, antifungal, antibacterial, precipitating agent for steroids
It occurs in Solanum lycopersicon.
See diagram: Tomatine.
Topotecan, (C23H23N3O5), Quinoline-based Alkaloid
Topotecan, Hycamptamine, (derivative of camptothecin), antitumour, anticancer agent, antineoplastic, used to treat ovarian cancer, inhibits topoisomerase.
It occurs in Camptotheca acuminata.
See diagram: Topotecan.
Trichostachine, (C16H17NO3.
Trichostachine, Piperyline, Trichostachin, Pyrroperine.
Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloid
It occurs in Piper nigrim, and in Piper guineense.
See diagram: Trichostachine.
Trigonelline, (C7H7NO2).
Trigonelline, Caffearine, Gynesine, N-Methylnicotinate, iminium betaine zwitterion, (derived from niacin, vitamin B3, a nicotinate so called “methylated niacin”,
crystallizes as hygroscopic prisms, in human urine, in many plants.
It may lessen dental caries by preventing Streptococcus mutans adhering to teeth.
It occurs in Trigonella foenum-graecum, seeds hence “trigonelline”, in Japanese radish, coffee (especially arabica coffee), oats, potatoes, Stachys species, dahlia, Strophanthus, Dichapetalum cymosumin, and in garden peas, and hemp seed.
Tropine, (C8H15NO), Tropane Alkaloid
Tropine, Pseudotropine, (8-Methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3-ol), (3alpha-Tropanol), (2, 3-Dihydro-3alpha-hydroxytropidine), highly toxic, kills grazing horses.
It occurs in Atropa belladonna, and in Scopolea carniolice.
See diagram: Tropine.
Tubocurarine, (C37H41CN2O6+), Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Tubocurarine, bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid, toxic, skeletal muscle relaxant, induce neuromuscular paralysis, active ingredient in curare on poison-tipped arrows, blocks the action of acetylcholine.
It occurs in Chondodendron tomentosum.
See diagram: Tubocurarine.
Tubocurarine hydrochloride, (C37H41ClN2O6.HCl.5H2O).
Tubocurarine was the first identified curare alkaloid.
Curare is the name one of the poisons used by indigenous South Americans to coat the tips of hunting arrows.
They were derived from Chondrodendron species and Strychnos species.
They were used clinically to induce neuromuscular blockade during surgeries, but this practice is now replaced.
Valepotriate, (C22H30O8, Iridoid Alkaloid
Valapotriate, baldrisedon, iridoid monoterpenoid, sedative.
It occurs in Valerian species, and in Kentranthus species, (valtratum iridoid).
See diagram: Valepotriate.
Valepotriates are a class of iridoid alkaloids, in Valeriana species.
Valeroidine, (C13H23NO3), Tropane Alkaloid
Valeroidine, Isovaleroxyhydroxypropane.
It occurs in Datura species, and in Duboisia hopwoodi.
See diagram: Valeroidine.
Vinblastine, (C46H58N4O9), Indole Alkaloid
Vinblastine, vinca alkaloid, antitumour, antileukemic agent, antimicrotubule agent.
It occurs in Vinca rosea.
See diagram: Vinblastine.
Vincamine, (C21H26N2O3), Indole Alkaloid
Vincamine, indole derivative alkaloid, monoterpenoid indole alkaloid, aspidosperma-type alkaloid, vinca alkaloid, minorine, anti-aging, peripheral vasodilator, increases blood flow to the brain, anti-hypertensive, used to treat cerebrovascular disorders.
It occurs in Vinca minor.
See diagram: Vincamine.
Vincristine, (C46H56N4O10), Indole Alkaloid
Vincristine, vinca alkaloid, oncovine, antitumuor, antimicrotubule agent, used to treat acute leukaemia, malignant lymphoma, Hodkin's disease.
It occurs in Vinca rosea.
See diagram: Vincristine.
Vindoline, (C25H32N2O6), Indole Alkaloid
Vindoline, used to synthesise anticancer antibiotics vinblastine and vinchristine, antimitotic activity.
It occurs in Vinca rosea.
See diagram: Vindoline.
(C21H24N2O2) --> vindoline --> vinblastine (C40H58N4O9).
Vinorelbine, (C45H54N4O8), Vinca Alkaloid
Vinorelbine, antitumour, antimicrotubule agent.
It occurs in Vinca species.
See diagram: Vinorelbine.
Vinpocetine, (C22H26N2O2), Alkaloid
Vinpocetine, synthetic derivative of vinca alkaloid vincamine, ethyl apovincaminate, anti-inflammatory.
See diagram: Vinpocetine.
Vulgaxanthin, (C14H17N3O)7, Betalain Alkaloid
Vulgaxanthin, betaxanthins, Vulgaxanthin I and Vulgaxanthin II, yellow pigments.
It occurs in Mirabilis jalapsa, and in Beta vulgaris.
See diagram: Vulgaxanthin.
Yohimbine, (C21H26N2O3), Indole Alkaloid
Yohimbine, indole derivative alkaloid, monoterpenoid indole alkaloid, corynanthe type alkaloid, herbal medicine, aphrodisiac, used to treat erectile disfunction, cause pupil of eye to dilate, reverse veterinary sedation.
It occurs in Pausinystalia yohimbe bark.
See diagram: Yohimbine.
Yohimbine hydrochloride.
Yunaconitine, (C35H49NO11, Diterpenoid Alkaloid
Yunaconitine, Isoaconitine, Vilmorrianine B, phytotoxin, in human urine, xenobiotic, acetate ester, aromatic ether, benzoate ester, bridged compound, organic heteropolycyclic compound, polyether, tertiary amino compound, secondary alcohol, (derived from an aconitane hydride).
It occurs in Aconitum bulleyanum.
See diagram: Yunaconitine.
Valerianine, (C11H15NO), Monoterpenoid and Sesquiterpenoid Alkaloid
It occurs in Valeriana officinalis roots.
See diagram: Valerianine.
Veracevine, (C27H43NO8), Steroidal Alkaloid
Veracevine, Veratridine, Protocevine, cyclic hemiketal (derived from a hydride of cevane), heptol, tertiary amino compound, tertiary alcohol, secondary alcohol, insecticide.
It is used as a source of veratridine or cevine.
See diagram: Veracevine.
Veratramine, (C27H39NO2), Steroidal Alkaloid
It occurs Veratrum species rhizomes.
Extracts of Veratrum viride are used a veterinary medicine.
See diagram: Veratramine.
Veratridine, (C35H51NO11), Steroidal Alkaloid
Veratridine, Benzoate-cevane, Dimethoxybenzoate, (derivative of veracevine alkaloid, protocevine, (C27H43NO8), neurotoxin, activates sodium channels to remain open longer, sodium channel modulator, occurs in lily family, Veratrum used to treat nervous disorders, pain
It occurs in Schoenocaulon officinale, sabadilla seeds, and in Veratrum album rhizome.
See diagram: Veratridine.
Verruculotoxin, (C15H20N2O), Unclassified Alkaloid
Verruculotoxin, organonitrogen heterocyclic compound, organic heterobicyclic compound, toxic mycotoxin in Penicillium veraculosum, hypogoea, cause ataxia and loss of muscle control in day-old chicks.
It occurs in Arachis species, (green peanuts).
See diagram: Verruculotoxin.
Verticine, (C27H45NO3), Steroidal Alkaloid
Verticine, Peimine, used to treat chest disorders.
It occurs in Fritillaria species.
See diagram: Verticine.
Zizyphine, (C33H49N5O6), Peptide and Cyclopeptide Alkaloid
Zizyphine type alkaloid, Zizyphine, herbal medicine, aphrodisiac, used to treat erectile disfunction.
Zizyphine A, (C33H49N5O6), cyclic peptide, occurs in Ramnus frangula, alder buckthorn.
See diagram: Zizyphine.
Zizyphine F, (C32H47N5O6), occurs in Ziziphus species, and in Ceanothus americanus.
16.6.0 Phenethylamine group of alkaloids.
Phenethylamine (C8H11N) Plant Amine.
1.0.0, Poisons and First Aid, (See: adrenalin) (Table).
Epinephrine, (C9H13NO3), adrenaline, hormone and neurotransmitter, produced by the adrenal medulla.
It is not usually classified as alkaloid, as a "protoalkaloid", with nitrogen in the side chain.
It is a catecholamine and an active sympathomimetic hormone from the adrenal medulla.
Adrenergics mimic the effects of epinephrine.
It causes vasoconstriction, increase in blood pressure, gastrointestinal relaxation, stimulates the heart, dilates bronchi smooth muscle, and used to treat asthma.
Adrenaline may be called the "fight or fright hormone".
When we have a fright or have to fight or run, extra adrenaline is released into the blood,
This makes the heart beat faster, gets more air into our lungs and increases the blood supply to the muscles, so cope with emergencies when we are frightened.
Adrenaline injections are used to treat some emergency situations, which can occur in the heart and lungs.
The two brands of adrenaline autoinjector available in Australia to treat anaphylaxis are EpiPen™ and Anapen™br>
Adrenaline 1:10, 000 is used in people whose hearts have suddenly stopped (cardiac arrest).
The adrenaline can help to restart the heart and stimulates it to beat strongly.
It can be given cautiously to people who are elderly, have high blood pressure, thyroid problems and high pressure in the eye.
However, care must also be taken if giving adrenaline to diabetics, people with heart disease and people allergic to adrenaline.
Common side effects include: palpitations, tremor, restlessness, anxiety, weakness, dissiness, headache, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet.
The class of phenethylamines include the following:.
* Fight or fright hormones.
Epinephrine, (C9H13NO3), Epinephrine.
Dopamine (C8H11NO2).
Norepinephrine, (C8H11NO3), noradrenaline.
* Stimulant activity, monamine releasing agent.
Amphetamine, (C9H13N), Amphetamines: 11.4.0.
Methamphetamine, (C10H15N).
* Stimulant / decongestant activity.
Ephedrine, (C10H15NO), / Pseudoephedrine, (C10H15NO).
Ephedra sinica contains ephedrine.
* Psychedelic activity:.
Mescaline |.
Designer hallucinogens (2C- series), e.g. 2C-B, (C10H14BrNO2).
Bupropion, (C13H18ClNO), commonly prescribed antidepressant.
* Plant compounds.
L-DOPA, (C9H11NO4), levodopa (L-3-4-dihydroxyphenylalanine), precursor of psychoactive compounds called catecholamines, .
i.e. dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and epinephrine (adrenaline).
[CH4(OH)2] = catechol ring.
MDMA, (C11H15NO2), (3, 4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine), psychoactive drug, "ecstasy".
Substituted amphetamines, e.g. catecholamine ether, guaiacol (C7H8O2), (HOC6H4OCH3), (2-hydroxyphenol), (1, 2-hydroxybenzene).