School Science Lessons

Chemistry, Ad to Az
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Adding chemicals to containers
Addition polymers
Addition reactions
Adenosine triphosphate, ATP
ADHD, Food colouring
Adhesives, (Experiments)
Adiabatic change
Adipic acid, (Experiments)
Adipoyl chloride
Adrenaline, Epinephrine, (C8H11N)
Aerated water, (Experiments)
Aerobic, (Experiments)
Aerogel, (Experiment)
Agar, (Experiments)
Agate, (Geology)
"Agent orange"
Air, Atmosphere, (Experiments)
Air pollution, (Experiments)
Agricultural chemicals
Air, (Experiments)
Air pollution, (Experiments)
Ajugasterone C
Alabaster, (Geology)
Alanine, (Table of amino acids)
Alanine, DNA codons
Albite, NaAlSi3o8, (Geology)
Albumen, (Experiments)
Alcian blue, Prepare
"Alcohol", (Experiments)
Alcohols, phenols, thiols
Aldaric acids
Aldehydes, (Experiments)
Aldrin, Cyclidiene pesticides
Ale, Yeast, fermentation, beer
Algicides, control of algae in swimming pools
Alginate polymer, Prepare
Alginic acid, "Sphereification"
Aliphatic compounds
Alizarin, (Experiments)
Alka-Seltzer, (Experiments)
Alkali, (Experiments)
Alkalinity, total alkalinity and buffer capacity, swimming pools
Alkanoic acids, (Experiments)
Alkanones, Thiophene
Alkenes, olefins, (Experiments)
Alkyl halide
Alkylation, (Experiments)
Alkyne group
All substances, Tests for all substances
Allotropes, (Experiments)
Alloys, (Experiments)
Aluminon, (Experiments)
Aloe emodin
Alpha, (Experiments)
Aluminium, Al
Aluminum, Al
Amaryllidaceae alkaloids
Amber, (Experiments)
Ambergris, Ambrein
Ambrettolic acid
Ambroxan, Ambrein
American liquid measures
Americium, Am
Ångström unit, A
Amethyst, (Geology)
Amido phthalic acid
Amidosulfamic acid
Amikan hydrate
Amines, Alkaloids
Amino acids, Amino group, NH2-
Amino acids, Separate with paper chromatography
Aminoacetic acid, (Experiments)
Ammonia, (Experiments)
Amount of substance, Mole
Amosite, (See: 5.), (Geology)
Ampère, (Physics)
Amphibole, (Geology)
Amphoteric, (Experiments)
Amyl, C5H11-
Amyl acetate, (pear oil), (Prepare)
Amyl alcohol
Amylase, (Experiments)
Amylum, Starch, (Experiments)
Anaesthetic ether
Analar reagents
Angle tube syringe
Anions, Tests for anions
Anolyte water
Anacardic acid
Analgesics, Aspirin
Anatase, Titaniym (IV) oxide, (Geology)
Andesine, Pagioclase feldspars, (Geology)
Animal care
Anisic acid
Angelic acid
Angelica lactone
Anglesite, lead sulfate, (Geology)
Ångström unit, A, (Measurement)
Aniline, (Experiments)
Anion compounds, Hazards
Anionic detergents
Anion exchange resin, (Experiments)
Anions, Tests, (Experiments)
Anode and cathode
Anodize aluminium, (Experiments)
Anodize iron nails, (Experiments)
Anomalousdensity of water, Maximum density of water
Anorthite, Calcium feldspar, (Geology)
Anti-bumping granules, (Experiments)
Anti-caking agents, food additives
Antibiotics, (Experiments)
Antimony, Sb
Antioxidants, (Experiments)
Antiseptics, Microorganisms, (Experiment)
Antiseptics, Disinfectants
Apatite (Geology)
Apple juice gel, Prepare
Apigenin dimethylether
Apothecaries' weights
Apotosis inducer, Solanine
Aqua, Aqueous, Water, (Experiments)
Aqua fortis, HNO3
Aqua regia, HNO3 + HCl
Aqua vitae, Brandy
Aquadag, (Geology)
Aquamarine, Beryllium
Aquavit, Whisky
Arachidic acid
Arachidonic acid
Aragonite, (Geology)
Araldite polymer
Aramid synthetic fibre, Dacron
Aramide polymer
Area, (shape)
Arenes, benzene
Argentic Silver compounds, (Experiments)
Arginine, (Table of amino acids)
Arginine, DNA codons
Argol, tartar
Argon, Ar
Aristolochic acid
Armenian clay, (Geology)
Aromatic compounds
Aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene
Arrhenius equation
Arsenic, As
Aryl groups
Asbestos, (Geology)
Ascorbic acid, (Experiments)
Ascorbyl palmitate
Ash content of plant matter. Tests
Asiatic acid
Asparagine, (Table of amino acids)
Asparagine, DNA codons
Asparagus, Methanethiol
Asparagus, Sulforaphane, C6H11NOS2
Aspirin, Acetylsalicyclic acid
Aspartic acid
Aspect ratio
Asphalt, (Experiment)
Aspiration hazard
Aspirin, Acetylsalicyclic acid
Assay value of precious metals
Astatine, At
ASTM, Plastics recycling code
Atmosphere, Air
Atoms, (Experiments)
ATP, adenosine triphosphate
Atractylenolide II lactone
Augite, (Geology)
Autocatalysis, (Experiments)
Autoignition temperature, Mg
Auxins (Experiments)
Avogadro's hypothesis
Avoirdupois weight
Azeotrope, Constant boiling mixture
Azo compounds
Azurite, (Geology)

13.2.0 Air, atmosphere
1.0 Air (Primary)
13.2.5 Air flow, hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, ping-pong ball, balloon
18.7.8 Tests for air and dissolved oxygen in water
18.6.5 Tests for air pollution from burning refuse
12.1.0, Atmospheric pressure, air pressure
18.6.0 Air pollution
27.6.2 Air wedge interference
37.1.0 Atmosphere
13.2.0 Bernoulli force, Bunsen burner, air streams
20.3.4 Breath, Henry's law and decompression sickness, "the bends"
9.5.1 Carbon dioxide in the air is necessary for photosynthesis:
12.4.0 Gas, Molecular weight, Density, (Table 1)
11.3.0, Density of air
20.5.1 Expansion of air ina flask or bottle
3.4.8 Gas or vapour inhalation, EAR, CPR
20.2.10 Hot air balloons
37.7.0 Moisture enters the air, evaporation, (Weather)
37.8.0 Moisture leaves the air, precipitation, (Weather)
12.1.29 Oxidation and air pressure, steel wool over water
20.1.3 Plastic syringes and air pressure, Boyle's law
17.2.1 Reduce friction with air streams, balloon hovercraft
20.2.0 Resonance in air columns, musical instruments
9.2.14 Respiration, Volume of air breathed out
3.34 Soil air (Primary)
37.2.0 Weather science
37.11.0 Winds, convection
20.1.7 Volume and pressure of air, Boyle's Law

Ascorbyl palmitate
Ascorbyl palmitate, ester of ascorbic acid + palmitic acid, "fat-soluble vitamin C", "vitamin C ester"
An ester of palmitic acid and ascorbic acid, source ot dietary vitamin C, antioxidant food additive:
E304 Ascorbyl palmitate

Amantadine, C10H17N, is a primary aliphatic amine, anti-viral and anti-Parkinsons medication, causes psychosis
Amantadine is an Influenza A M2 Protein Inhibitor.

Alcian blue
Alcian blue, C56H68Cl4CuN16S4, dye is used for staining of bacteria.
7.4 Alcian blue solution, Prepare

Amoxycillin, C16H19N3O5S, "Amox", is a penicillin G derivative used as an antibacterial drug.
It is used for the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia; infections of the ear, nose and throat, genitourinary tract, the skin and respiratory tract.
It leads to higher serum concentrations than ampicillin.
9.6.0 Penicillium

Chrysartemin B, C15H18O5, is a sesquiterpene lactone, and insect antifeedant.
It occurs in Artemisia cana, and Chrysanthemum macropjyllum
Silver sagebush, (Artemisia cana)

Aminoethylethanolamine, C₄H₁₂N₂O, AEEA, is a surfactant, fabric softener, fuel additive.
19.4.4 Surfactants

Aminophenol, H2N(C6H4OHH, 4-hydroxyanaline, is a black-and-white film developer.

Amitriptyline, C20H23N, damitriptyline, triptanol, a tertiary amine, is a popular tricyclic antidepressant, (TCA), called 'ELAVIL'.
See diagram 14.05, Amitriptyline

Amyl alcohol
Amyl alcohol, , C5H12O, CH3(CH2)3CH2OH, Isoamyl alcohol, has 8 isomers, but 1-pentanol, (n-pentanol, pentan-1-ol), is usually used in solvents.
Isoamyl alcohol is a colourless liquid with a mild, choking alcohol odour, antifungal agent.
It occurs in Ambrosiozyma monospora, and Humulus lupulus

Anacyclin, C18H25NO, fatty amide, dynamide, insecticidal
It occurs in Anacyclis pyrethrum, and Achillea species roots.

Anaesthetic ether
Anaesthetic ether, (C2H5)2O, C4H10O, CH3CH2OCH2CH3, diethyl ether, ethoxyethane, "ether", colourless, sweet-smelling, flammable liquid
It was used as an anesthetic, but is now used as a solvent
It occurs in Basella alba and Acca sellowiana.

Analar reagents
Analar reagents are sold as high purity chemical, 'Analar' Standards for Laboratory Chemicals, usually 99.99% pure.

Androne, magnesium perchlorate, Mg(ClO4)2, oxidizing agent, exothermic with water, Toxic, Corrosive

Angle tube syringe
Angle tube syringe, Collect gas with an angle-tube syringe
See diagram 3.33, (Angle-tube syringe).

Anodyne, is a compound used to ease pain, e.g. Tetrahydropalmatine, (THP), C21H25NO4, from Corydalis species.

Anolyte water
Anolyte water, anolyte solution, hypochlorous acid, HOCl, destroys bacterial cell membranes, anthracnose

Anthracycline antibiotics, Anthracyclines, anti-cancer drugs from some Streptomyces species, cardiotoxic

Aquavit, "eau de vie", whisky, usquebaugh (Irish whisky), popular in northern Europe, may contain caraway seed or dill seed oil

Arnicolide, dihydrohenalanin acetate, C19H24O5, a methacrylate, cytotoxic, antitumour, occurs in Arnica montana

Aspecioside, C29H42O10, cardenolide, cardenoside glycoside, steroidal toxins, in Asciepias species

Aspiration, transfer of liquids by sucking, using aspirator instrument or apparatus

The most common oxygen anion, e.g. nitrate NO3- and -ite suffix, one O fewer, e.g. nitrite NO2-

Auriculoside, C22H26O10, CNS depressant, flavon glycoside, occurs in Acacia auriculiformis

Avenasterol, C29H48O, Ethylidenelathosterol, Dehydroavenasterol, , used in salad oils, e.g. canola oil, occurs in Amaranthus species

Anacardic acid
Anacardic acid, C22H30O3, (6-Pentadecylsalicylic acid), Ginkgolic acid.
Hydroxybenzoic acid, C22H36O3, mixture of salicylic acid substitutes with alkyl chains

Polyurethane adhesives or surface coatings
Hexamethyl diisocyanate, HMDI, irritants
Toluene is a curing agent for epoxy resin adhesives, surface coating, irritant
Triethylenetetramine, TET, curing agent for epoxy resin adhesive, surface coating, irritant
Xylene, C8H10, C6H4(C2H6, C6H4(CH3)2, curing agent for epoxy resin adhesives, surface coating, paint thinner, irritant
Alkyd resin Epoxy resin polymers, thermoset plastics
2.4.11 Hazard labels
1.3 List of adhesives
Eucalyptus oil
Gelatin, gelatine, gels
7.0 Prepare microscopy stains and adhesives
3.3.5 Prepare casein plastic from milk
7.8.8 Prepare gelatine gel
3.3.12 Prepare urea-formaldehyde resin

Adipic acid
Adipic acid, CH2)4(COOH)2, HOOC(CH2)4COOH, HO2C(CH2)4CO2H, butanedicarboxylic acid, hexanedioic acid, pleasant, fruity flavour
In juice of beetroot Beta vulgaris and many plants, irritates eyes and throat, used as gelling food acidulant
Adipic acid, colourless needles (used to make nylon 6, 6 (Bri nylon), polyester resin, urethane foam.
E355 Adipic acid, food acid E355, used as a gelling adhesive
9.1.4 Dicarboxylic acids
3.3.7 Prepare nylon polymer

Adjugarin I, C24H34O7, diterpenoid, a butenolide, a clerodane, insect antifeedant, in Ajuga remota leaves
Adjugarin II, C22H32O6, diterpenoid, insect antifeedant, in Ajuga remota leaves

7.4.2 Aerobic
9.2.0 Aerobic Respiration, (Experiments)
8.3.6 Gram-negative anaerobic cocci
8.3.3 Gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci

Porous synthetic substance, "frozen smoke", aerosol, (fogs), e.g. metal oxide aerogels
7.8.15 Prepare sunbeam mists

Agar, agar agar, agar powder, nutrient agar (beef broth + agar), tablets, powder, jelly-like substance from red seaweed, nutrient agar, agar isinglass
Macassar gum, gelatinous substance, E406, from red algae
Phylum Rhodophyta, vegetable gum, thickener, emulsifier
Sold as "Agar agar seaweed powder" for home cooking, as "Agar, microbiology tested, plant culture tested, cell culture tested, powder", for laboratory experiments
16.1.12 Polysaccharide gums
1.0 Agar media and nutrient solutions, Prepare
7.8.11 Gels in the home kitchen, Prepare
11.5.5 Movement of ions, sodium sulfate solution Rotting banana and rotting grass

Agmatine, C5H14N4, primary amino compound, a guanidine
It is used to treat neuropathy, diabetes, and decreased kidney function.
It occurs in ragweed pollen, ergot fungi, mammalian brain, soya bean, sesame seeds, barley, Indian pea Lathyrus sativus
Sesame, (Sesamum indicum)

Air pollution
18.6.0, Air pollution, (Chemistry), List Acid rain, SOx, burning sulfur, compound
12.8.11 Acid rain and nitrogen oxides, NOx
16.4.5 Carbon monoxide, C≡O (note triple bond)
18.6.1 Catalytic converter in a motor vehicle
37.2.2 Composition of the atmosphere and greenhouse gases
31.1.14 Cottrell smoke precipitator
18.6.3 Danger of vehicle exhausts, tailpipe gases
37.1.3 Global warming and climate change
18.6.4 Indoor air pollution, formaldehyde pollution

Ajugasterone C
Ajugasterone C, C27H44O7, a steroid, a phytosterol, in Vitex madiensis root bark, insect moulting hormone
It occurs in Rough fingerleaf, (Vitex madiensis), Lamiaceae.

Ajugalactone, C29H40O8, phytosterol, steroid lactone, hydroxy steroid, phytoecdysteroid, insect moulting hormone, in Ajuga species
Bugle, (Ajuga reptans), Lamiaceae

Albumen, Albumin
Prepare egg recipes: 16.3.8
Alcohol test (Milk testing): 16.1.3H
Colloidal nature of egg white: 9.1.3
Luminol tests for blood, Cu, Fe, Cn- (serum albumin): 14.3.1
Fibrous proteins and globular proteins: 16.6.0 (See: 1.)
Pasteurization of milk: 19.2.10
Reproductive organs (chickens): 6.3, (See: 4.)
Tests for albumin and gelatine: 9.3.2
Tests for proteins: 9.4.0

1. Albumen is egg white, white of an egg, albumen flakes, albumen egg powder
2. Albumin is any protein soluble in water and can be coagulated by heat
3. Albumin soluble protein in blood serum, serum albumin in blood serum
Alphlactalbumin in milk, a globular protein
Albumin from bovine serum is sold as Bovine Serum Albumin, and Bovine Plasma Albumin (BSA)
Albumin from humans is sold as Albumin, Human, tested negative for HIV and HBSAG [surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBV)]

Alcohol, ethanol, ethyl alcohol, "alcohol", grain alcohol, C2H6O, CH3CH2OH, is used for histology tissue preparation and cytology procedures
Ethanol is a clear colorless liquid with a characteristic odour and pungent taste.
Alcohols, absolute alcohol, 95% alcohol, hospital alcohol, denatured alcohol
Alcohols, List of alcohols: 1.4
5.5.3 Alcohol abuse, ethanol
23.8.0 Alcohol lamp, Spirit burner
16.1.3H Alcohol test, (milk testing)
16.1.4H Alcohol alizarin test, (milk testing)
16.6.0 Alcohols, phenols, thiols
"Alcohol", Ethanol, ethyl alcohol, (Experiments)
15.2.11 Breath tests
4.3.15 Prepare alcohol using immobilized yeast cells

Aldehydes, alkanals, -CHO, R-CH=O, Prefix, formyl-, Suffix, -al
Aldehydes, List of aldehydes: 1.5
Amino-plastics: 3.8.5
Chloral, chloral hydrate:
Furfural, C5H4O2: Furfural
Glutaraldehyde: 2.11
Metaldehyde, C8H16O4: Metaldehyde
Aldehydes, alkanals:
Aldehydes, List of aldehydes, -CHO, suffix -al: 1.5
Oxidation of glucose, blue bottle experiment: 9.3.10a
Oxidation of methanol to methanal:
Prepare ethanal with potassium dichromate:
Prepare ethanal with potassium manganate (VII):
Prepare urea-formaldehyde resin: 3.3.12
Tests for aldehydes with Fehling's solution: 9.5.2
Tests for aldehydes, Tollens' test: 9.3.3

Alditols Alditols, polyhydric alcohols, mannitol, General formula, HOCH2[CH(OH)]nCH2OH
Mannitol, C6H14O6, CH2OH(CHOH)4CH2OH, from mannose or fructose, sugar in fungi and brown algae, food sweetener
Sold as D-Mannitol, Mannite, C6H14O6

Aliphatic, unsaturated carbon compounds
Unlike aromatic compounds, aliphatic compounds have an open-chain structure which may be:
1. Saturated (all single bonds, alkanes), CnH2n+2, e.g. methane (the simplest hydrocarbon), CH4
Methane, (Experiments)
2. Unsaturated (double bonds, alkenes), CnH2n, e.g. ethene, C2H4, H2C=CH2
16.4.5">16.4.5 Ethene. (ethylene), C2H4
3. Unsaturated (triple bonds, alkynes), CnH2n-2, e.g. ethyne (acetylene), C2H2
16.4.6, Ethyne, (acetylene), C2H2

Dihydroxy anthraquinone, C14H8O4, (1,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone), alizarin, Toxic, aluminium ion indicator
Alcohol alizarin test (Milk tests): 16.1.4
Alizarin yellow R, acid-base indicator
Prepare alizarin solution: 7.5
Prepare alizarin red S indicator solution: 7.6

Alkali (Arabic, al-kalī, calcined ashes)
An alkali is water-soluble base yielding a caustic solution, pH > 7
In the later eighteenth century, the word "alkali" referred to any potash needed for glass and soap manufacture
The "alkali" needed for making soap was formerly produced by burning wood charcoal or dried seaweed
12.1.0 Bases, alkalis
Acidity and alkalinity:
Alkali feldspars35.2.7, (See: Group 1.) (Geology)
Alkaline iodide, 500 g NaOH, 135 g NaI, 10 g NaN3 in 1 L of water, Toxic
Alkalis with zinc: 12.14.19
Alkaline battery: 33.6.13
Prepare alkalis: 5.4.3
Reactions of chlorine with alkalis, bleaching powder: 12.4.15
Storing alkalis, ammonia solution: 3.7.3
Tests for concrete alkalinity: 34.2.6

Alkannin, C16H16O5, napthoquinone derivative, E103 food colouring, but no longer approved, in Alkanna tinctoria, Dyer's alkanet as alkanet root extract

Alkyl group
Alkyl group, (an alkane less 1 hydrogen), e.g. methyl CH3-, ethyl C2H5- Alkyls are saturated hydrocarbons, e.g. methyl, ethyl
Alkyls, symbol R, name ends in -yl, named from alkanes by removing an H from the formula.
For example: methane CH4 becomes the alkyl called methyl CH3-
Alkyl groups are formed by removal of a hydrogen atom from an alkane
10.3.9 Distil crude oil and collect the fractions

Alkyd resin
Alkyd resin, any synthetic polyester resin prepared from a dicarboxylic acid, used in paints and adhesives
Adhesive and coating resins are made from glycerol and unsaturated organic acids
Rigid cross-linked polymers are formed when there are more than two functional groups on linear chain monomers
Alkyd resins: polybasic acid + polyhydric alcohol, e.g. phthalic anhydride + glycerol
They are used in paint enamels and making dentures
They are sold for temporary denture repair and teeth repair.

Allotropes of the same element may have different bonding structure and crystal structure and so have different properties.
Sulfur has 3 allotropes, rhombic or α sulfur, monoclinic or β sulfur, and plastic sulfur
Carbon has different bonding and crystal structure in the allotropes graphite and diamond
Graphite is slippery, because weak van der Waals' forces between the flat layers allow them to slide over each other
So graphite is used as a dry lubricant in machinery and in "lead" pencils
Diamond has very high melting point and is extremely hard, because of strong chemical bonds holding the carbon atoms into a rigid three-dimensional structure, a network solid with a tetrahedral arrangement, making it chemically unreactive
However, diamond is a poor conductor of electricity, because the electrons are held in relatively fixed positions around the carbon atoms
7.4.4 Allotropes, sulfur, carbon:
Brass, Bronze
7.2.1 Classify substances, pure substances, mixtures, solutions Elements, Actinium to Zirconium
5.1.12 Eutectic mixture
German silver
Gold alloys
11.2.9 Metallic bonds
Misch metal
Nichrome alloy, nichrome wire
5.5.15 Nitinol memory wire: Permalloy bar
7.5.0 Prepare forms of sulfur, allotropes of sulfur
34.8.7 Shape memory alloy, Nitinol
3.63 Shape memory alloy, Nitinol
Speculum metal, alloy of brass or copper with tin, polished to make telescope reflective surfaces or mirrors
Type metal alloy, (lead 50‒86%, antimony 11‒30% and tin 3‒20%), the alloy used to print the Gutenberg Bible by Johannes Gutenberg 1440, then still used for printing until mid 20th century

Allyl, CH2=CHCH2-, allyl resin
Allyl alcohol, C3H6O, CH2=CHCH2OH, (2-propen-1-ol), Highly toxic by all routes
Allyl alcohol, Solution < 3%, Not hazardous
Allyl bromide, CH2=CHCH2Br, 1-bromoprop-2-ene, 3-bromopropene, acrid smell, Toxic by all routes
Allyl chloride, CH2, CHCH2Cl, 3-chloropropene, (plastics production), Toxic by all routes
Allyl chloride, Solution < 0.1%, Not hazardous
Allyl disulfide, diallyl disulfide, C6H10S2, in distilled oil of garlic
Allyl isothiocyanate: 16.11.1
Allyl mercaptan: 16.9.1

Allyl methyl sulfide
Allyl methyl sulfide, CH2=CHCH2SCH3, methyl allyl sulfide, colourless liquid, strong odour
Occurs in garden onion, garlic:
Dimethyl allyl, Isohumulone, C21H30O5: 16.2.3

Aloesin, C19H22O9, aloesin, alocresin, glycoside, C-glycosylated chromone, inhibits tyrosinase so used as a natural product skin lightener
Khellin, Visammin, Amicardine, Methafrone, C14H12O5, a furochromone, organic heterotricyclic compound, herbal folk medicine, vasodilator
bronchodilator, anti-asthmatic agent, cardiovascular, used to treat angina pectoris, asthma It occurs in Barbados aloe, (Aloe vera), Asphodelaceae, and in Ammi visnaga, Umbelliferae.

Alstonine, C21C20N2O3, neoplasm inhibitor, in Alstonia constricta, in Rauwolfia hirsuta, in Vinca rosea

Alpha hydroxy acids: 16.3.1
Alpha, α-naphthol tests for carbohydrates, Molisch's test: 9.3.7
Alpha, α-naphthol, Naphthol:
Alpha, α-carotene, vitamin A: 9.6.1
Alpha-Hederin, saponin
Alpha radiation , α radiation

Amber, C12H20O, is a substance, a colour and a smell (See: Ezekiel 1/27, King James Bible).
Amber is a pure chroma colour, midway between yellow and orange colour, or gold and orange.
Copper feels colder than amber against the cheek, because copper is a better conductor of heat.
Droplet bottles, glass dropper with screw cap and plastic teat, 50 mL, amber, clear (amber colour).
Rosin is a solid amber residue made by the distillation of turpentine, using pine stumps.
Special fog lamps may have an amber coloured lens, but the coloured beam does not give more visibility or penetration than a white beam (amber colour).
Urine has a yellow-amber colour.
Amber, C12H20O, succinite.
35.3.8 Amber mineral, (Geology)
16.4.0 Oleoresins, balsams, "gums", Amber resin, (See: 4.)
17.2.2 Briggs-Rauscher oscillating reaction, clock reaction, (amber colour)
16.1.4 Butanedioic acid, spirit of amber
19.1.3 Perfumes and smells, Fragrances used in women's toiletries, (amber smell)
31.1.02 Triboelectric series, electrostatic series, ranking of insulators, (See: 21. Amber rod)
38.5.26 Traffic lights, (British traffic lights are red over amber over green)

Ambrettolic acid
Ambrettolic acid, C16H30O3, HO(CH2)8-CH=CH-(CH2)5COOH, in musk seed oil, cis and trans forms used in perfume industry

* 1-aminopropane, n-propyl amine, propylamine, C2H5CH2NH2, weak base, colourless volatile liquid
* 2-aminopropane, isopropylamine, propan-2-amne CH3)2CHNH2, hygroscopic colourless liquid, smell like ammonia, used to prepare pesticides

7.4.5 Amphoteric
12.1.5 Alkalis with amphoteric oxides and hydroxides
12.1.10 Aluminium oxide, amphoteric oxides
12.4.2 Dilute acids with amphoteric oxides
12.13.4 Oxides, acidic, basic, amphoteric, neutral and mixed oxides
16.6.0 Proteins are amphoteric, (See: 4.)

Antacids increase pH in stomach contents as medicines for reflux, e.g. sodium hydrogen carbonate, magnesium oxide
Aluminium hydroxide (1-water), bauxite (antacids) 500 g, E173 (food additive)
E552 Calcium silicate (anti-caking agent) (Antacid)
E341 Calcium phosphate (mineral salt) (Antacid, enamel polishing agent)
E504 Magnesium carbonate (mineral salt, anti-caking agent) (Antacid, laxative)
9.2.2 Reflux and heartburn
Sodium hydrogen carbonate, used in antacids

Anthraquinone, C14H8O2, C6H4(CO)2C6H4, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, (9,10-anthraquinone, anthracene-9,10 dione), light grey crystal or powder
It is a yellow crystalline solid, used to manufacture dyes for textile and pulp industries for paper making, (in plant pigments, cochineal, alizarin red).
It occurs as is a laxative in | Buckthorn, (Rhamnus cathartica), Rhamnaceae | Rhubarb, (Rheum rhabarbarum), Polygonaceae | and Senna, (Senna alexandrina), Fabaceae
It occurs in plant pigments, bird repellent, yellow colour of lichens.
Usually, "anthraquinone", refers to (9, 10-anthraquinone), also called (9, 10-dioxoanthracene)
Anthraquinone-2-sulfonate, sodium anthraquinone-2-sulfonate, harmful if ingested
See diagram, Anthraquinone
Anthraquinone derivatives occur in | Barbados aloe, (Aloe vera), Asphodelaceae | Buckthorn, (Rhamnus cathartica), Rhamnaceae | Rhubarb, (Rheum rhabarbarum), Polygonaceae | and Senna, (Senna alexandrina), Fabaceae
See diagram, Chrysophanol, Aloe emodin, Emodin, Physcion, Rhein
Anthraqinone glycosides, (aglycone from anthraquinone)
Alizarin, C14H8O4
Hypericin, C30H16O8
Physcion, C16H12O5
Anthraquinone derivatives
(1.) 1-nitroanthraquinone, C14H7NO4, (1-nitroanthracene-9, 10-dione)
(2.) 2-anthraquinone sulfonic acid, C14H8O5S
(3.) 1-8-dinitroanthraquinone, C14H6N2O6, waxoline violet
(4.) natural pigment, Acid Blue 43, C14H9N2NaO7S
Alizarine Light Blue, (sodium amino hydroxy anthracene sulfonate), wool dye
Vat Violet 1, C34H14Cl2O2, (many synonyms), gasoline blue colorant
Disperse Red 60, C20H13NO4, Samaron, Pink, deep red powder with white specks, fabric dye
Anthraquinone laxatives
It occurs in | Cascara, (Rhamnus purshiana), Rhamnaceae | Buckthorn, (Rhamnus species), Rhamnaceae | Rhubarb, (Rheum rhabarbarum), Polygonaceae | and Senna, (Senna alexandrina), Fabaceae.
Anthraquinone glucosides
Carminic acid, C22H20O13, anthraquinone glucoside
Prepare carmine stain: 7.13

Allantoin, C4H6N4O3, 5-Ureidohydantoin, glyoxyldiureide, an imidazolidine-2, 4-dione, vulnerary.
It is a product of uric acid oxidation, marker of oxidative stress, used for healing wounds, soothing, anti-irritating, skin irritations, anti-acne, clarifying lotion.
It is used in toothpaste, mouthwash, oral hygiene products, shampoos, lipsticks, cosmetic lotions, face creams.
It occurs in urine of most mammals and humans, and in comfrey. Symphytum officinale.

Aloe emodin
Aloe emodin, C15H10O5, has strong stimulant-laxative action, and is antitumour, genotoxic, mutagenic.
It occurs in aloe latex resin exudate from | Barbados aloe, (Aloe vera), Asphodelaceae | and in bark of | Buckthorn, (Rhamnus cathartica), Rhamnaceae |, and in | Rhubarb, (Rheum rhabarbarum), Polygonaceae|.
It also occurs in bark. and in green vegetables.
See diagram: Aloe-emodin, C15H10O5

Aloin, C21H22O9, anthaquinone glucoside, barbaloin, anthracycline, anthraquinone glycosyl, C-glucoside, bitter, yellow-brown.
It protects against tumours, toxic anticancer drugs, blood vessel development in tumours, and supports pigment formation.
The leaves used for wound healing, and inhibits blood vessel formation.
It occurs in Barbados aloe, (Aloe vera), Asphodelaceae).
Aloenin, C19H22O10, in Aloe arborescens, is a bitter glucoside.

Americium, Am
Americium, Table of the Elements
Americium, RSC
Americium, Am (America,) (said as: "amer-ee-sium"), radioactive actinide, Am 241 is an isotope in nuclear waste.
It is used in smoke detectors, because Americium ionizes atoms of air producing highly ionizing alpha particles. Ionization by radioactivity, smoke alarms

Amylose, C14H26O11, polysaccharide, alpha-D-glucose units bonded together by glycosidic bonds, about 20% of starch, resistant starch.
The linear macromolecules are converted into maltose, branched chains are converted into dextrin.
Starches have different granular sizes and enzyme digestibility depending on the amylopectin and amylose and how they are arranged in the starch granule.
See diagram Amylose
Tests for amylose and amylopectin: 9.3.4H

Amylopectin, C30H52O26, highly branched polymer of glucose, about 80% of starch, insoluble in water, formed of 2, 000 to 200, 000 glucose units
See diagram Amylopectin compound
Tests for amylose and amylopectin: 9.3.4H

1. Aluminon, C22H23N3O9, triammomium aurine tricarboxylate, triammonium salt of aurintricarboxylic acid (dye detects Al3+), Toxic if ingested
2. Organic reagent, "Aluminon", 0.1% aqueous solution
To 5 mL of slightly acidic solution add ammonium acetate solution, then reagent.
A red colour or precipitate indicates presence of aluminium.
Use Group III precipitate dissolved in dilute HCl Iron also gives positive test, so aluminium cannot be shown in its presence.
Chromium gives positive test, but may be removed by ammonia and ammonium.
3. Alizarin, 1,2-dihydroxyAnthraquinone, Toxic (aluminium ion indicator).

Amlodipine, C20H25ClN2O5, is a synthetic dihydropyridine and a calcium channel blocker with antihypertensive and antianginal properties.
It is a monochlorobenzene, an ethyl ester, a methyl ester and a primary amino compound
Amlodipine inhibits the influx of extracellular calcium ions into myocardial and peripheral vascular smooth muscle cells.
It prevents vascular and myocardial contraction.
It has a role as an antihypertensive agent, a calcium channel blocker and a vasodilator agent.
Amlodipine besilate, C26H31ClN2O8S, Amlodipine benzenesulfonate, second generation calcium channel blocker, used to treat hypertension and angina pectoris.

Ammonia, NH3
Ammonia with sulfuric acid:
Ammonium compounds:
Ammonium minerals, (Geology)
Prepare sunbeam mists: 7.8.15, ammonium chloride
Storing alkalis: 3.7.3, ammonia solution
Tests for ammonia: 3.5.0
Prepare ammonia and ammonium compounds: 3.7.0
Prepare ammonia solution: 5.4.4
QAC: 18.1.15 (quaternary ammonium compounds:
Reduce nitrate to ammonia:

Anisaldehyde, C8H8O2, 4-methoxybenzaldehyde, anisic aldehyde, irritant, insect repellent, in human urine.
It occurs in Brunneoporus juniperinus, and Decalepis hamiltonii.

Anisic acid
Anisic acid, C8H8O3, 4-methoxybenzoic acid, a phenolic acid, irritant.
It occurs in | Aniseed, Pimpinella anisum, Apiaceae | Rhododendron 'Mid winter', Rhododendron dauricum, Ericaceae | and Aconitum forrestii, Ranunculaceae| .

Antimony, Sb
Antimony, Table of the Elements
Antimony, RSC
Antimony, Sb (Greek anti monos not alone) (Latin stibium, "Sb"), stibium, antimony regulus, silver-white, brittle metalloid, powder, shot
It is used in plastics, textiles, rubber, adhesives, pigments, papers, and tropical parasite medicine.
Antimony occurs in coal and petroleum, but rarely as the metal, usually in hydrothermal veins combined with other elements, e.g. sulfur.
Alloys occurs in solder, sheet, pipe, bearing and type, blue white silvery metal with a gleaming surface (star antimony) or,
as a grey powder, (grey wolf), hence the name "anti monos" (against singleness), because it has two forms.
It burns in air, but has no reaction with water or dilute acids, attached by halogens and oxidizing acids, poor conductor of heat and electricity, It is used in alloys for cable covers, pewter and lead cell accumulator plates, donor impurity in silicon chips, radioactive isotopes to produce neutrons.
Antimony black is powdered antimony used to give plaster casts a metallic look.
Antimony and antimony salts are available from artists' suppliers.
Pewter, malleable alloy of mostly tin, + some copper, antimony, and bismuth
It was used in emetic medicine, but is toxic in excess.
It was in the black powder eye makeup, kohl, as used by Jezebel in the Bible (2 Kings 9: 30).
Naples yellow, antimony white and antimony black are all highly toxic cumulative poisons.
Yellow antimony lead paint is said to have been used on Nebuchadnezzar's "Hanging Gardens of Babylon".
Atomic number: 51, Relative atomic mass: 121.75, RD 6.68, MP = 630.5oC, BP = 1750oC.
Specific heat capacity: 210 J kg-1 K-1. Chemical changes, heat metals in chlorine, (See:2.) Lead-acid battery secondary cell, (See: 3. lead-antimony grid) Peltier effect, (See: 3.)
12.2.1 Reactions of antimony
35.2.65 Stibnite, Sb2S3, the most important mineral source of antimony, (Geology)
12.11.2a Tests for antimonates, borates, oxalates Tests for antimony Tests for metals with flame tests, (See: Antimony)
12.14.17 Zinc powder with iodine solution, (See: 3. Repeat with Antimony.)
Antimony compounds are high toxicity chemicals
Antimonic compounds (+5 oxidation state), e.g. antimony (V) chloride, SbCl5
Antimonous compounds (+3 oxidation state) e.g. antimony (III) chloride, SbCl3

Antimony (III) chloride
Antimony (III) chloride, SbCl3, antimonous chloride, antimony trichloride, butter of antimony, Harmful, Corrosive
Antimony is NOT recommended for use in junior secondary science classes
Antimony (III) fluoride, SbF3
Antimony (III) sulfide, SbS3, is added to some match heads to increase the vigour of burning
Antimony (III) oxide, antimony trioxide, senarmonite, velentinite
Antimony (V) chloride, antimonic chloride, antimony pentachloride, SbCl5
Antimonial lead, lead-antimony alloy, bouronite
Antimony bloom, Sb2O3, Valentinite, weathering product of antimony ores
Antimony oxysulfide, antimony red, vermilion
Antimony pentfluoride, SbF5 + acid, HF --> super acid mixture, pH -31
Antimony trisulfide, antimony black, white colour in fireworks
Hydrolysis of antimony chloride: 17.5.5
Potassium chlorate in pyrotechnic flash powders: 15.4.14 (Antimony trisulfide and chlorate)
Prepare iron (III) chloride, FeCl3: (See: 1. antimony chloride)
Separate to metals by reduction of metal oxides, charcoal blocks (ores): 10.10.0 (See 3. Warning!)

Antioxidants: See diagram
Antioxidants, vitamin E: 9.6.5
Antioxidants, food additives: 19.1.4
Clove oil, eugenol:
Free radicals and antioxidants: 9.6.7
Gallic acid:
Antioxidants occur in | Garlic, (Allium sativum var. sativum), Amaryllidaceae | and in | Creosote bush, Larrea tridentata, Zygophyllaceae |.

Ghee (Butter and butter oil)
Propyl gallate:
Rancidity of fats: 3.9.9
Sequestrants: 19.1.8
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): 9.6.3
Vitamin E: 9.6.5

Aldosterone, C21H28O5, is a hormone secreted by adrenal cortex to regulate electrolyte and water balance.
It increases the renal retention of sodium and the excretion of potassium.
It is a mineralocorticoid hormone produced by aldosterone synthase in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex.
It regulates the retention of sodium, the secretion of potassium, and water reabsorption, all of which may result increased blood pressure.
Aldosterone may cause coronary inflammation, cardiac hypertrophy, myocardial fibrosis, ventricular arrhythmias, and ischemic and necrotic lesions.

Angelic acid
Angelic acid, C5H8O2, 2-Methylisocrotonic acid, monocarboxylic unsaturated organic acid, corrosive, acid taste, pungent sour odour, former sedative
It crystallizes as colourless monoclinic prisms.
It occurs in Angelica, Angelica archangelica, Apiaceae.

Anthocyanins are water-soluble flavonoids in berries, grapes, apples, plums, cabbage, and most natural colorants.
Anthocyanins help to prevent cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.
Cyanidin, C15H11O6+, and delphinidin, malvidin, peonidin, petunidin, are the most common.
List of anthocyanins
| Aurantinidin | Aureusidin | Bracteatin | Butein.
| Cyanidin | Cyanin | Delphinidin | Isobutrin.
| Malvidin.
| Pelargonidin | Pelargonin | Peonidin | Petunidin, Pigment A |

Apigenin, C15H10O5, a flavone, antioxide, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor, inhibit melanoma growth, lower inflammation, inhibits growth of cancer cells.
It occurs in parsley, thyme, peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm, vervain, yarrow, Anthemis nobilis, iand Limonium axillare.
Yellow crystalline solid, aglycone of Apiin
Apigenin 6-C-glucoside, C21H20O10

Apigenin dimethylether
Apigenin dimethylether, C17H14O5, Apigenin (7,4'-dimethyl ether), a monohydroxyflavone.
It is generated by cyp2c9 and cyp2c19 enzymes in humans
See diagram 14.03, Apigenin dimethylether

Apigeninglucoside, C21H20O10, apigenin 6-C-glucoside, isovitexin, saponaretin, homovitexin, , flavone O-glycoside, a C-glycosyl compound.
It is a trihydroxyflavone, alpha-glucosidase, and irritant.
Apigenin 7-O-glucoside, C21H20O10, flavone Cosmolin
It occurs in Cosmos bipinnatus, nodulation signal to Rhizobium leguminosarum

Apocynin, C9H10O3, acetovanillone, aromatic methyl ketone, acetophenone.
It is a non-narcotic analgesic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, peripheral nervous system drug.
As a folk medicine, it is used to treat bronchial asthma and pulmonary diseases
It occurs in Canadian hemp root, (Dogbane), Apocynum cannabinum, Apocynaceae | Kutki (Nepal), Picrorhiza kurroa, Plantaginaceae | and in Orris, (Iris florentina), Iridaceae

Aqua regia
Aqua regia, "royal water", [1 part concentrated HNO3 + 3 parts concentrated HCl], [3, 1 (v/v) HCl/HNO3]
[Sold as, HNO3 70%, HCl >25%], dissolves gold so "king of metals" to form AuCl4, most other acids cannot attack gold so aqua regia is called "the acid test" of gold.
Aqua regia dissolves platinum to form H2PtCl6.
Aqua regia, "royal water", dissolves gold (3 vols concentrated HCl + 1 vol concentrated HNO3)

Aqueous solutions
The states of matter are solid (s), liquid (l), gas (g), aqueous solution (dissolved in water) (aq).
An aqueous solution is a solution in water.
In this document "solution" is always an aqueous solution unless otherwise specified.
So a sugar solution contains sugar dissolved in water, but a solution of liquid sucrose contains no water.

Arachidonic acid
Arachidonic acid, C20H32O2, unsaturated, essential long-chain fatty acid, in animal and human fat and organs, in phosphatides
It is formed from dietary linoleic aci, in biosynthesis reactions.

Arctigenin, C21H24O6, a lignan, antiviral, anticancer
It occurs in Arctium lappa, iand Saussurea heteromalla.

Arctiopicrin, C19H26O6, germacranolide, sesquiterpene lactone, bitter glycoside, antibacterial, in Arctium spp., in Centaurea melitensis

Arrhenius equation
Chemical form, k =Ae-Ea/(RT)
Where k = rate constant of chemical reaction, Ea = activation energy, energy per mole, T = absolute temperature, R = universal gas constant, A is the prefactor k is the number of collisions that cause a reaction per second.
The rate constantk of a given reaction is a function of temperature.
In general, starting from room temperature, reaction rate doubles for every 10oC rise in temperature.
Svante Arrhenius, Sweden, 1889, discovered that electrolytes conduct electricity, because they contain ions.
He was interested in the kinetics of chemical reactions.

Arginine, C6H14N4O2
Minimal agar medium: 1.11
Prepare MS agar solution: 1.12
Structure of DNA: 9.4.3
Tests for proteins, Sakaguchi's arginine test: 9.4.6
D,L-arginine (SIGMA No. A 4881), microbiology chemical
It occurs in cassava and egg yolks.

Argon, Ar
Argon, Table of the Elements
Argon, RSC
Argon, Ar (Greek argos idle, because this noble gas will not react with other substances)
Agon is a non-metal, inert, colourless, odourless, noble gas at room temperature and pressure, 0.93% of the air, extracted from liquid air.
Chemically inactive, no compounds, monatomic gaseous element, in incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, lasers, and welding.
Most abundant noble gas, 0.9% of atmosphere by volume.
The only neutral compound of argon is argon fluorohydride, HArF, but the compound collapses at very low temperature.
First "noble" gas, discovered by William Ramsay in 1894.
Argon means "lazy".
Atomic number: 18, Relative atomic mass: 39.948, RD 1.40 (87 K), MP= -189oC, BP = -186oC.
Specific heat capacity: 519 J kg-1 K-1.
Gas, Molecular weight, Density, (Table 1)
E 938 Packaging gas
It is hard to find a new chemistry joke, because all the best jokes Argon!

Arsenic, Ar
Arsenic, Table of the Elements
Arsenic, RSC
Chemicals Not permitted in schools, Australia: Arsenic compounds
12.3.0 Arsenic, Reactions of arsenic Heat substances with charcoal and fusion mixture, (See: 2.)
35.2.9 Minerals containing arsenic, (Geology)
12.11.3 Tests for arsenates
Tests for arsenic: Heat with charcoal, light blue flame test if moistened with hydrochloric acid.

Ascorbic acid
Ascorbic acid, C6H8O6, powder pillows, L-ascorbic acid tablets, vitamin C
Dipsticks to test the ascorbic acid, content of food: 19.1.10
Tests for phosphate ions in water: 18.4.1, (Add crystals of L-ascorbic acid)
Tests for carbohydrates, Molisch's test: 9.3.7
Tests for vitamin C, DCPIP: 9.3.21

Asbestos, hydrous magnesium silicate, asbestos fibre, mineral wool: 35.20.3, (Geology)
Asbestos, Crocidolite asbestos and blue asbestos, Not permitted in schools
Asbestos, store demonstration asbestos specimens in sealed containers, or embedded in plastic
Asbestos, 5% platinized, platinized asbestos
Asbestos, (Greek amiantos undefiled, i.e. not burnt in a fire)

Asimicin, C37H66O7, annonin VI, Rolliniastatin, Bullatacin, Squamocin, polyketide
It occurs in alcoholic beverages, in biriba Rollinia mucosa, in sugar apple Annona squamosa, in custard apple Annona reticulata

Aspartic acid
Aspartic acid, C4H7NO4, L-Aspartic acid (S)-(+)-aminosuccinic acid (S)-aminobutanedioic acid
Aspartic acid L-, HOOC-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH, (2-aminopentanedioic acid), glutamic acid, L-aspartic acid
Aspartic acid (Table of amino acids)
Aspartic acid, DNA codons
Amino acids: 16.1.0, (See: Type 4.)
Separate amino acids with paper chromatography: 10.2.6
Leucine, (See: Solution a3

Asphalt can refer to natural bituminous pitch, e.g. the Trinidad Pitch Lake, or,
the fraction of crude oil produced by distillation, or,
the "hot mix" mixture of aggregate and bitumen used to surface roads, paths and school playgrounds.
The residue of petroleum distillation is called asphalt, but also called "tar".
Asphalt, (bitumen tar, pitch), is black plastic solid from final residues after volatile substances are removed by fractional distillation of natural petroleum.
Asphalt is used for road construction and sealing roofs.
Asphalt splinters when smashed, but flows gradually.
Asphalt is a natural organic material, often occurring in tar pits, with a hydrocarbon base that softens with heat.
Asphalt has been used for thousands of years for basins, impermeable water ways, sealing roof shingles, and caulking wooden ships.
Bitumen is any naturally occurring asphalt or any black, viscous hydrocarbon mixture.
Bituminous coal burns with a bright smoky flame.
In the days of sail, British sailors were called "tars" or "jack tars", because they used tar to caulk the seams of ships or,
because they wore clothes made of tarpaulin combined with tar.
Bitumen foaming and bitumen decay: 24.1.6
Test for synthetic fibres: 4.3.0 (See: 4.3.15 Polyethylene, Burning test
Coal tar products, creosote: 16.14.1
Ethylbenzene, C8H10
Fractional distillation of crude oil: 16.8.0
Shear-thickening, stir-thickening, dilatant fluids, rheopectic fluids: 13.6.5 (See 2. Rheopectic fluids)
Solar ultraviolet radiation and skin cancer: 37.1.5 (See, Experiment: Measure the...)
Sulfonated asphalt is an oil drilling additive.

Atoms: 7.4.8
27.195, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, (AAA)
2.4.0, Atomic mass unit, (amu)
2.2.0, Atomic number and mass number
2.3.0, Atomic weight
Atomic absorption spectroscopy, AAA: 27.195
Atomic mass, atomic weight: 5.3.2
11.2.3, Construct molecular models

Atorvastatin, C33H35FN2O5, synthetic lipid-lowering agent, inhibits hepatic hydroxymethyl-glutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA), lowers plasma cholesterol and lipoprotein levels.
Atorvastatin calcium trihydrate salt , [C33H34FN2O5.0.5Ca.1.5H2O]

17.3.5 Ethyl acetate with sodium hydroxide, autocatalytic hydrolysis
17.3.7 Oxalic acid with potassium manganate (VII), autocatalysis
17.3.9 Potassium bromate with propanedioic acid, double autocatalytic reaction, oscillating reaction

Aurantinidin, C15H11O6+, 6-Hydroxypelargonidin, is an hydroxyflavonoid, anthocyanin, water-soluble, red plant dye.
It occurs in Impatiens, and Alstroemeria

Aureusidin>, C15H10O6, an hydroxyaurone, anthocyanin
It occurs in Snapdragon, (Antirrhinum majus), Plantaginaceae.

Avenanthramide A
Avenanthramide A, C16H13NO5, [(Z)-N-Coumaroyl-5-hydroxyanthranilic acid]
It occurs in cereals, in oats (Avena sativa)
It is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-itch, antiatherogenic, oat kernel extracts used for skin care and sun care products

Azetidine-2-carboxylic acid
Azetidine-2-carboxylic acid, C4H7NO2, is an amino acid, an azetidinecarboxylic, corrosive, irritant, a plant non-protein amino acid, teratogenic agent.
It causes production of abnormal proteins with impaired biological activity.
It occurs in common beet, in lily-of-the-valley roots and leaves Convallaria majalis, (banned by FDA from food use in USA).

Azide compounds, (N3-), or (-N3), (-N=N+N-)
Azide compounds:
Azide, organic azide, R-N=N+N-, hydrazoic acid HN3
Azide (azido), N-N2-, monodentate ligand