School Science Lessons
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Biology, DH
| D. | E. | F. | G. | H.

Biology D
D names, (Damiana to Dysphania)
Damiana, (Turnera diffusa), Turneraceae
Dandelion, (Taraxacum officinale), Asteraceae
Dandelion, Osmotic pressure and suction potential in dandelion
Daphnia, water flea
Decompression, Henry's law and decompression sickness, "the bends"
Dehiscent, Dry dehiscent fruits
Dendrites, false fossils
Depo-Provera, contraceptive
Designer drugs synthetic drug abuse products
Desmid, Closterium, desmid, Chlorophyta Division
Diatoms, Phylum Bacillariophyta
Diatoms, Diatomaceous earth
Dialysis, Osmosis with dialysis tubing
Dialysis, Separate a colloid from a crystalloid by dialysis
Diaphragms and cervical caps, female contraception
Diarrhoea, Children with diarrhoea, ORS special drink
Diastase, Tests for diastase activity
Dicarboxylic acids
Dicotyledons (angiosperms), herbs, shrubs, trees
Diffusion, Colloids, diffusion
Dinoflagellates, Class Dinoflagellata
Dioecious, Monoecious, dioecious and hermaphrodite plants
Dipnoi, Subclass Dipnoi, lungfishes
Diptera, Order Diptera, Drosophila
Diptera, Order Diptera, mosquito
Disinfectants, antiseptics and antibiotics
Dispersal, Dispersal of pine seed by swelling movements
Dispersal, Dispersal of seeds and fruits
Drupe, coconut, mango, coffee
Disposal, Safety in school science, (Microbiology)
Dittany of Crete, (Origanum dictamnus), Lamiaceae
Diurnal variation, Body temperature, diurnal variation, sweat glands
Diversity, Biology classification
Division, vegetative propagation
DNA, Nucleosides, nucleic acids, DNA, RNA
Dogs, Care for dogs, (Primary)
Donovanosis, Klebsiella granulomatis, (STI)
Doping in sport
Down syndrome, (Human genetics)
Drosophila melanogaster
Drug abuse, Tranquillizers
Moringa oleifera, Indian horseradish tree, drumstick tree, Moringaceae.
Drupe, Succulent fruit, fleshy fruit
Dry dehiscent fruits
Dry indehiscent fruits
Dryopteris, Pteridophyta, ferns
Ducks, Duck Project
Duties of a teacher, (Safety)

Biology E
E names, (Ecballium to Eupatorium)
Ear and hearing, balance
EAR, Expired Air Resuscitation
Earth Science, Geology
Earthworms, Phylum Annelida, (annelids)
Echinoderms Phylum Echinodermata
Ecology. Communities and ecosystems
"Ecstasy", (drug abuse)
Edible oils, Composition of edible oils, (Table)
Prepare eggs for food
Elder tree, (Sambucus nigra), Adoxaceae
Elecampane, (Inula helenium), Asteraceae
Electrical safety
Electrocardiogram, Feel your pulse, (Experiments)
Electrolytes, Electrolytes (in blood, urine), (Experiments)
Elements in food, (Experiments)
Elodea Oxygen gas is formed during photosynthesis
Elodea, Photosynthesis in waterweeds, (Experiments)
Elodea, Plasmolysis in Elodea
Elsinoe, Elsinoe (anthracnose, leaf spot fungus)
Emergency contraceptive pills, ECPs
Endospermic and non-endospermic seed
Entamoeba coli
Entamoeba histolytica, (amoebic dysentery)
Environmental chemistry
Epazote, (Dysphania ambrosioides), Amaranthaceae
Ephedra, species
Epidermis, plant tissue
Epididymitis, Chlamydia, Neisseria
Epigeal germination
Epinephrine, (Adrenaline)
Epithelium, Human cheek cells
Equisetaceae, Equisetum arvense, Horsetails family
Essential oils, volatile oils, ethereal oils
Estradiol, C18H24O2, hormone
Estrogen, hormone
Ethanoic acid, (Experiments)
Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus species, Myrtaceae.
Eucalyptus oil
Eucaryota, Eucaryotes
Euglenoidea, Euglena
Eurotium, Phylum Ascomycota, (Experiments)
Evaporation, potato skin, apple peel, (Experiments)
Exalbuminous seed, broad bean, Vicia faba
Excretion of acids by roots
Exerciser, Deep breathing exerciser
Experimental procedures
Experiments, Biology experiments, artificial and concomitant variation
Experimental Investigations
Expired Air Resuscitation, EAR
Eyes and sight

Biology F
F names, (Fagopyrum to Funtumia)
Family names Plant family names
"False" fruit, pseudocarp, succulent fruit
Fats, fatty acids, (Experiments)
Feeling Touch and feeling, (Experiments)
Female reproduction system
Fermentation, (Experiments)
Ferns, Pteridophyta Division
Fertilization, (humans), Pregnancy, changes in the woman
Fertilization, (plants)
Fertilizers, Plant fertilizers, (Agriculture), (Experiments)
Fertilizing soil, Soil fertility, (Experiments)
Feverfew, (Tanacetum parthenium), Asteraceae
Filipendula species, Aspirin
Finger lengths, (Experiments)
Fingerprints, (Experiments)
Fire safety and fire equipment
First Aid, Chemicals safety
Fish Class Osteichthyes, (bony fish, ray-finned fish, "fish and chips")
Fish Class Chondrichthes, (cartilaginous fish, elasmobranchs, sharks)
Fish Class Agnatha, (jawless fish, lampreys)
Fish Class Sarcopterygii) (lobed-finned fish, coelacanths)
Fish Subclass Dipnoi (lungfishes)
Fixatives, Prepare biology fixatives, (Experiments)
Fixed oils, List of fixed oils
Fixed oils, non-volatile oils
Fixing solutions, Prepare insect-fixing solutions, (Experiments)
Flatworms, Dugesia, Planaria, (Phylum Platyhelminthes)
Flavour, Nose and smelling, taste
Fleshy fruits, Succulent fruits, "true" succulent fruits
Flowers, Anatomy
Flowers, Different flowers
Flowers, Fate of flower parts, floral organs, (Table)
Fluke diseases, trematode diseases, Class Trematoda, Phylum Platyhelminthes
Follicle, dry dehiscent fruit
Food crop families
Food chains, Forest food chains (Primary)
Food chains, Sea food chains (Primary)
Food preservation
Food tests, Tests for food
Frog, Life cycle of a frog
Fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster
FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone, C42H65N11O12S2, hormone.
Fucus, Fucus Family Fucaceae, Class Phaeophyceae, (brown algae)
Fume cupboards, fume hoods
Funaria, moss, Division Bryophyta
Fusarium, Phylum: Ascomycota (fungi)

Biology G
G names, (Gahnia to Gynura)
Galangal, (Alpinia galanga), Zingiberaceae
Galls, Nodules and galls
Gardening, Garden guides(Agriculture)
Garlic, (Allium sativum var. sativum), cultivated garlic
Garlic chives, (Allium tuberosum), Amaryllidaceae
Geranium, (Geranium species), Geraniaceae
Germanders, (Teucrium canadense), Lamiaceae
Gelatin, gelatine, gels
Genetic code, Heredity
Genetics, Heredity
Genital diseases, STIs, contact tracing
Geology, Earth Science
Geotropism, responses using a clinostat
Germ cell mutagenicity, (Safety)
Germ theory, Bacterial infections, Pasteur, Koch
Germination, Pollen germination
Germination, Seed germination
Ginger, (Zingiber officinale), Chinese ginger, Zingiberaceae
Ginger beer, "plant", (Experiment)
Ginger rhizome, (Experiment)
Ginkgophyta, Ginkgo biloba
Glaucophyta, Glaucophytes, Glaucocystis
Gluconobacter, Prepare wine from grape juice and vinegar
Glucose, (Experiments)
Glycaemic index, (GI)
Glycerol, (Experiments)
Glycogen, (Experiments)
Gnetophyta, Gnetophytes, Gnetum
Goats, Goat Project
Gonium, See diagrams: Colonial (coenobial) algae, Eudorina, Gonium, Pandorina, Volvox, (gif)
Gonorrhoea, urethral / vaginal discharge, "the clap"
Gooseberry, (Ribes uva-crispa), Grossulariaceae
Gotu kola, (Centella asiatica), Apiaceae
Grafting, (Agriculture)
Gram stain0, Bacteria,
Gram stain, Prepare gram stain
Grass family, Poaceae
Grasshopper, (Primary)
Grasshopper, Insect body, cockroach or grasshopper
Greek alphabet | Roman alphabet
Grey myrtle, (Heimia myrtifolia), Lythraceae
Growth, Plant growth (Experiments)
Growth hormone, (GH)
Groundnuts, (Arachis hypogaea), Peanut, Fabaceae
Groundnuts Separate by solvent extraction of oil from peanuts

Biology H
H names, (Helianthus to Hyssopus)
Haematococcus, (Sphaerella), Chlorophyta Division
Haeme, (heme), Haemoglobin, (hemoglobin)
Hair, (human hair)
Hallucinogenic drugs, hallucinogens
Hawthorn, (Crataegus monogyna), Rosaceae
Henna, (Lawsonia inermis), Lythraceae
Hay infusion culture, Succession in a pond community
Hazel flower, Corylus
Health, Hazards, Harmful substances
Health effects of chemicals
Hearing, Ear and hearing, balance
Heart, Respiration rate of humans, stethoscope
Heat energy from respiration of peas
Heat energy from respiration of bakers' yeast
Heat food with copper (II) oxide
Heat loss by the human body
Heat, Heat of combustion, bomb calorimeter, energy values of food
Height, Measure our height (Primary)
Hemichordates Phylum Hemichordata
Henry's law, Henry's law and decompression sickness, "the bends"
Herbal infusions, Prepare herbal infusions
Herbicides, weedicides
Heredity, Genetics
Heroin, (drug abuse)
Hermaphrodite, Monoecious, dioecious and hermaphrodite plants
Herpes, genital herpes, genital ulcers
Hesperidium, Succulent fruit, fleshy fruit
Heterotrophic angiosperms
hCG, (hCG), hormone
Hip, (plants), See down: Aggregate group syncarp, e.g. rose hip
Home, Household, home, kitchen items
Honey, honeybee
Hooke, Robert Hooke, Plant cork cells
Hormones, human hormones
Hormosira banksii, Neptune's necklace, Phylum Phaeophyta.
Hornworts, Anthocerotophyta
Horseradish, (Armoracia rusticana), Brassicaceae
Horsetails, Equisetum
Horticulture, (Agricultue)
Human body, anatomy, body, growth, metabolism
Human cheek cells
Human reproduction, Sexuality education
Humans, Class Mammalia (mammals)
Humus, (composting)
Hybrids, The First hybrid
Hydrangea, flower colour change, Soil acidity
Hydroponics, soil-less plant culture solutions
"Hyperactive", Food allergies and intolerances
Hyperventilation, Mountain sickness and hyperventilation
Hypogeal germination, broad bean, pea, wheat
Hyssop, (Hyssopus officinalis), Lamiaceae