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Commercial items, Anatomy to Taste.
School Science Lessons
Balance (MTA)
Batteries (MTA)
Bucket bucket and cylinder, Archimedes, (MTA)
Candles (MTA)
Happy Flame Candles (Happy Flame)
Coding E-blocks - Arduino starter, (MTA)
Forceps (MTA)
Gears (MTA)
Glue (MTA)
Interchangeable models, adapter (MTA)
Ballistics Ballistics cart (MTA)
Fall free fall apparatus (MTA)
Free Fall Tube guinea & feather experiment (MTA)
Friction (MTA)
Galvanometers Tangent Galvanometer (MTA)
Inclined plane (MTA)
Inclined plane cart (Hall's cart)
Laboratory Equipment & Safety (MTA).
Levers (MTA)
Mechanics (MTA)
Mechanical bath scale, tally counter, trundle wheel, (MTA)
Machines (MTA)
Manometer Sphygmomanometer (MTA)
Pascal's Law Pascal's vase (MTA)
Pascal's Law water level equilibrium
Energy meters (MTA)
Digital Meters (MTA)
Meters ammeters, calorimeters (MTA)
Portable meters (MTA)
Microwave (MTA)
Nuclear Physics (MTA)
Air Pressure Collapsible Can (MTA)
Pressure (MTA)
Bernoulli tube (MTA)
Bernoulli Tube (Increase speed/decrease pressure)
Hydraulic Press (MTA)
Magdeburg Hemispheres (MTA)
Propeller (MTA)
Pulleys (MTA)
Gloves Heat resistant, Latex, Nitrile (MTA)
Wheel and Axle (MTA)
Acids (MTA)
Amines (MTA)
Cellulose (MTA)
Cholesterol (MTA)
Ethylene (MTA)
Bases (MTA)
Calcium (MTA)
Carbon Dioxide (MTA)
Chemicals (MTA)
Danger Danger chemical storage signs (MTA)
Tartaric Acid AR (MTA)
Bags Ziploc bags (MTA)
Beehive Shelf porcelain (MTA)
Bench mats polymer (MTA)
Capillary Tubes borosilicate (MTA)
Capillary tubes 5 different diameters
Capillary Tube Apparatus Glass, with Stand, Set/5
Clamps (MTA)
Combustion Tube boat, deflagrating (MTA)
Containers sharps, jerry can, specimen container (MTA)
Cork corks, cork borer, sharpener (MTA)
Crucibles nickel, porcelain (MTA)
Cutters ( Modern Teaching Aids)
Deflagrating spoon (MTA)
Desiccators glass (MTA)
Dialysis tubing (MTA)
Dishes Petri dishes, weighing trays (MTA)
Dropping bottles droppers (MTA)
Drying tubes (MTA)
Evaporating basin evaporating dish (MTA)
Fat (MTA)
Foil aluminium, copper, lead, nickel, silver (MTA)
Gauze mats (MTA)
Glue (MTA)
Hammers geological, medical, resonance box hammer(MTA)
Jars bell jars, Coplin jars, gas jars (MTA)
Jugs (MTA)
Ketone (MTA)
Kipp's Apparatus (MTA)
Ketone test also glucose, protein, pH (MTA)
Lead Acetate AR, (MTAids)
Lighters matches, tapers (MTA)
Mortar & Pestle (MTA)
Oleic Acid (MTA)
Organic (MTA)
Biochemistry (MTA)
Petroleum Jelly White, LR (MTA)
Photosynthesis (MTA)
Pipeclay Triangle 50 mm (MTA)
Porcelain Ware (MTA)
Porous pots (MTA)
Protein (MTA)
Racks (MTA)
Periodic Table Charts, (MTA)
Reagents (MTA)
Retort stands retort clamps (MTA)
Solder, Soldering (MTA)
Spatulas (MTA)
Spotting plates (MTA)
Starch, (MTA)
Stearic acid (MTA)
Stirring rods (MTA)
Stoppers (Serratra)
Straws construction pack (MTA)
Sucrose (MTA)
Tongs (MTA)
Tripods (MTA)
Vitamin C ascorbic Acid (MTA)
Biology (MTA)
Botany (MTA)
Clinometer (MTA)
Dissection (MTA)
Ear and Hearing (MTA)
Environment charts, (MTA)
Quadrats (MTA)
Eye charts of eye, (MTA)
Eye Colour blindness, eye test book, (MTA)
Flowers (MTA)
Fruits (MTA)
Germination (MTA)
Glucose (MTA)
Glucose Test Strips, Urine Test (MTA)
Urine Test Strips (glucose), (MTA)
Anatomy human anatomy, blood, charts, (MTA)
Anatomy Tissues, (MTA)
Physiology charts, slides (MTA)
Cholesterol molecule model (MTA)
Urine Test Strips urine test for glucose (MTA)
Glucose Test Strips, Urine Test (MTA)
Genital Organs male, female, models, (MTA)
Digestion (MTA)
Bacteria (MTA)
Culture Tubes (MTA)
Fungi (MTA)
Inoculating loops / spreaders (MTA)
Pasteur pipette (MTA)
Virus (MTA)
Yeast (MTA)
Stereoscopic Microscope (MTA)
Microscopes (MTA)
Microscope Slides Microslides, (MTA)
SIOS Scientific Instrument and Optical Sales, (SIOS)
Potometer Ganong potometer, (MTA)
Protein (MTA)
Photosynthesis (MTA)
Respiratory System chart, microslide, models (MTA)
Seedsy Botany Greenhouse Kit, (MTA)
Seeds (MTA)
Sweat Glands slides, (MTA)
Taste (MTA)
Taste Test Strips, Control (MTA)
Taste Test Strips, Sodium Benzoate (MTA)
Taste Test Strips, Thiourea (MTA)